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Supreme Court upholds Obama's Healthcare plan
More details about ObamaCare are being revealed day by day, now that the SCOTUS has upheld the law. According to Forbes, "The Congressional Budget Office estimates that the cheapest bronze plan in 2016 will cost between $12,000 and $12,500 per family." Like I've been saying, ER level health care that costs through the nose. How many folks on here can truly say they can afford better? BTW, the Obama sponsored plan is LOADED with exemptions for certain favored groups. No, the working class is no among them.

When Hillary Clinton was pushing her version of universal health care, Mr. Obama was busy running negative ads, in opposition to many of the plan's features. Calling out such things as being "forced" to buy something, and the provision for "penalizing" folks who do not for any reason purchase the insurance. Particularlly greivous to Barack at that time, was the collection feature built into plan which allowed the federal government to sieze assets from individual federal tax refunds, and the act of garnishing wages. All of which are integral in ObamaCare.

One of Mr Obama's most sincerely presented promises, were he to be elected president, was to "bring down the cost of health care insurance by $2,500.00 for every family by the end of my first term." I can't speak for others, but mine has actually gone up by that amount. And by the looks the article in Forbes, it will go much higher. And that is the so-called cheaper route Mr Obama has forced us all to take.

It really doesn't matter if he's doing this by design, or ineptness, if we don't get rid of him this fall, all of us are looking at tripling the cost to run our households. In the ultimate twist of irony. One out of hundred might survive the immediate effects of the realization of Mr O's socialistic dream. The rest of us however, will be among the 99% (sound familiar?) left out in the cold. We're getting ready to experience something here in this land that is unthinkable. Much of the money we normally use for entertainment or eating out, or maybe taking a two or three day trip for a little vacation, hunting or fishing, is going to be extorted away starting next year. Government mandated misery. I didn't vote for this nightmare, did anybody else on here? By the time the ravenges of these federal policies take effect, it will be too late, and we 99 percenters will have been stripped of the wealth we worked our whole lives to attain. We're getting ready to allow a community organizer from who knows where, take away everything America has stood for from the sacrifices of the founding fathers to the Gulf War. Better wake up folks! The only way out of this is to go with Romney. Nobody can concievably say they don't recognize what's coming. I don't skydive, but I know when I'm looking off a high cliff.
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Supreme Court upholds Obama's Healthcare plan - by TheRealThing - 07-10-2012, 03:22 PM

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