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Supreme Court upholds Obama's Healthcare plan
Nothing there mentions the Tea Party in a negative manner. Just highlighting the fact that the DPMA says they are non-partisan, when in fact that is not true. Unless you consider the Tea Party non-partisan, which it is not.

MY ANSWER---You might as well quit trying to dodge the negative connotation of your intent with this 'spin'. You were dissing the Doctor Patient Medical Association and to add spice you brought up their relationship with the Tea Party.

As for #2, Health insurance should have been mandated a long time ago. You can own and car or a house and never need the use of your insurance. Never be in a wreck, never get your house flooded or suffer damage from winds or w/e.

MY ANSWER---Wow! Is there really that much space between your synapse? I said you can't get financing for a car or a house without insurance. No bank will risk money of any sizeable amount without something called collateral and that collateral must be protected against the possiblity of loss.

The average cost of HC per person in this country is double what most of the world is, and 3 and 4x more than most.

MY ANSWER---This is complete bull, the info is avaiable on-line. Average cost per person in the US is somewhere around $175.00 - $200.00 dollars a month for people that get their health insurance through their employer.

What do we get for all of those expenses? shorter life span, and much higher rates of premature mortality.

MY ANSWER---Neither your doctor nor your insurance company can force folks to live a healthy lifestyle. Smoking, drinking, too little rest, over eating, too much sugar and too little vegies, stess, not getting exercise and on and on, are the factors which contribute to early mortality rates.

As for #3, your point makes no sense.

MY ANSWER---Only in your mind.

That's the HC system you are defending. This law isn't perfect, far from it, but it will be an improvement. If our legislators were worth a damn, they could fine tune this as it goes on. Our current health care system is unsustainable.

MY ANSWER---I worry about folks who wind up getting any health services you may have a hand in providing in a practical sense. None the less I will say this, I'm not defending the present health care system per se. At least not in the sense that some improvements could not be made. I am however, opposed to the new health care intitiative foisted upon the American public by 60 democratic senators who knew they were in the unique position to ram through legislation which was both liberally and socialistically concieved by hundreds of liberal, even faceless contibutors in some cases, of various organizations and conviction. 2700 pages of secular humanistic extrapolations, intended to level the social playing field, as envisioned by dreamers in liberal think tanks. And regardless of what you say. The entry level, bronze bracket health plans most Americans will have, this includes the working class and those who do not work or pay, will come intitially at a cost of $12-13,000.00 dollars a year per family. And it will only go up from there. that's based on a family of 4 and the cost per month per person works out to $260.00 each. That's an immediate 50% increase from present levels.

Why not just fix the health vehicle we have presently in a more conventional manner, rather than the over the cliff approach?
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Supreme Court upholds Obama's Healthcare plan - by TheRealThing - 07-11-2012, 02:52 PM

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