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Supreme Court upholds Obama's Healthcare plan
TheRealVille Wrote:Affordable Care act and socialism, which this bill really isn't but it sounds good to conservatives, are sin?
Republicans don't have "special interest groups" that they cater to?

You went to college and you didn't pick up on the fact that socialism was an abject failure in the Soviet Union and now is oppressing the people of Red China? Socialism preyed on and victimized the people of the Soviet Union and was directly responsible for their fall. Homogenizing the social structure of any society has the effect of nuetralizing the desire to succeed. I remember the stories on the nightly news showing empty shelves in soviet markets. Reagan rightly referred to the USSR as an "evil empire." I hope you're happy with the ER level health care you, and your family will be receiving as the direct result of the Affordable Care Act. But, getting to the point as to why free health care isn't a good thing. Man is supposed to work for his living, Genesis 3:19 (KJV)
In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.

It isn't that the basic notion of helping someone is bad, but the guarantee of cradle to grave entitlements is a fundamentally destructive policy. Eventually the welfare rolls will swell to the bursting point and, as in the case of our country, you'll be staring at a 20 trillion dollar national debt by the end of an Obama second term. So why do I say it's sin? We'll never be able to pay our debt as it is, much less the debt with the UNafordable Care Act added in. According to Wikipedia, our monetary base "consists of coins, paper money (both as bank vault cash and as currency circulating in the public), and commercial banks' reserves with the central bank." Currently the U.S. monetary base is sitting at somewhere around 2.7 trillion dollars. So if you went out and gathered all of that money up it would only make a small dent in our national debt. But afterwards, there would be no currency for anyone to use. These facts are indisputable, so what's the plan, we just stiff all our creditors some day?

As to whether or not republicans "cater" to anyone, you tell me. Who are the special interest groups the republicans are flooding with benefits and money in return for votes?
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Supreme Court upholds Obama's Healthcare plan - by TheRealThing - 07-01-2012, 11:57 PM

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