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What is happening to this country?
In New York City it is now illegal to but a soft drink over 16 ounces yet a 14 year old girl can get the morning after pill(abortion pill) at school.
When did I wake up in the bizarro world?

NEW YORK - The New York City Department of Education is making the morning-after-pill available to high school girls at 13 public schools.
The DOE says girls as young as 14 will be able to get the Plan B emergency contraception without parental consent.
Parents have been notified about the CATCH pilot program and how their daughters can opt out of it.

What is happening to this country?

Well, you could write pages and pages and still not be finished!

Bottom line is, the direction of America is misguided, in my opinion. Government has been forced into areas where it had NO business being, and more important issues have been either ignored or used for personal agenda.

More and more deadbeats are using the "system" so that working Americans are taxed to the point of breaking and no relief is in sight. Instead of refuting some of those ridiculously federally funded programs, the older workers are being forced to work longer. No early retirement anymore, and if you're lucky, you won't have any medical problems!! Because if you DO, then you're DONE.

Few people have the work ethic and pride that was taught to me by my parents. Those characteristics are few and far between anymore, and they were the building blocks of adulthood way back when I was being raised!
Granny Bear Wrote:What is happening to this country?

Well, you could write pages and pages and still not be finished!

Bottom line is, the direction of America is misguided, in my opinion. Government has been forced into areas where it had NO business being, and more important issues have been either ignored or used for personal agenda.

More and more deadbeats are using the "system" so that working Americans are taxed to the point of breaking and no relief is in sight. Instead of refuting some of those ridiculously federally funded programs, the older workers are being forced to work longer. No early retirement anymore, and if you're lucky, you won't have any medical problems!! Because if you DO, then you're DONE.
Few people have the work ethic and pride that was taught to me by my parents. Those characteristics are few and far between anymore, and they were the building blocks of adulthood way back when I was being raised!

I agree with you. Now explain to me how the majority of Americans being polled right now, say they trust Obama more than Romney when it comes to financial leadership. It's like nky said, you wake up one morning and find yourself living in bizarro world. How can anybody that actually works and, especially those who work and have medical insurance, say they aren't bleeding out of their ears as the direct result of Obamanomics? I know insurance premiums are up across the board. Energy rates are through the roof. (As promised) Food prices are up significantly, everything is up. When W left office a gallon of gasoline was about $1.67. Now it's $3.79. I mean, do people really believe it's all George W Bush's fault?

The story of Romney's fiscal wizardry while governor of Mass needs to be put out there more forcefully. He came in with a deficit of over 3 BILLION and left 4 years later with a $720 million dollar surplus in the general fund and over 2 billion in the state's 'rainy day' fund. Not to mention, he left behind an actual working model of state run health care. Obama has run through 6 trillion in the same period, and by all accounts we would owe something north of 22 triliion by the end of his second term and, his health care debacle doesn't work. Are folks really so naive they think America can survive 4 more years of the nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue?
TheRealThing Wrote:I agree with you. Now explain to me how the majority of Americans being polled right now, say they trust Obama more than Romney when it comes to financial leadership. It's like nky said, you wake up one morning and find yourself living in bizarro world. How can anybody that actually works and, especially those who work and have medical insurance, say they aren't bleeding out of their ears as the direct result of Obamanomics? I know insurance premiums are up across the board. Energy rates are through the roof. (As promised) Food prices are up significantly, everything is up. When W left office a gallon of gasoline was about $1.67. Now it's $3.79. I mean, do people really believe it's all George W Bush's fault?

