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Supreme Court upholds Obama's Healthcare plan
Obama and his liberal minions wanted a single payer health care system were you, the taxpayer, paid healthcare providers directly through your contributions to your friendly federal government. They did not have the votes to get such a bill through Congress so they did the next best thing. Obamacare includes a tax for businesses who refuse to provide healthcare insurance for their employees.

The cost of the tax/penalty will be much less than the cost of providing coverage, so many businesses will drop coverage for some or all of their employees. It does not take a genius to figure that out and any liberal who tells you that this will not happen or that it is not an objective of Obamacare is lying to you...again.

Those of you who believed Obama when he said that under his scheme, nothing would change - that you would have the option to keep your current insurance and keep your doctor, hospital, etc. were played for chumps. Whether you fell for the lies of the liberals who are forcing this monstrosity down our throats or not, the quality of your medical insurance coverage will take a big hit, sooner or later, and private healthcare will become a thing of the past unless Obamacare is appealed.
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Supreme Court upholds Obama's Healthcare plan - by Hoot Gibson - 07-08-2012, 08:10 AM

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