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White House admits terror behind the slain embassador
TheRealThing Wrote:Sorry Vundy, will do.

It's fine man, just giving ya a heads up so you don't have to deal with that.
And I agree. Someone needs to be held accountable. We can't just allow people to kill American's, on our property and our damn Embassy, and not do anything about it.

Just goes to show how an election changes things. If the Presidential election wasn't so close, I think the President ad admin would have actually cared about getting to the bottom of his and not just write it off with the "shit happens" attitude.
vundy33 Wrote:And I agree. Someone needs to be held accountable. We can't just allow people to kill American's, on our property and our damn Embassy, and not do anything about it.

Just goes to show how an election changes things. If the Presidential election wasn't so close, I think the President ad admin would have actually cared about getting to the bottom of his and not just write it off with the "shit happens" attitude.

The letter pleading for help is a pretty damning indictment. And the administration's refusal to help is inexcusable. In another time, an incident rising to this level of incompetence would have cost the existing administration dearly. The level of contempt Carter suffered as the result of his botched attempt to rescue the hostages from Iran probably did as much to oust him as anything else. My question is where is the outrage? These were American citizens that totally got hung out to dry.
Yep...and Carter's decision was the right one I think, and he lost the Presidency for it! Why aren't people holding anyone accountable for this?!
vundy33 Wrote:Yep...and Carter's decision was the right one I think, and he lost the Presidency for it! Why aren't people holding anyone accountable for this?!

Finally we have begun t see the true nature of this atrocity coming to light on the news loop. I don't know what has gotten into Kirsten Powers of late. A staunch liberal, she had defended Obama and his legions, hammer and tong up until the last couple of months. I heard her say today that nobody in this administration ever believed the violence in Benghazi had anything to do with the video. The whole thing was a dodge or a tactic, to avoid voter consternation due to Obama and the Hill not protecting our foreign diplomats. She even said she was the only liberal 'not' engaged in lying to protect the president and Hillary. Needless to say I have gotten an enormous amount of newfound respect for Kirsten's somehow finding the courage to tell the truth.

I believe heads will roll on this one and I wouldn't be at all surprised if Obama looses a lot of votes. A retired general said today the level of deception coming out of this white house was unprecidented in all his years of service. "They lie about anything they choose to and when they get caught up in it, they just tell another lie, it's unbelievable"

It's amazing to watch Obama's campaign self destruct as the events unfold. I watched the debate and I saw Romney take Obama apart. If you're one of those who still has doubts about whether the dems will lie at the drop of a hat consider how absurd it is to now say that Romney lied during the whole debate. It's incredible that the DNC and democrat leaders have gotten to the point that they think voters are really that gullible. (Even though I know many are) And that fact underscores the manner in which they take the assumption that they can say anything, and the folks will believe it, for granted.

But getting back to the Benghazi deal. In just the same manner as when Chuck Schumer was caught in one of the now famous 'hot mic' expos'es when he was overheard saying the DNC had passed down instructions for democratic legislatiors to "always refer to the republicans as, right wing extremists", we now see the same tactic in use as our very own state department and the office of the president have conspired to present this hoax of a video caused violent outburst to the nation and to the world, as the truth. THEY KNEW BETTER, it was a lie from the get-go to cover their own incompetence so they wouldn't lose votes. In other words, sorry about your bad luck Ambassador Stevens, we got an election to win. Like I said before, Obama will say or do anything to get reelected. People who die are acceptable collateral damage, to these guys. As a matter of fact, it's hard to say how much grief, personal injury and property damage was caused by this administration's whole sale exposure and flame fanning going on as the result of their efforts to sell this idea that the video was at fault. Heck, the president himself was at the UN selling the idea to the the League of Nations! It would seem he has no respect for anybody, if one can believe his own eyes.
TheRealThing Wrote:Finally we have begun t see the true nature of this atrocity coming to light on the news loop. I don't know what has gotten into Kirsten Powers of late. A staunch liberal, she had defended Obama and his legions, hammer and tong up until the last couple of months. I heard her say today that nobody in this administration ever believed the violence in Benghazi had anything to do with the video. The whole thing was a dodge or a tactic, to avoid voter consternation due to Obama and the Hill not protecting our foreign diplomats. She even said she was the only liberal 'not' engaged in lying to protect the president and Hillary. Needless to say I have gotten an enormous amount of newfound respect for Kirsten's somehow finding the courage to tell the truth.

