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Supreme Court upholds Obama's Healthcare plan
TheRealVille Wrote:^ How do you reconcile that the republicans try at every opportunity to do away with unions? It's a fact that you can't deny. It's pretty easy to not care now that you're retired, I guess.

Simple, some unions have pushed their demands for benefits too far. As I have said time after time, I am thoroughly pro union. I believe unions made an irreplaceable contribution to America all the way back to the days of the colonists. And I believe if America survives your hero's insanity, they will be called on to step up and do it again, and soon. The union professional at work, meeting the challenges presented by big time construction, is just as powerful an image to me as a heart surgeon plying his art, or a general commanding his troops.

ARTICLE---The union was created in 1881 by a convention of carpenters' unions led by Peter J. McGuire, who served as the General Secretary of the new union for its first twenty years and its only paid officer for much of its first decade. The Brotherhood was only one of several carpenters' unions at the time: the Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners, a British union, not only had a number of locals in the United States, but had formally affiliated with the AFL as well, while the United Order of American Carpenters, the Knights of Labor and local organizations of German and Irish carpenters defended their own claims to represent the carpenters in their areas. The Brotherhood slowly absorbed or eliminated these rivals, adding the word "United" to its name as a condition to its merger with the United Order.

As you can see, carpenters literally built this land and trace their roots all the way back to England. (I can't imagine why they didn't mention the fitters) It was only during the last few decades that union members, due partly to shortsighted leadeship, and partly to naive benefit expectations, have left the path. I never thought union labor was ever overpaid hourly but, the retirement packages associated with the UAW and government unions overreach. Some of those packages are unbelieveable. Free health care from retirement to death, and a king's ransom by way of monthly annuity. Although I feel the carpenter pension is adequate, IMO it is still down to earth enough so that it does not overreach. Being a union craftsman has been one on my fondest achievements. I was proud as a peacock of those stripped bibs when I started in the field back in the 60's. And the buildings I built, or supervised the construction of, are among the things of which I have been most honored to be a part.

However, when unions struck their unholy alliance with politicians, they shook hands with the devil. They need to stay on the horse that 'brung them'. Skilled labor mingled with character is what we barter with. The behind the scenes machinations such as those with the likes of Trumpka and Obama have stripped the nobility for which organized labor was once known, from the face of unionism. It's a shame and we need to put some distance between us and the District of Columbia. BTW, it's just one more example of vote buying by the dems. I am proud to say mine was never for sale. I vote my conscience.
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Supreme Court upholds Obama's Healthcare plan - by TheRealThing - 07-07-2012, 10:20 PM

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