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The Fastest Way to Fix Our Country
Change the voting laws.

Only those who pay taxes and own property should be allowed to vote, one exception is allowing those who have resided in a rental property of at least 6 months, but also pay taxes. Obviously in some metro areas, it is more reasonable to rent somewhere downtown than own.
Beetle01 Wrote:Change the voting laws.

Only those who pay taxes and own property should be allowed to vote, one exception is allowing those who have resided in a rental property of at least 6 months, but also pay taxes. Obviously in some metro areas, it is more reasonable to rent somewhere downtown than own.

Oh that this could ever come to pass. I will support it and I would help to finance it. You get it going, and I'll be with you all the way! :Clap:
How bought expand that to include those who have a job, or can prove actively seeking a job.
Im all for it.
Let me know where i sign.
PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:How bought expand that to include those who have a job, or can prove actively seeking a job.

I understand what you're saying but, at the same time I see the wisdom of the concept. Homeowners are bill payers and taxpayers and therefore really do have 'skin in the game'. This idea of letting any body just roll in off the street and vote, no ID, no verifiable address, no nothing, is just not acceptable. The whole idea is patently dishonest and nets only one party any votes, that being those perceived Godfathers of entitlements, the democrats.

Allowing Eric Holder autonomous discretion of which voter laws to enforce and which ones to wink at, has got to stop. We're talking about surrendering control of government to people who contribute nada to this country. Some of them are not even here under legal circumstances. I have no doubt upwards of millions of illegal immigrants voted in the last presidential election. But, folks just seem to want to shrug their shoulders and sit on their hands.

Even with new voter ID laws, America's political fortunes still depend on the honesty and integrity of poll workers. Every last voter should be required to preregister, possibly receiving a National Voter ID in the process. There are ways to validate the legitimately unemployed, gainfully employed renters (no HUD recipients) and our nation's youth, I suppose they could vote as a dependent until they are 26 or so. If the names of would be voters do not appear on the voter rosters that all polls are issued, they don't vote. And, before the disenfranchisement hawks start flapping their wings, I heard barely a whimper (and nothing at all from the dems) with regard to the millions of disenfranchised active service men and women in the past election. Further, the few who do get disenfranchised under this arrangement will take the time to make it right for the next election.

I have always thought there was a significant difference between an America which is a "melting pot" and an America which is going in the crapper. :biggrin:
Beetle01 Wrote:Change the voting laws.

Only those who pay taxes and own property should be allowed to vote, one exception is allowing those who have resided in a rental property of at least 6 months, but also pay taxes. Obviously in some metro areas, it is more reasonable to rent somewhere downtown than own.

I would also go for this ideal then ky and wv would be BLUE states
This is ridiculous.
vundy33 Wrote:This is ridiculous.

Really? How so?
TheRealThing Wrote:Really? How so?
Because every citizen of America should have a right to vote. As far as constitutional rights go, workers have no more voting say than non workers. You see, this is why the conservative party is struggling, they think like this. BTW, I'd bet Vundy would say he fought for all citizens. Even the leaders of the party see that they are struggling, and the tea partiers are one reason the party is sinking. You speak of 2014? The party leaders are saying if the republicans don't get their act together, they will lose a bunch in 2014.
It's ridiculous because under that, I wouldn't even be aloud to vote. I pay taxes but do not own property. I think I've more than earned my right to vote without being a property owner.
And every citizen should have the right to vote. This isn't 1855. It's worked for us for years, and will continue to do so even when we elect officials that don't improve our country.
TheRealThing Wrote:Really? How so?

this is why I like the tea party so much :biglmao:
vector Wrote:this is why I like the tea party so much :biglmao:
[Image:] Vector at the tea party
TheRealVille Wrote:Because every citizen of America should have a right to vote. As far as constitutional rights go, workers have no more voting say than non workers. You see, this is why the conservative party is struggling, they think like this. BTW, I'd bet Vundy would say he fought for all citizens. Even the leaders of the party see that they are struggling, and the tea partiers are one reason the party is sinking. You speak of 2014? The party leaders are saying if the republicans don't get their act together, they will lose a bunch in 2014.

Absolutely every single word you just typed could have been taken right off of a DNC talking points memo at one time or another. I can't wait for 2014.
vundy33 Wrote:It's ridiculous because under that, I wouldn't even be aloud to vote. I pay taxes but do not own property. I think I've more than earned my right to vote without being a property owner.

Well, if you insist on hanging your argument on one small point that suits me. Nobody is suggesting we should disenfranchise ex-servicemen. I'm sure you don't remember an example of congressional due process because it's been so long since the dems would allow it to happen but, that is why we bring legislation up on the floor. We debate it and tweak it. That's what 435 Representatives in the House and 100 Senators get paid for.

The idea is to put the brakes on the gravy train. The 3rd and 4th generation, cradle to grave interlopers, as well as possibly as many as 8-10 million illegal immigrants. Capiche?
vundy33 Wrote:And every citizen should have the right to vote. This isn't 1855. It's worked for us for years, and will continue to do so even when we elect officials that don't improve our country.