The story of Romney's fiscal wizardry while governor of Mass needs to be put out there more forcefully. He came in with a deficit of over 3 BILLION and left 4 years later with a $720 million dollar surplus in the general fund and over 2 billion in the state's 'rainy day' fund. Not to mention, he left behind an actual working model of state run health care. Obama has run through 6 trillion in the same period, and by all accounts we would owe something north of 22 triliion by the end of his second term and, his health care debacle doesn't work. Are folks really so naive they think America can survive 4 more years of the nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue?
He's blaming President Bush for the deficit
TheRealThing Wrote:I agree with you. Now explain to me how the majority of Americans being polled right now, say they trust Obama more than Romney when it comes to financial leadership. It's like nky said, you wake up one morning and find yourself living in bizarro world. How can anybody that actually works and, especially those who work and have medical insurance, say they aren't bleeding out of their ears as the direct result of Obamanomics? I know insurance premiums are up across the board. Energy rates are through the roof. (As promised) Food prices are up significantly, everything is up. When W left office a gallon of gasoline was about $1.67. Now it's $3.79. I mean, do people really believe it's all George W Bush's fault?

The story of Romney's fiscal wizardry while governor of Mass needs to be put out there more forcefully. He came in with a deficit of over 3 BILLION and left 4 years later with a $720 million dollar surplus in the general fund and over 2 billion in the state's 'rainy day' fund. Not to mention, he left behind an actual working model of state run health care. Obama has run through 6 trillion in the same period, and by all accounts we would owe something north of 22 triliion by the end of his second term and, his health care debacle doesn't work. Are folks really so naive they think America can survive 4 more years of the nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue?
How much was it for many months before he left office, excluding the last 3 months before he left? You can sell that BS to the ones that already agree with you, but facts tell a very different story. Why would would even bring up "half truths"?

Maybe WC23 will honor us with the gas price chart from W's years in office? I can't seem to find it right now.
TheRealVille Wrote:How much was it for many months before he left office, excluding the last 3 months before he left? You can sell that BS to the ones that already agree with you, but facts tell a very different story. Why would would even bring up "half truths"?

Maybe WC23 will honor us with the gas price chart from W's years in office? I can't seem to find it right now.
I'll start with this. Since I traveled to Ann Arbor extensively during W's years, I remember gas prices quiet well.

Quote:“…under George W. Bush, the price of gasoline increased from $1.60 per gallon when he took office in January 2001 to $4.40 per gallon in July 2008, a jump of 275 percent.” – GOP Deceptions About Gas Prices (via azspot)
TheRealVille Wrote:How much was it for many months before he left office, excluding the last 3 months before he left? You can sell that BS to the ones that already agree with you, but facts tell a very different story. Why would would even bring up "half truths"?

Maybe WC23 will honor us with the gas price chart from W's years in office? I can't seem to find it right now.

You're notorious for believing only what you want to believe. I know gasoline prices spiked for a short time during W's tenure. Gas prices are a matter of record, charts not withstanding. Anybody can look them up. The facts are available on line. You can't defend the following;

(1) Obama said he would cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term.

(2) Obama said he would cut every family's health insurance premiums by $2,500 dollars a year during his first term.

(3) Obama, being the Keynsian loon he is, said his ARRA would turn this nation around and unemployment percentages would be somewhere under 8% as a direct result. Even saying that he was risking his chances to be reelected on the success of his predictons.

(4) Obama said, and promised, that taxes would not go up on folks making less than $250,000 a year. Then his administration sent lawyers to argue before the SCOTUS that ObamaCare was a tax. Now we find out anybody not buying the extraordinarily high health insurance resultant from the decision handed down by the court is toast. Folks making as little as $25,000 will be fined if they do not comply with the dictates of ObamaCare, and that fine will do nothing toward them actually getting insurance, that will be extra. So, now 6 million families will suffer the penalties, not the 4 million number advertised. Individual policies will cost around 4 thousand dollars a year (that's a 4 thousand dollar tax) and a family of 4 will pay somewhere around $15,000 dollars, (that's a 15 thousand dollar tax) No new taxes?

(5) Obama said he would end income taxes for seniors making less than $50,000 dollars. I guess he must think granting amnesty for illegals is a much more pressing matter cause that sure didn't happen yet.