I believe heads will roll on this one and I wouldn't be at all surprised if Obama looses a lot of votes. A retired general said today the level of deception coming out of this white house was unprecidented in all his years of service. "They lie about anything they choose to and when they get caught up in it, they just tell another lie, it's unbelievable"

It's amazing to watch Obama's campaign self destruct as the events unfold. I watched the debate and I saw Romney take Obama apart. If you're one of those who still has doubts about whether the dems will lie at the drop of a hat consider how absurd it is to now say that Romney lied during the whole debate. It's incredible that the DNC and democrat leaders have gotten to the point that they think voters are really that gullible. (Even though I know many are) And that fact underscores the manner in which they take the assumption that they can say anything, and the folks will believe it, for granted.

But getting back to the Benghazi deal. In just the same manner as when Chuck Schumer was caught in one of the now famous 'hot mic' expos'es when he was overheard saying the DNC had passed down instructions for democratic legislatiors to "always refer to the republicans as, right wing extremists", we now see the same tactic in use as our very own state department and the office of the president have conspired to present this hoax of a video caused violent outburst to the nation and to the world, as the truth. THEY KNEW BETTER, it was a lie from the get-go to cover their own incompetence so they wouldn't lose votes. In other words, sorry about your bad luck Ambassador Stevens, we got an election to win. Like I said before, Obama will say or do anything to get reelected. People who die are acceptable collateral damage, to these guys. As a matter of fact, it's hard to say how much grief, personal injury and property damage was caused by this administration's whole sale exposure and flame fanning going on as the result of their efforts to sell this idea that the video was at fault. Heck, the president himself was at the UN selling the idea to the the League of Nations! It would seem he has no respect for anybody, if one can believe his own eyes.

I have been waiting all day for the MSM to report of this TRT. Diane Sawyer first reported it last night and other than those with an affiliation to Fox have been pretty quite for the most part.

People in the Watergate scandel went to jail just for bugging someone's office, and that president had to resign in disgrace for trying to cover it up. These people all have blood on their hands starting with the president on down to the secretary of state. IMO they should all have to spend the rest of their days in a prison somewhere with the key being thrown away. Perhaps they could all be cell mates at Obama's own personal new prison he purchased in Illinois.
Bob Seger Wrote:I have been waiting all day for the MSM to report of this TRT. Diane Sawyer first reported it last night and other than those with an affiliation to Fox have been pretty quite for the most part.

People in the Watergate scandel went to jail just for bugging someone's office, and that president had to resign in disgrace for trying to cover it up. These people all have blood on their hands starting with the president on down to the secretary of state. IMO they should all have to spend the rest of their days in a prison somewhere with the key being thrown away. Perhaps they could all be cell mates at Obama's own personal new prison he purchased in Illinois.

LOL, that would be poetic justice. What has happened to accountability Bob? The voracity of this adminstration is jaw dropping. They had to have lied because when Ms Lamb responded in some detail on the day following the murders in Benghazi, with regard to where she was on the night of the incidents there, she said that she had spent over 6 hours in an ongoing conversation with the now slain ambassador, and knew exactly what was happening 'on the ground'. Obama knew as he addressed the UN, Hillary knew when she made a statement to the American people and Susan Rice knew when she went on 5 Sunday news shows and spred the big cover story. Today, press secretary Jay Carney was trying to say the administration never tried to say it was the video that caused the violence, can you believe that?

Here is the question I have. You take some of these Obama die hards on here. Thankfully we have seen Wildcat get his eyes opened, but, as for the rest, they still support the liar-in-chief. It's like Vundy pointed out, Carter made the right decision to go in and get the hostages out of Iran and still got ousted because the attempt looked inept. What would it take to get people to see Obama in the light? I mean, Obama has spent a week talking about Big Bird (talk about stretching a point thin, this one is thinner than a gnat's butt stretched over a box car, LOL) . And by contrast all of the time he spent discussing Fast and Furious and Benghazi, wouldn't add up to fifteen minutes. But, you can bet he spent more time than that figuring out how to duck responsibility in either case and getting their stories straight.
I don't believe that Carter lost the election because of the botched rescue attempt. The fact that he had no Plan B and just sat helplessly in the White House for months definitely contributed to his loss. However, even if Carter had not cut the Shah off at the knees with his naive foreign policy, his pessimism and handling of the economy would still have been huge hurdles to clear.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I don't believe that Carter lost the election because of the botched rescue attempt. The fact that he had no Plan B and just sat helplessly in the White House for months definitely contributed to his loss. However, even if Carter had not cut the Shah off at the knees with his naive foreign policy, his pessimism and handling of the economy would still have been huge hurdles to clear.

Of course, there were many other reasons for Carter's loss, I should have clarified that. He did look bad as a result of the botched attempt, and he was never able to adequately rehabilitate his image. The point I was eluding to was that at the time, it seemed folks seened much more willing to hold the president responsible. I was just wondering if an awakening could occur as the result of the recent revelations of presidential distortions.

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