And what of the millions that dishonest poll workers allow and are even courted to come in and vote even if they are here illegally? Your good with that?
TheRealVille Wrote:Because every citizen of America should have a right to vote. As far as constitutional rights go, workers have no more voting say than non workers. You see, this is why the conservative party is struggling, they think like this. BTW, I'd bet Vundy would say he fought for all citizens. Even the leaders of the party see that they are struggling, and the tea partiers are one reason the party is sinking. You speak of 2014? The party leaders are saying if the republicans don't get their act together, they will lose a bunch in 2014.

just because obama won the presidentcy doesnt mean the republican party is struggling
look at all the state houses senates governors
which i doubt you know much about
look at all the abortion laws being passt in various states
the toughest since 1973
have to have major prolife state government to do that
if obama struggles these next to years you can expect to see a lot more republicans
oh wait, he already is struggling
media turning their back on him
saw 4 articles today from liberal sites going against him
TheRealThing Wrote:Well, if you insist on hanging your argument on one small point that suits me. Nobody is suggesting we should disenfranchise ex-servicemen. I'm sure you don't remember an example of congressional due process because it's been so long since the dems would allow it to happen but, that is why we bring legislation up on the floor. We debate it and tweak it. That's what 435 Representatives in the House and 100 Senators get paid for.

The idea is to put the brakes on the gravy train. The 3rd and 4th generation, cradle to grave interlopers, as well as possibly as many as 8-10 million illegal immigrants. Capiche?
I just now figured out how big of an idiot you are, in these American citizen voting rights post. Every fucking American citizen has a vote. It's that simple. Having a job has nothing to do with rights. Can you say moron? You don't work, can we ban you from voting?
TheRealVille Wrote:I just now figured out how big of an idiot you are, in these American citizen voting rights post. Every fucking American citizen has a vote. It's that simple. Having a job has nothing to do with rights. Can you say moron?

Hell, let's all quit then. :Wave::party2:Confusedinglepar
TheRealThing Wrote:And what of the millions that dishonest poll workers allow and are even courted to come in and vote even if they are here illegally? Your good with that?

Of course I'm not cool with that. But I'd rather have to police out polls than just letting property owners vote. And yes, I'm content to hang my argument on that because I wouldn't even be able to vote in this plan...that's crazy!

This is America. Changing the entire system just because of a shitty President is not how we do things. We've elected great leaders before while allowing EVERY citizen to vote, we will do it again.
WideMiddle03 Wrote:just because obama won the presidentcy doesnt mean the republican party is struggling
look at all the state houses senates governors
which i doubt you know much about
look at all the abortion laws being passt in various states
the toughest since 1973
have to have major prolife state government to do that
if obama struggles these next to years you can expect to see a lot more republicans
oh wait, he already is struggling
media turning their back on him
saw 4 articles today from liberal sites going against him

Dude, our party is struggling when a POTUS like we have now is elected again after the type of first 4 years he had. Not struggling to survive or any of that, but we're not in a good place IMO.
vundy33 Wrote:Dude, our party is struggling when a POTUS like we have now is elected again after the type of first 4 years he had. Not struggling to survive or any of that, but we're not in a good place IMO.

we have some work to do but its not as bad as the media wants us to think
1936 democrats had 76 senate seats and over 300 house seats and the president position
no one the democrats send in the future will be able to draw the media and the masses like obama
WideMiddle03 Wrote:we have some work to do but its not as bad as the media wants us to think
1936 democrats had 76 senate seats and over 300 house seats and the president position
no one the democrats send in the future will be able to draw the media and the masses like obama

I wouldn't know, I don't watch alot of news anymore. I do my own deciding on issues.
Photo Id to vote
TheRealVille Wrote:I just now figured out how big of an idiot you are, in these American citizen voting rights post. Every fucking American citizen has a vote. It's that simple. Having a job has nothing to do with rights. Can you say moron? You don't work, can we ban you from voting?

That's pretty big talk coming from a guy who has had his every last opinion given to him by a bunch of political theorists who took all their cues from a deceased dope head rock and roller by the name of Lennon. None of you are smart enough to discern truth from fiction. The liberal tactics you're constantly advocating for have been tried over and over in the past. Every time they were tried, the society in question turned their back on those ideas as foolishness.

You remind me of the partiers in England who took to the streets dancing and drinking upon the news of Margaret Thatcher's death. She and Ronald Reagan partnered to help bring down communism. Under her leadership, as with Reagan, impossibly high unemployment dropped from around 13 percent to 5 percent. And that, unless this has escaped you as too, is what your liberal compadres base their entire world view that mankind is getting better and better, aspiring to evolve socially. But, you couldn't tell the street dancers that, nobody and no form of truth is going to rob these bozos of their opinion. Can you say clueless? How about ignorant hillbilly?

You say "we" as if you think you are part of the enlightened crowd or something. :please: Can you say delusional? In the end, every time you try to debate, all you really got is caustic language and venom spitting rhetoric. To me, you don't even qualify as a johnny come lately. Nobody is stupid enough to discount the wisdom of those gone on before, especially with regard to world affairs. Now here is some wisdom for you to consider King Solomon, Ecclesiastes 1:9 (KJV)
9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.