(6) Obama said, oh heck, there is five pages of broken promises, I'll just give you a website---

Your boy is the one who blows the smoke. BTW, feel free to believe anything you want to about gas prices, I know what they were.
TheRealThing Wrote:You're notorious for believing only what you want to believe. I know gasoline prices spiked for a short time during W's tenure. Gas prices are a matter of record, charts not withstanding. Anybody can look them up. The facts are available on line. You can't defend the following;

(1) Obama said he would cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term.

(2) Obama said he would cut every family's health insurance premiums by $2,500 dollars a year during his first term.

(3) Obama, being the Keynsian loon he is, said his ARRA would turn this nation around and unemployment percentages would be somewhere under 8% as a direct result. Even saying that he was risking his chances to be reelected on the success of his predictons.

(4) Obama said, and promised, that taxes would not go up on folks making less than $250,000 a year. Then his administration sent lawyers to argue before the SCOTUS that ObamaCare was a tax. Now we find out anybody not buying the extraordinarily high health insurance resultant from the decision handed down by the court is toast. Folks making as little as $25,000 will be fined if they do not comply with the dictates of ObamaCare, and that fine will do nothing toward them actually getting insurance, that will be extra. So, now 6 million families will suffer the penalties, not the 4 million number advertised. Individual policies will cost around 4 thousand dollars a year (that's a 4 thousand dollar tax) and a family of 4 will pay somewhere around $15,000 dollars, (that's a 15 thousand dollar tax) No new taxes?

(5) Obama said he would end income taxes for seniors making less than $50,000 dollars. I guess he must think granting amnesty for illegals is a much more pressing matter cause that sure didn't happen yet.

(6) Obama said, oh heck, there is five pages of broken promises, I'll just give you a website---

Your boy is the one who blows the smoke. BTW, feel free to believe anything you want to about gas prices, I know what they were.
Bullshit. They raised steadily the whole time he was in office.
Look at any chart on the years he was in office.
If you know they were, then you are a liar, the facts are recored, and I drove though this period.

Quote:Rising gas prices used to be big news, but not so these days. Although the national average climbed to $3.56 on Feb. 20, setting a February record after going up nearly a month straight, there was far less coverage than in 2008. Broadcast networks repeatedly covered the rise under the Bush presidency. Gas prices bounced around eventually reaching $3.56-a-gallon on April 24, 2008.

The Business and Media Institute analyzed broadcast network news references to gas or fuel prices between Jan. 20 and Feb. 20, 2012 and from March 24 and April 24, 2008. BMI found that in the 2008 period there were more than 4 times as many gas prices stories, news briefs or news headlines on ABC, CBS and NBC as there were in 2012 (97 to 21).

Coverage during the time periods differed not only in quantity, but in tone as well. During Bush’s tenure, gas prices were a huge economic threat and cause of suffering. The networks also used the high gas prices to attack the administration. In 2012, the networks aired mostly matter-of-fact stories on the rising gas prices, and worried primarily that they would hinder the economic recovery, not that they are making people suffer.

Dismal broadcast network reports about “skyrocketing” gas prices filled the newscasts in 2008. There were reports about businesses closing, airlines struggling and truckers protesting -- all because of the high prices. One ABC report said families were facing the “tough choice” between food or fuel. Others said that “wallets were running on empty” and consumers were told over and over that there was no relief in sight. But by the end of November 2008, prices had collapsed to $1.82.

The networks weren’t simply reporting the painfully high gas prices in early 2008 though, in many cases they were exaggerating them. NBC’s “Today” focused on Redwood City, Calif. on March 6 where regular gasoline cost $3.99, according to the photograph NBC aired. The national average for gas that day was $3.19 a gallon. Ann Curry also failed to tell viewers that California has the highest state gasoline tax in the nation, a whopping 45.5 cents a gallon at that time.

