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What was funny about the last 4 years?
Say whatever you want about last night’s debate, there is one thing we can all agree on. Joe Biden sure was happy.

How happy was the vice president? He looked happier than Bill Clinton with a bottle of Viagra and an intern.

All night long, Mr. Biden was just grinning like a jackass eating some cactus.

Republican Paul Ryan was over there talking about the dangers of a nuclear-armed Iran. Mr. Biden smiled so wide, it looked like his dentures might pop loose.

Mr. Ryan started talking about the crushing, double-digit unemployment in Mr. Biden’s hometown of Scranton, Pa.

Mr. Biden just started grinning like a possum in a trashcan giving us alligator mouth.

Mr. Ryan studiously warned of the grave importance of getting “this debt and deficit under control to prevent a crisis.” Mr. Biden couldn’t mask the hilarity. He started chuckling audibly.

Then Mr. Ryan began painting a drastic picture of President Obama and Mr. Biden cutting $800 billion out of Medicare. Pure Biden sniggering.

Mr. Ryan warned how Mr. Obama and Mr. Biden want to throttle small businesses with a 44.8 percent tax rate, drawing shuddering laughter from the vice president.

At one point, Mr. Biden got so worked up he offered a joke of his own about “death panels” in Obamacare. It cracked himself up good.

When Mr. Ryan somberly pointed out that the Obama campaign had acknowledged distorting the Romney campaign’s tax plan, Mr. Biden blurted into laughter.

Read more: HURT: Biden cracks up at the vice presidential debate - Washington Times
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These are duplicated, sorry if that's a problem, but I had already posted these in another thread. Pretty much, it helps substantiate what you are stating.
What I think was funny about the last 4 years..

America voted for a half black half white guy that they thought knew what he was doing..

That's a comedy and a tragedy all in one.
I think the funniest thing about the past 4 years is that about 45% of the voting population haven't learned their lesson yet. I really don't know what they think Obama is going to do differently the next 4 years to fix things. He knows raising taxes is a bad thing for economic growth... He made that clear, and said exactly that. He also further tried to stimulate the economy by an unprecidented reach into the Social Security funding by employees and employers. He claims he's cut taxs some 20 times or so to create jobs. He's tried 4 years of record shattering deficit spending to spur the economy. He's got Bernake printing money at a level never seen before, or even imagined. He promised to cut the deficit in half. Lower gas prices. Lower healthcare costs. Slow the rise of the ocean. Lower unemployment. Lower education costs. Simplify the tax code. unite america. restore our standing overseas. close guantanomo. repeal the patriot act. the list goes on and on and on....... And today, 4 years later. Not a single one of the above have been accomplished. I understand that Obama was dealt a tough hand. But he's failed at fixing it. And he has no new ideas to get it under control.
Obama... He is a joke, that is what is funny about the past 4 years. Confusednicker:


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