That my friend is the wisdom of the ages. All this self delusion of today where men consider themselves to be evolved or something may well be intoxicating, ridiculous, but intoxicating. The quintessential example of a man professing himself to be wise sits the first seat of American government as we speak. He knows the way due process works. But, in a continuing wave of arrogance he has rather chosen to circumvent the workings of my government, ruling by executive order and running over any duly elected lawmaker who disagrees with his ideas. I mean, that's irrefutable fact in that he announced his intentions prior to his 'ascension.' Nov 1, 2012 ... "We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America."

I get where you're coming from. You're just following the lead of your new party leaders. Slams and viscous attacks are all justified because you all are you. Special in every way. Confusednicker:
vundy33 Wrote:Of course I'm not cool with that. But I'd rather have to police out polls than just letting property owners vote. And yes, I'm content to hang my argument on that because I wouldn't even be able to vote in this plan...that's crazy!

This is America. Changing the entire system just because of a shitty President is not how we do things. We've elected great leaders before while allowing EVERY citizen to vote, we will do it again.

I disagree completely, and you know that what I said would not prohibit you from voting. I used property owner as only one of the possible criteria. I also said students and the legitimately unemployed in a list that in no way did I suggest was complete. Along with renters who pay taxes. The point is there are ways to legitimately identify legal voters. I believe that folks who insist on laying around the house and letting people who work take care of them, I believe I said 3rd and 4th generation welfare recipients, shouldn't vote. You are choosing to ignore every bit of that huh?

You can't pick up on the fact that the dems are using illegals to gain an unfair edge by using the promise of our tax dollars to buy a base of, in-the-bag-voters, in the national voting process? Policing the polls is exactly what this whole thread is about. If somebody shows up to the poll to vote and they can't prove they registered to vote or even come up with an ID they shouldn't vote. This is the problem in the major population centers around this country, they're being allowed to vote. They could be and are illegal. If they are citizens who don't choose to work, that means all they care about are the darn checks coming in. They'd vote for whoever is promising to continue to take care of them and that's wrong. But, like I have said, the dems will do what ever they must to stay in power.
TheRealVille Wrote:I just now figured out how big of an idiot you are, in these American citizen voting rights post. Every fucking American citizen has a vote. It's that simple. Having a job has nothing to do with rights. Can you say moron? You don't work, can we ban you from voting?

he is just 1 of the 47%
vector Wrote:he is just 1 of the 47%

Here comes your support in there sideways RV! :biglmao: Hello, the 47% were the voters Romney identified as having been bought with tax dollars. Mindless Obama voters. You better keep those little horns pulled back and stick to posting links.

But, for old times sake let's revisit the quote; "There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it -- that that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. ... These are people who pay no income tax. ... My job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."

There is only one thing within the quote that is at all questionable, and that is whether he got the number value correct. 47% sounds about right but, it could conceivably be higher.
Its funny to me that liberals go crazy over losing the right to vote, but want to destroy the right to keep and bear arms.
TheRealThing Wrote:That's pretty big talk coming from a guy who has had his every last opinion given to him by a bunch of political theorists who took all their cues from a deceased dope head rock and roller by the name of Lennon. None of you are smart enough to discern truth from fiction. The liberal tactics you're constantly advocating for have been tried over and over in the past. Every time they were tried, the society in question turned their back on those ideas as foolishness.

You remind me of the partiers in England who took to the streets dancing and drinking upon the news of Margaret Thatcher's death. She and Ronald Reagan partnered to help bring down communism. Under her leadership, as with Reagan, impossibly high unemployment dropped from around 13 percent to 5 percent. And that, unless this has escaped you as too, is what your liberal compadres base their entire world view that mankind is getting better and better, aspiring to evolve socially. But, you couldn't tell the street dancers that, nobody and no form of truth is going to rob these bozos of their opinion. Can you say clueless? How about ignorant hillbilly?

You say "we" as if you think you are part of the enlightened crowd or something. :please: Can you say delusional? In the end, every time you try to debate, all you really got is caustic language and venom spitting rhetoric. To me, you don't even qualify as a johnny come lately. Nobody is stupid enough to discount the wisdom of those gone on before, especially with regard to world affairs. Now here is some wisdom for you to consider King Solomon, Ecclesiastes 1:9 (KJV)
9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.

That my friend is the wisdom of the ages. All this self delusion of today where men consider themselves to be evolved or something may well be intoxicating, ridiculous, but intoxicating. The quintessential example of a man professing himself to be wise sits the first seat of American government as we speak. He knows the way due process works. But, in a continuing wave of arrogance he has rather chosen to circumvent the workings of my government, ruling by executive order and running over any duly elected lawmaker who disagrees with his ideas. I mean, that's irrefutable fact in that he announced his intentions prior to his 'ascension.' Nov 1, 2012 ... "We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America."

I get where you're coming from. You're just following the lead of your new party leaders. Slams and viscous attacks are all justified because you all are you. Special in every way. Confusednicker:
Yea, that a conservative killed, just because he wanted a better world.

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