On gasoline specifically, reporters have routinely showed photos of extreme pump prices despite lower national averages. The Business and Media Institute documented this trend in 2007, 2006 and 2005.

But now, in 2012, gas prices stories are very different. “[W]e’re seeing gas prices creep up every single week,” said one ABC reporter after delivering a positive economic report about the Dow Jones Industrial Average closing in on 13,000 for the first time since 2008. One CBS story just pointed out that if certain steps are taking against Iran, gas prices everywhere could move sharply higher.

Although the time periods BMI analyzed were the same length and ended with the same national average price for gasoline, due to price fluctuations they were not identical. In 2008, prices rose from $3.26 to $3.56 in the month we examined. In 2012, prices were already higher ($3.38 on Jan. 20).

Read more:
Feed your BS to your cronies all you want, I drove through it, at the tune of about 20K miles a year.
TheRealVille Wrote:Bullshit. They raised steadily the whole time he was in office.
Look at any chart on the years he was in office.

I couldn't care less about your chart. And like I said you can't deny Obama's broken promises.
TheRealThing Wrote:I couldn't care less about your chart. And like I said you can't deny Obama's broken promises.
Because you know you lied. I'm talking your gas price lie.
You, TRT are the epitome of why I detest most, not all, republicans, and 99% of the christian population. You are a blatant liar. Christianity comes far behind you politics. One could say that politics drives your christianity.
So the average price of gas wasn't $1.84 on Jan. 26, 2009? What does the price of gasoline between Jan 2001- Jan. 25, 2009 have to do with President Obama?
TheRealThing Wrote:I couldn't care less about your chart. And like I said you can't deny Obama's broken promises.


Facts, Facts, Facts.
TheRealVille Wrote:You, TRT are the epitome of why I detest most, not all, republicans, and 99% of the christian population. You are a blatant liar. Christianity comes far behind you politics. One could say that politics drives your christianity.

Gas prices fall below $1.87
Gasoline prices declined for the 70th consecutive day and are now 55% below the record high in mid-July.

NEW YORK ( -- Gasoline prices declined for the 70th straight day, falling below the $1.87 per gallon mark, according to a national survey of credit card swipes at gasoline stations.

The national average fell 1.7 cents, sinking to the lowest level since Jan. 27, 2005, according to motorist group AAA. Over the last 70 days gas prices have plummeted 52%.

Prices at the pump have dropped $1.223 per gallon from a year ago and are now down 55% from the record-high of $4.114 per gallon reached in mid-July.

A total of 38 states recorded prices below $2 a gallon, with the cheapest gas found in Missouri, where prices averaged $1.571 a gallon.

Alaska continued to have the highest price at $2.889 per gallon.

Everybody is a liar but you, right RV? You can't refute a single point I made in my post. That makes you mad and when you're mad you start with the name calling and insults. You better get a grip cause Obama is going to lose. Just like in the Wisconsin recall vote. If one believed the polls Walker was either tied or a few points behind Barrett right up until the polls opened. Then, Walker blew him out by a whopping 53% to 46%. The polls are biased and flawed, I'm looking forward to November 6th.
nky Wrote:So the average price of gas wasn't $1.84 on Jan. 26, 2009? What does the price of gasoline between Jan 2001- Jan. 25, 2009 have to do with President Obama?

I couldn't figure that out either.
TheRealVille Wrote:You, TRT are the epitome of why I detest most, not all, republicans, and 99% of the christian population. You are a blatant liar. Christianity comes far behind you politics. One could say that politics drives your christianity.

I find something to be very telling about you. You NEVER hesitate to call someone that debates/disagrees with you a liar. You seem to enjoy spewing the word. You also LOVE using "half truths" as a way of dodging. You cower when called out on your own false statements. All this, while you watch Obama and his cohorts specialize in lying and telling "half truths" on a daily basis, and you NEVER call him/them out.

