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Constitutional Convention
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Here are a few amendments that I would support:

1. An amendment to ban all federal spending on political parties. If political parties want to select candidates through primary elections, then they should pay the entire cost of those elections. With the exception of the Speaker of the House, which is a constitutional position, all members of the US House of Representatives would receive the same budget for staffing and other office expenses. Ditto for US Senators. No perks for seniority such as office size would be legal.

2. An amendment explicitly giving states the right to define marriage and explicitly forbidding the federal government from forcing a state to recognize a marriage performed in another state. The amendment would also prohibit the federal government from meddling in state laws governing benefits granted to "partners."

3. I would also support eliminating the direct election of US Senators. States should be allowed to select senators however their citizens decide it should be done.

4. An amendment to allow each state to determine its own laws governing abortion.

5. An amendment to outlaw all federal and state "hate crime" laws and other laws that attempt to punish human thoughts by creating protected classes. The amendment would also prohibit stiffer punishments being codified for crimes committed against elected officials, police officers, etc. Crime is crime and every American is created equally and deserves equal protection of our laws, and nothing more.

6. An amendment that would phase in a requirement to balance the budget and eliminate the national debt.

7. An amendment to the commerce clause that would explicitly prohibit the federal government from using it where no interstate commerce is involved. If states want to legalize drug manufacture or cultivation for personal use, then the federal government should have no jurisdiction. Commerce means commerce and nothing more.

I especially like 3, 4 and 5.
SKINNYPIG Wrote:At one time I was feeling as if we would be in deep trouble if Obama won another term. I felt like the "moocher" class would run us to a hole in the ground. Not those genuinely in need, I'm talking about those that are able, but have no intention of ever providing for themselves or families...I believe there are millions of em. They overwhelmingly support Obama. Although I believe this country will be years recovering from an Obama second term, I do believe it is bigger than him.

There is a whole lot of talk about Romney and his plans, but very little about Obama's. Even though I don't fully understand Romney's economic/tax plan, I do believe he intends to broaden the tax base by having more people in the work force paying taxes. The best I can tell right now, Obama intends to tax the rich so government can have more to spend. Big contrast IMO.

Two things I consider to be serious cover ups, Fast and Furious and the debacle in libya, seem to go over Obama supporters heads. That is scary to me. I couldn't even consider voting for my father if he pulled these stunts and it's getting passed over...very confusing to me. It baffles me that it doesn't exclude him as an option.

[B]Based on the past four years, can you give me two examples of why ANYBODY should vote for Obama?

Based on the past four years, can you comfort me that Obama will not or cannot inflict pain on this country?[B]

obama is highly qualified, is getting us out of a hole dug by bush, and has been true to his word. he has created jobs. he hasn't inflicted any pain these first four years. a lot of his small struggles have been greatly exaggerated.
It would be easy to dismiss your latest post, WideMiddle03. However, the pain and struggles of our most innocent and most vulnerable, the preborn human being, should not be summarily dismissed. And, don't come on here and post that the preborn is not a separate human being. Science, the religion on many liberals, has conclusively proven you wrong.

So, go ahead and support what you unashamedly promote as "freedom of choice".. When you rid the issue of th BS, you are advocating the right of a woman to kill her offspring. Your boy will do everything he can to extend this atrocity. No doubt about that.
i dont support abortion i am pro-life
WideMiddle03 Wrote:i dont support abortion i am pro-life

Bull dung. If you were truly pro-life, you couldn't vote for Kardashian.
WideRight05 Wrote:Scary thing is, with an obama second term a convention to change everything in the constitution may be a reality.

Really now?
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Bull dung. If you were truly pro-life, you couldn't vote for Kardashian.

i'm not
He won't need a convention. He has advanced his un-American agenda through executive orders. He will just step up the pace. If he is reelected, the people deserve him. Fortunately, my family and I are in a position where he can really do us no harm. As for many others, they will reap what they sow. They won't be my worry.
WideMiddle03 Wrote:i'm not

I commend you.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Really now?

Really. We are going to see a more liberal, more "progressive," more socialist Obama should he be re-elected for a second term. What makes you think that he won't be, given everything you have seen on here and in the various studies you have done on this?

Also, if you haven't seen the video of him with the Russian leader, I suggest you take a look at it on Youtube.
ronald reagan Wrote:Soo.... you don't support a marriage amendment? or repeal of the 17th amendment? or even a balanced budget amendment? I would have thought otherwise.

Because these three things are not able to be interpretted by the Courts otherwise.

Direct Election of the Senate has been the worst thing this constitution has ever provided. And not having a balanced budget amendment has led us to being 16 trillion in debt.

We already have one in the first admendment! Marriage constitutes a religious defintion. I am for a Civil Union Law though!

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