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The case against Obama
What does he have to offer you in the next 4 years? Ask yourself that question.
Are you really better off today than four years ago? is the nation? If your income was 100,000 a year, but you spent 175,000 a year for 4 years in a row... are you better off? is it sustainable? Is a nation supposed to measure its success, its strength... by an increase of 15 million people on foodstamps? We now have 47 million on foodstamps. Does a recovery consist of 43 months of 8.0 plus unemployment? more entering the job market than finding jobs? more signing up on disability than finding work? Does a recovering economy have a slower rate of growth than a year before, which was lower than the year before that? Does a recovering economy have job creation that was lower this month, than the month before, which was lower than the month before that? Does a recovery have GDP growth that is lower than the inflation rate? Does a recovery involve a federal budget who's revenue for last year was lowering than 3 of the 4 last years of Bush? In Constant 2005 dollars, the revenue coming in to the government is stagnant! 1.9 trillion, 1.93 trillion 1.99 trillion (2009, 2010, 2011). Thats a lower average of any 3 year period since 1997! Federal spending as a percentage of the GDP has been higher during the past 4 years than any other time since WW2. Its 25% higher than during the VIETNAM WAR. This presidents budget predicts 500-750 billion deficits even after ending the war in afghanistan and allowing taxes to increase on the wealthy.

Ladies and Gentleman, we are technically in a recession once again. Inflation outpaces the rate of growth. Your money is being devalued rapidly by the printing of trillions of dollars since Obama has taken office. We were promised a messiah, but instead got a Marxist. We were promised a deficit half the size of when he took office. Today its nearly the same as 2009. 1.25 trillion this year, 1.4 trillion in 2009. This is a president who called George Bush unpatriotic for spending on a charge card, and then turned around and mortaged our entire future with deficits never seen before... over 1150% the amount of Dubya's 2007 budget deficit. This president promised to control energy costs, but has done nothing to create an enviorment of energy independence. His promise of lower energy costs was broken, as we now see fuel prices some 200% of what they were the day he took office, and approaching $6.00 in California. This is a president who said he'd end 'illegal detentions and give fair trials to terrorists', 'close guantanomo', and restore our nations standing by mending relationships with muslim countries.... and reset our relations with Russia. Those promises couldn't possibly have been broken worse. Today, Guantanomo is still open, military tribunals are still the judicial system terrorists get, ambassadors are being killed, embassy's are in flames with alqaeda flags flying over them, and in nearly every nation in north africa all the way to the borders of China and India.... protests calling for the death of America are taking place. My friends, death to America need not come by the hands of Islam... Death to America will come from the Oval Office, if this president is allowed to stay a day past Jan 20th 2013.

We were promised lower health costs, and given a bill for $2500 more. We were promised that no taxes would be imposed or hiked on the middle class, but we now know that Obamacare imposes up to 10 new taxes on middle class families. This is a president who argued before the supreme court (through his counsel), that Obamacare was NOT a tax on one day of proceedings, and the next argued that it WAS. Today he says its not, the supreme court says it is. This president told us that he'd lower education costs. Today, like everything else... its risen much faster than inflation, gdp growth, income, etc. This president set a precident unlike any other we've ever seen........ He ordered the killing of an American citizen without trial. This flies in the face of the UN charter on extrajudicial punishment, as well as American law. This is also a president who is currently officially endorsed fully by the Communist Party of America.

Is this what you consider success? Is this what a recovery looks like? is this what you want for 4 more years? He is on record as saying, "if this problem isn't fixed in 4 years, I'll be a one term president." He's also said that he doesn't deserve to be reelected if he doesn't fix the economy. I urge you, follow his advice.

I find no reason to support Obama. He has failed this nation and broken nearly every major promise he made. He has made our nation look weaker than ever before, and has failed in regards to foreign policy worse than even Jimmy Carter.

I urge you all.... If you can't vote for mitt Romney...please, vote against B. Hussein Obama.
Using the standard Kardashian set forth in the 2008 election, he should be fired. He has no positive achievements to run on so he must try to destroy his opponent. He is dangerous. He is incompetent. He is trashy. And I'm pointing out his finer traits.
I'm going to borrow a Karl Rove word here. There is such a plethora of damning reports, regarding the abject failures of this administration, the race for the presidency should be a foregone conclusion in Romney's favor. The fiscal cliff in sight, and within days of our nation's walk through history. Considering other notable national and global debacles from the ill named Arab Spring, which has since become the Arab Firebrand. Then there is the administration's policy of absolute rejection for responsibility of anything which may be viewed as a failure, (including getting blown out in the presidential debate, it was the altitude :pleaseSmile. Fast and Furious, forcing foreign diplomats to endure scenarios of certain death so that we may prove we are willing to lay down and let Muslim extremists murder us and then lying about everything, including their own statements regarding the matter even though they are a matter of public record. Destroying our feeling of unity as the American people with their divisive rhetoric day after day. Rejecting credit downgrades and chosing to walk in the footsteps of the Weimar Republic, repeating their failed economic policies of printing money to the point of rendering it worthless, and those recorded in the annals of our own national history taking our cues straight out of the FDR fiscal playbook, and staring at an economic freefall into oblivion as the result. The wealth of every man woman and child in this land is in peril.

Our military is facing debilitating cuts, (by the way, anybody care to hazard a guess as to what it will mean to our national defense when Obama has his reelection in the bag and he cuts his secret 'deal' with Russia?) our land is being held hostage by green czars heading up agencies such as the EPA, fossil fuels upon which our existence hinge, are being outlawed for use through more and more ridgid regulations. Book after book has been written by frantic folks trying to get the attention of the American voter before it's too late. Well, guess what? America has less than 3 1/2 weeks to wake up. I can't imagine what else Romney or anybody needs to say at this point. Saying we can't afford 4 more years of Obama is like saying Germany and Russia couldn't afford 4 more years of Hitler and Stalin.
i want romney to win now but we survived one term of obama im sure we will survive two
WideMiddle03 Wrote:i want romney to win now but we survived one term of obama im sure we will survive two

Well, I'll have to give you credit for getting your foot into the door of understanding. I don't think we could survive the second term and neither do many folks of understanding which surpass anything you or I can muster.
WideMiddle03 Wrote:i want romney to win now but we survived one term of obama im sure we will survive two

Don't count on it.
you guys are greatly exaggerating
WideMiddle03 Wrote:you guys are greatly exaggerating

Not at all. However, even if that were the case, it is better to be safe than to be sorry because, in this case, sorry could well be disasterous to our way of life.

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