I believe you have enough sense to have a civil debate, but you refuse to do so. What explanation do you have for this "hack" attitude? I just don't get it.
nky Wrote:[Image:]

:hilarious: Isn't that the truth?
If you wanna lower gas prices, dont drive.
Its the only sure thing that will get it back down.
nky Wrote:So the average price of gas wasn't $1.84 on Jan. 26, 2009? What does the price of gasoline between Jan 2001- Jan. 25, 2009 have to do with President Obama?
Check the price for many months before that date. They started to fall about 3 months before that. Record high gas prices happened during Bush's watch. The new resident twister tried to make it look like gas prices under Bush were very cheap, when in fact they were higher under Bush, except for the last 3-4 months of his Presidency.
TheRealThing Wrote:I couldn't figure that out either.
Be cause you try to make it look like we had it made with gas prices under Bush. We didn't. Gas prices didn't spike under Bush, they were very high for many months, up to a record high. One could say they "spiked" down though, just 3-4 months before he left office.
TheRealThing Wrote:Gas prices fall below $1.87
Gasoline prices declined for the 70th consecutive day and are now 55% below the record high in mid-July.

NEW YORK ( -- Gasoline prices declined for the 70th straight day, falling below the $1.87 per gallon mark, according to a national survey of credit card swipes at gasoline stations.

The national average fell 1.7 cents, sinking to the lowest level since Jan. 27, 2005, according to motorist group AAA. Over the last 70 days gas prices have plummeted 52%.

Prices at the pump have dropped $1.223 per gallon from a year ago and are now down 55% from the record-high of $4.114 per gallon reached in mid-July.

A total of 38 states recorded prices below $2 a gallon, with the cheapest gas found in Missouri, where prices averaged $1.571 a gallon.

Alaska continued to have the highest price at $2.889 per gallon.

Everybody is a liar but you, right RV? You can't refute a single point I made in my post. That makes you mad and when you're mad you start with the name calling and insults. You better get a grip cause Obama is going to lose. Just like in the Wisconsin recall vote. If one believed the polls Walker was either tied or a few points behind Barrett right up until the polls opened. Then, Walker blew him out by a whopping 53% to 46%. The polls are biased and flawed, I'm looking forward to November 6th.

Quote:When the price reached the record-high $4.114 a gallon set on July 17, gas prices had risen already 35% year-over-year.

Gas prices finally began to sink on Aug. 21, as the dollar strengthened and oil prices saw their biggest drop in 17 years.

Late August brought Hurricane Gustav threatening infrastructure in the Gulf of Mexico. The storm shut down nearly all crude oil production and 82% of natural gas production in the Gulf region. Soon after, Hurricane Ike loomed over Texas and gas prices shot up in September, reaching more than $5 per gallon in some parts of the country during the early part of the month.

On Sept. 16, gas prices started declined as crude prices began trending lower amid weakening demand.

Did you take the time to really read this article? It tells you what I tell you. Obama is pulling away in Ohio, and other crucial states. I just added another quote to add to my November election post.
Here's the deal Obama promised higher energy prices and that's one promise he has kept. I don't remember Bush promising to drive prices up, but my memory not what it use to be.
Our founders are rolling over in their graves!

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
TheRealVille Wrote:Check the price for many months before that date. They started to fall about 3 months before that. Record high gas prices happened during Bush's watch. The new resident twister tried to make it look like gas prices under Bush were very cheap, when in fact they were higher under Bush, except for the last 3-4 months of his Presidency.
What that have to with what President Obama has done since he's been in office?
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:If you wanna lower gas prices, dont drive.
Its the only sure thing that will get it back down.

You would think this would work but gas consumption has been declining but yet the prices are still high. IMO it should only be this high if the supply was lower than the demand, of which it is not.
TheRealVille Wrote:Did you take the time to really read this article? It tells you what I tell you. Obama is pulling away in Ohio, and other crucial states. I just added another quote to add to my November election post.

