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N.Y. politicians arrested in mayoral race bribe scheme
A lot of the "liberal" media are reporting this, but all we hear from Fox are crickets. Is it because it involves one democrat and five republicans?

Quote:(Reuters) - A high-ranking Democratic New York State senator was arrested on Tuesday and charged with trying to buy a place on the Republican ticket in the city's next mayoral race, an effort that prosecutors said was part of a wide-ranging bribery scandal and reflected pervasive corruption in New York politics.

Five other politicians, all Republicans, were also arrested and charged with collectively accepting more than $100,000 in bribes in meetings in parked cars, hotel rooms and state offices, according to court papers.

Authorities described the scheme - potentially one of the biggest political scandals to hit New York in years - as an attempt to game the city's first wide-open mayoral election in more than a decade. New York will choose a new mayor in November, before Michael Bloomberg's third term comes wraps up at year's end.

The charges center on State Senator Malcolm Smith, a Democrat from Queens, who prosecutors said made payments to a city councilman to set up meetings with top New York Republicans to assist in getting him on the mayoral ballot.

Smith and the councilman, Daniel Halloran, a Republican from Queens, were among the six politicians arrested on Tuesday morning in connection to the bribery scandal.
or is that why the liberel media is reporting it :biglmao:
NY Repub=Democrat.
Dumb ass politicians do dumb ass things-both parties
TheRealVille Wrote:A lot of the "liberal" media are reporting this, but all we hear from Fox are crickets. Is it because it involves one democrat and five republicans?

faux still thanks Romney won
TheRealVille Wrote:A lot of the "liberal" media are reporting this, but all we hear from Fox are crickets. Is it because it involves one democrat and five republicans?

(Reuters) - A high-ranking Democratic New York State senator was arrested on Tuesday and charged with trying to buy a place on the Republican ticket in the city's mayoral race, in what prosecutors said was part of a bribery scandal that reflected pervasive corruption in New York politics.

Five other politicians, three Republicans and two Democrats

That's funny, I count three Dems and three repubs. Thought I would use your own source. You must have missed that one, huh? But, I can see how you could have tired of the article before you got all the way down into the 2nd paragraph. Confusednicker:

FOX has had it on all day.
TheRealThing Wrote:(Reuters) - A high-ranking Democratic New York State senator was arrested on Tuesday and charged with trying to buy a place on the Republican ticket in the city's mayoral race, in what prosecutors said was part of a bribery scandal that reflected pervasive corruption in New York politics.

Five other politicians, three Republicans and two Democrats

That's funny, I count three Dems and three repubs. Thought I would use your own source. You must have missed that one, huh? But, I can see how you could have tired of the article before you got all the way down into the 2nd paragraph. Confusednicker:

FOX has had it on all day.
When it first broke it was saying one democrat and five republicans. They must have updated it. You will notice I posted the link at 1:15 pm, and now the link says 7:25 pm. There was no Fox word of it when it first broke, btw. Did you click on the clickable Fox link in my op? It directs one to the articles that showed up on goggle news feed, which prompted me to search Fox but to no avail. Figure your stuff out before you accuse someone of overlooking stuff. These sites update all day long. Edit: Maybe you should have looked at my quote box in the op before accusing, moron.

(Reuters) - A high-ranking Democratic New York State senator was arrested on Tuesday and charged with trying to buy a place on the Republican ticket in the city's next mayoral race, an effort that prosecutors said was part of a wide-ranging bribery scandal and reflected pervasive corruption in New York politics.

Five other politicians, all Republicans, were also arrested and charged with collectively accepting more than $100,000 in bribes in meetings in parked cars, hotel rooms and state offices, according to court papers.

Authorities described the scheme - potentially one of the biggest political scandals to hit New York in years - as an attempt to game the city's first wide-open mayoral election in more than a decade. New York will choose a new mayor in November, before Michael Bloomberg's third term comes wraps up at year's end.

The charges center on State Senator Malcolm Smith, a Democrat from Queens, who prosecutors said made payments to a city councilman to set up meetings with top New York Republicans to assist in getting him on the mayoral ballot.

Smith and the councilman, Daniel Halloran, a Republican from Queens, were among the six politicians arrested on Tuesday morning in connection to the bribery scandal.

"By Edith Honan and Atossa Araxia Abrahamian
NEW YORK | Tue Apr 2, 2013 7:25pm EDT"
TheRealVille Wrote:When it first broke it was saying one democrat and five republicans. They must have updated it. You will notice I posted the link at 1: pm and now the link says 7:25 pm.

get a JOB :biglmao:
WideMiddle03 Wrote:get a JOB :biglmao:
I work when I want, lol.
Union member
Post # 7 shows that you mischaracterized me, TRT. It is plain to see that Reuters said 5 republicans in my op. Post # 7 shows your words to my op, and also shows my op. It's also plain to see that you cut out the "Reuters quote" part of my post when you quoted it. Did you read the quote box of my op?
TheRealVille Wrote:Post # 7 shows that you mischaracterized me, TRT. It is plain to see that Reuters said 5 republicans in my op. Post # 7 shows your words to my op, and also shows my op. It's also plain to see that you cut out the "Reuters quote" part of my post when you quoted it. Did you read the quote box of my op?

Well, whatever. This is your big gotcha? LOL You will notice that at the time I posted you hadn't updated your slam against republicans. And That was the thrust of your post was it not? You said conservatives were ducking the story because it was all republicans except for one dem (which was totally unlikely and was prompted me to check out the source for myself). Further you said categorically that FOX wasn't reporting on it and they were.

