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Supreme Court upholds Obama's Healthcare plan
vector Wrote:WORST PRESIDENT IN HISTORY busted the unions
even if you worked non union you had the threat of
the unions that is what has happen to the middle
class wait till the rep party gets rid of all the unions
which they are working on right now now you got people
working alot longer because they have no pension or
medical insurance the middle class was alot better when
we had alot of union members

During the time period you're talking about America's industry was in full stride. We needed power plants, bridges, dams, the national interstate highway system, refineries, steel mills, supertankers, all kinds of vehicles and aircraft, banks, stores, hopitals, schools, housing, etc. etc. We needed adequately trained artisans to meet the construction demands of the day. Once the building spree caught up with demand, work tailed off due to lack of demand. Sometime after that, the dems started pointing fingers at republicans blaming them for the slow down. It was nobody's fault, of course, we just got temporarily caught up. Now, America is standing at a fork in the road. Much of our country's aging infrastructure needs repair or replacing.

The problem is the boom that followed the end of WWII is over, and the financing needed for upgrades has become a problem. Politicians have encouraged the developement of the largest welfare state in the history of mankind. Which, has caused the US Treasury to dwindle, as we passed out the billions in domestic and foreign aid. Domestically buyng votes, and off shore aid to influence the leaders of world powers, thusly buying our foreign friends. Buying votes at home and friends abroad, has placed the sacrifices American soldiers and citizens from the days of our founding fathers to present day, in extreme peril. The demand for infrastructual upgrade is here, but the funding is not. The liberal has bowed at the feet of the lazy, encouraging them to depend on government for life's needs, and economic growth has gone the way of the do-do. Another perennial power player among employers, the US Armed Services, are slashing personnel left and right, further adding to America's financial flounderings.

Ah, would that it were so simple. Darn that Ronald Reagan. He fired a few aircraft controllers who wanted to hold the whole nation hostage for their own selfish and unreasonable demands, and caused all of our present day problems. It's not a supply and demand issue, we just have not yet organized the entire nation into a union! If America unionizes into say, the 'everday man's national union', or maybe even the 'brown shirts union of America'. We could get Obama to sign a contract saying we don't have to do a thing from here on out, and the government can just send us all a big check to the house every week. The fed can keep printing money and we can all just sit back and spend it like there aint no tomorrow.
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Supreme Court upholds Obama's Healthcare plan - by TheRealThing - 07-07-2012, 08:00 PM

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