I guess this, (Gas prices fall below $1.87) must have gotten by you somehow? I use sources that are not right leaning when I choose.

All the premature victory laps sounds like the bragging and back slapping going on leading up to Scott Walker's recall election. Organized labor in Wisconsin was positive they had all but ousted Governor Walker in the final days of the recall effort. They were determined to prove to the world that their power was undeniable. Quoting poll numbers and having rallies nearly on a daily basis, confidence exuded from every pore. Well, we see the truth of it now that everything is over but the crying. They proved the opposite in fact is the real truth, their power is not undeniable and Scott Walker is still the governor of Wisconsin. At last count over $63.5 million dollars was wasted in Wisconsin trying to undo the 'will' of the people in the gubenatorial election of 2010. I'm not worried about today's poll numbers and Gov Kasich said only last night that his state is still so close, 1 point, that it's considered a toss-up.

Thursday, September 27, 2012
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows both President Obama and Mitt Romney attracting support from 46% of voters nationwide. Four percent (4%) prefer some other candidate, and four percent (4%) are undecided. See daily tracking history.

When “leaners” are included, it’s tied at 48% apiece. Leaners are those who are initially uncommitted to the two leading candidates but lean towards one of them when asked a follow-up question. Beginning October 1, Rasmussen Reports will be basing its daily updates solely upon the results including leaners.

In the 11 swing states, the president earns 46% of the vote, and Mitt Romney is supported by 46%. Four percent (4%) are not sure, and five percent (5%) are undecided. Rasmussen says in the critical states of Ohio, Florida and Virginia the president is up by 1%

The candidates have been tied or in a near tie every day but one for the past three weeks.

The point is, prices on everything from gas, to food, to health care is waaaay up since your hero took office. I make a post that outlines that fact and you jump on some minutiae and go on and on about it, while ignoring the bulk of the information involved. Of course, there is no defending him on these matters. If there was any way to spin it the DNC would already be on point with their rationale. Even the DNC knows when to shut up, recognizing there is no way blame Bush for Obama's broken promises. So, say gasoline wasn't somewhere under $2 dollars a gallon (which it was) in November of 2008, that wouldn't diminish the validity of what I put up. Gas prices during the days of the Bush administration not withstanding, Obama made dozens of promises and has made good on very few of them. Of those precious few he did manage to fulfill, we did get ObamaCare and we did get skyrocketing energy prices.
Gas prices with Bush were high, gas prices with Obama are high. Next question, lol.
LWC Wrote:Gas prices with Bush were high, gas prices with Obama are high. Next question, lol.

So, you're lining up on the side of the argument, which says even though Obama broke dozens and dozens of promises involving your tax dollars and other important issues, the common thread being gas prices are/were high under both administrations, that one point totally levels the playing field? At least Bush didn't nix the Canadian pipeline and pass a boatload of federal regulations which make it more and more difficult to explore and drill for oil which would alleviate some of America's energy woes. Remember the allegations with regard to high gas prices in 07 and 08 when dems accused Bush of being a Texas oil man, in bed with big oil? So using that logic I guess Obama now is in bed with big oil? Bush wasn't perfect but he didn't declare war on the coal industry. Obama himself admitted that the Bush national debt legacy for his 8 year term was 4 tillion dollars and declared that amount of added debt to be "unpatriotic", of course, I suppose it's just fine that Obama has added 6 trillion in less than one term?

I'm not seeing the parallels here. From Obama's first day in office till the end of what would be his second term the national debt will go from 10.4 trillion to something over 22 trillion in 8 years. For the sake of argument let's say W added 5 tillion to the debt. So, the total Bush deficit is 5 trillion vs the total Obama deficit which will be 12 trillion. Am I the only guy that thinks 12 trillion is worse than 5 trillion? When an administration's every move undermines the energy industry at some point wouldn't you say it might be prudent for voters to ask what is going on?

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