So, at the time I had every right to call you on it and I did. Maybe, if you didn't spend all your time trolling and trying to justify the liberal injustices committed daily, by digging up dirt and pointing out every last uh-oh you can find on a republican. I mean, is sticking up for what you believe that hard? You're whole argument is that the republicans are just as bad as the dems? They aren't of course.
TheRealThing Wrote:Well, whatever. This is your big gotcha? LOL You will notice that at the time I posted you hadn't updated your slam against republicans. And That was the thrust of your post was it not? You said conservatives were ducking the story because it was all republicans except for one dem (which was totally unlikely and was prompted me to check out the source for myself). Further you said categorically that FOX wasn't reporting on it and they were.

So, at the time I had every right to call you on it and I did. Maybe, if you didn't spend all your time trolling and trying to justify the liberal injustices committed daily, by digging up dirt and pointing out every last uh-oh you can find on a republican. I mean, is sticking up for what you believe that hard? You're whole argument is that the republicans are just as bad as the dems? They aren't of course.
At 9:30 something you had every right? I went on a bike ride, came home and went to bed. I didn't update, because I didn't get back on the computer. No, when you called me on it, my OP was obvious to what Reuters was reporting. Is this your way of dodging that you were wrong? Good deal. It is in black and white. You knew what you were doing, because you only quoted part of my OP.
Edit: Look at my Fox link in the op and you will see that they weren't reporting on it. You called me on it, knowing what Reuters was posting, when I posted it.
^ It just shows that you are the prick that you are, trying to hide behind the bible. You know, and your "god knows", what you were doing.
BREAKING: Sheriff pleads guilty to DUI
by Jack Latta
12:05 PM, Wednesday, April 03

Sheriff John K. Blackburn is listed among the inmates in the Pike County Detention Center
Floyd County Sheriff John K. Blackburn will serve a short jail sentence following his guilty plea Tuesday in Powell county to charges of driving under the influence.
According to court officials, Blackburn was to have reported to the Pike County Jail at 9:00 p.m. Tuesday evening for a four day stay following a guilty plea in Powell County District Court. Blackburn has also had his license suspended for 120 days. He will have a hearing on May 5 to apply for a hardship license.
Following his release from jail, Blackburn will also be required to complete 80 hours of Alcohol Drivers Education courses.
Blackburn, 62, of Prestonsburg, who currently serves as president of the Kentucky Sheriff’s Association, registered a .202 on a breathalyzer — nearly three times the legal limit — and was arrested in Powell County earlier this month, after other motorists reported that the Chevrolet Tahoe being driven by Blackburn was “driving recklessly.” According to officials with the Stanton Police Department, the Tahoe had an “official” license plate.
Blackburn complied with officers at the scene, and stated that he was returning from a casino and had consumed alcoholic beverages that day.

Read more: The Floyd County Times
TheRealVille Wrote:^ It just shows that you are the prick that you are, trying to hide behind the bible. You know, and your "god knows", what you were doing.

Oh, you are sooooo right! Hebrews 12:1 (KJV)
1 "Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,"

You having a major in the divinities know this I'm sure but, Romans 14:11 says,
11 "For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God." My question to you is, why wait till it won't help you?

So, I guess it never occurred to you that other people don't just sit on top of their computer either? I have a life too and when I got back from a little job I had to do today, I saw where you had busted me in a thread other than this one. And candidly, when I made my post earlier, I googled "New York mayoral race scandal" and one of the links that came up was the Reuters link, which I copied from. It was only then that I saw they same article's were exactly the same. I usually try to cross reference things like that.

Just because you got had by Reuters does not alter your intent, nor does it mean that I mischaracterized what you said. And FWIW, I didn't use your quote to crop anything from, as I said I looked it up myself.
This is a state and local bipartisan scandal that does not involved Kentucky RV was so eager to be first at bringing this important issue to our attention, he rushed to judgment based on an inaccurate Reuters story and blasted Fox News for not being quicker to report.

IMO, it is more important to be accurate than quick. RV and his source were quick.
TheRealVille Wrote:I work when I want, lol.

Democrat slogan.Confusednicker:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:This is a state and local bipartisan scandal that does not involved Kentucky RV was so eager to be first at bringing this important issue to our attention, he rushed to judgment based on an inaccurate Reuters story and blasted Fox News for not being quicker to report.

IMO, it is more important to be accurate than quick. RV and his source were quick.
I posted it when I saw it. You don't ever do that?
TheRealThing Wrote:Oh, you are sooooo right! Hebrews 12:1 (KJV)
1 "Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,"

You having a major in the divinities know this I'm sure but, Romans 14:11 says,
11 "For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God." My question to you is, why wait till it won't help you?

So, I guess it never occurred to you that other people don't just sit on top of their computer either? I have a life too and when I got back from a little job I had to do today, I saw where you had busted me in a thread other than this one. And candidly, when I made my post earlier, I googled "New York mayoral race scandal" and one of the links that came up was the Reuters link, which I copied from. It was only then that I saw they same article's were exactly the same. I usually try to cross reference things like that.

Just because you got had by Reuters does not alter your intent, nor does it mean that I mischaracterized what you said. And FWIW, I didn't use your quote to crop anything from, as I said I looked it up myself.
Maybe you should have looked at my quote box before you tried to make it look like I was too lazy to read down to the 2nd paragraph. You also accused me of not updating my link. Do you go back and update every link you post everytime the link updates.

Bold: That book has to be true before what you say will happen, would happen. It's not. I have no fear of what lies before me with your god.

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