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Supreme Court upholds Obama's Healthcare plan
Beetle01 Wrote:Those people rallying in Pitt had no idea that an attack was pending either. The leaders in D.C. did.

Bob we will never agree, we are not the police of the Earth. If someone is going to get their hands on a nuke, it is going to happen whether we have troops all over the globe or not.

I am for eliminating threats. Much of which can be accomplished without hundreds of thousands of boots on the ground.

I am for striking Iran's nuclear facilities and their means to make war. This can easily be done without boots on the ground. Our ships can launch enough fire power from the sea to eliminate that threat. True, Iran has hardened many of their sites, but they can only hold up to so much punishment. A few days of constant barrages and they will be gone. Their bases and defense structures could be wiped out in a week. Iran is efficient in the ability to set off an EMP attack if they had the nuclear weapon to do it. That would be 100000000 times more devastating than an actual explosion in a city.

What happens then? Hopefully the Persian people rise up against their govt who brought this on them and kick them out of power. We eliminate a "potential" nuclear threat, and hopefully those people install their own form of govt. If that new form of govt in 30 yrs heads down the same path they are now, repeat and wash.

However, in reality I am truly more concerned of Pakistan's nukes. I believe if we are ever hit with a nuke by a terrorist, it will have come from Pakistan.

Nuclear weapons are game changers, and there is truly no way to 100% police them. We do what we can on the intelligence side of things and we have to hope for the best. That is really all we can do, no amount of armed forces is going to fully prevent that.

What worsens the threat even more is constantly being involved in things we have no business being involved in. We have weakened out global standing, bankrupted our country, and created 1000 times more enemies than we had pre 9/11

Yeah, we can just say "Put that bomb up!!" and that'll be all it takes.:eyeroll:

How about going in and getting a job done and getting out. We have that capability. Stop the bleeding heart poltically correct stunts that make things go on and on forever. You sound like all of the other left wing fruit loop liberals. You all live in your own little fantasy worlds.

BTW, It's crackpot stuff like ObozoCare and all of the other "get something for nothings" for the deadbeats that has destroyed the middle class and bunkrupted this country.

Created 1000 more enemies?? :pleaseBig Grinont you remember all of Obozo's apologies to everyone in the Muslim world for Americans liking hot dogs , apple pie, and Chevrolets?? Didn't you know we're all in good standing now? All those folks love us now, dont they?
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Supreme Court upholds Obama's Healthcare plan - by Bob Seger - 07-15-2012, 05:53 PM

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