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Senate budget
Some on here a while back kept saying the senate had pasted a budget, well they hadn't

Senate Budget panel approves first spending blueprint in three years
By Vicki Needham - 03/14/13 08:18 PM ET

The Senate Budget Committee on Thursday evening approved its first budget in three years and, as expected, the 12-10 vote came down right along party lines.*
The fiscal blueprint produced by Senate Budget Chairwoman Patty Murray (D-Wash.) makes modest cuts to the federal deficit over the next decade and contains $975 billion in tax increases by ending tax breaks for corporations and wealthier individuals.*

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^It is a budget that never balances or reduces the deficit, but does raise taxes, again. "The fiscal blueprint produced by Senate Budget Chairwoman Patty Murray (D-Wash.) makes modest cuts to the federal deficit over the next decade and contains $975 billion in tax increases by ending tax breaks for corporations and wealthier individuals."

A budget that extorts the profits of those who have money is not an example of budgeting. It is an example of forcing even more money from the productive segements of society. That money can then be given (redistributed, ala the tenets of the failed model of European socialism) to the non-productive segments of society in a vote buying scheme, emanating from the chambers of the US Senate which, is ultimately intended to further strengthen democrat political buttresses. Patty Murray supposedly wrote it so really what we're saying is it's straight from the Oval Office.
i wonder if that will cut back intitlements
WideMiddle03 Wrote:i wonder if that will cut back intitlements

No, they won't. They will stick with the horse that 'brung them'. The last time they got in a bind dems just doubled-down and it worked so well, Obama snatched victory out of the jaws of defeat.

Out of the purported 1.8T in savings associated with the senate version of the budget, more than half of that figure is again, HIGHER TAXES. The rest are just decreased, increases in spending. I wonder if any in the ranks of labor will wake up this time around? It's really incredible to think they are that incapable of lucid thought. Especially since they just got blind sided by a big tax increase this past January by the very guy that said he'd never do it but, that Romney would. I suppose we'll see if their deal with the devil will ever show any signs of unravelling. So in clarification, to a democrat spending cuts equal tax increases. Heck, if labor can swallow that one, no wonder the smart guys wind up in government.

I understand why the no-works, the illegal immigrants, the environmentalists, the baby killers, the gays, the animal and plant rights crowd, and the rest of the ship of fools that make up the crew and compliment of the democrat ship of state are there. Kind of like Satan's version of the Ark of safety. It's the labor folks I don't get. These get up every day and go out and do their jobs to get by. I mean, if I want to give blood, I voluntarily go to a red cross station or hospital facility where they do that. I guess that's the idea here. Labor likes to have their life's blood sucked away from them in the form of higher and higher taxes and therefore they like to stay close to the blood suckers. I've seen the willing bare their necks for vampires in the movies but, they were following a script, LOL.
Honest question. Why do the dems want to destroy the country?

I usually joke about most think politics, but i really do believe that there becoming more and more socialist everyday.

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