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Knox Central fires coach
Well the parents that wanted it got there wish. Knox central fired Brian Evans on Monday.

So who are they going to get?? That after 2-3 years the parents want gone cause lil Johnny didn't get play enough.
panther nation Wrote:Well the parents that wanted it got there wish. Knox central fired Brian Evans on Monday.

So who are they going to get?? That after 2-3 years the parents want gone cause lil Johnny didn't get play enough.

I don't understand this move as KC may be the favorite in the 13th next year. Why do they allow some parents to have this much pull? I guess this is the way it works in Knox County.
Not sure how it works in Knox County, but Brian Evans is a class person not sure about his coaching. He has bounced around some and never had over whelming succes, but that may be due the lack of talent.
I know who we should go after..IMO..One of the best coaches in the 13th. Russell Thompson @ Middlesboro.
OutsideLookingIn Wrote:Not sure how it works in Knox County, but Brian Evans is a class person not sure about his coaching. He has bounced around some and never had over whelming succes, but that may be due the lack of talent.

You can't tell me he has not had talent at Knox Central. Most coaches would love to have the players he has had!!!
Doesn't make since to fire Evans and they keep the girls coach. Talk about talent that has been wasted.
I was so glad to see Evans go at Whitley.
He just couldnt connect with kids, especially having them practice every sunday and usually for 3 to 4 hours a day.

Hopefully KC will fill the spot with a good dedicated coach.
I think it was a huge mistake by KC ever letting Elam go. Elam was IMO, one of the best in the region.
Amped 88 Wrote:Doesn't make since to fire Evans and they keep the girls coach. Talk about talent that has been wasted.

Barbourville hopes that KC never makes a change in the girl's coaching position.:biggrin:
If KC isn't careful they are going to start to resemble Letcher Central....
PRIDE101 Wrote:I know who we should go after..IMO..One of the best coaches in the 13th. Russell Thompson @ Middlesboro.

Some other possible coaches who would do well at KC:

1. West (Corbin asst.)
2. Sizemore (NL)
Don't matter who they get the parents won't be happy and a few of them will find a way to get the coach fired just like all the others. The best coach they had ( Elam ) someone thought their kid wasn't getting enough playing time so he complained enough and got Brandon fired then turned right around and transferred the kid to barbourville, now that make a lot of sense?? Cry cry then go some where else.. It's will because of bull crap like this that KC will never have a good coach. Who would want to go there knowing I'm going to get run off in a year or two???

As far as the girls coach goes who know why he's not been fired?? That should have happened a long time ago IMO.
West would be a good hire. I believe he is a Knox Central alum. He did a really good job when he was head coach at Williamsburg.
So far the only two names that have been brought up is Ledford, and Patterson. IMO of those 2 Paterson would be the better choice.
Hearing a rumor that the new Super reinstated Evans as this true?
What about the parks coach at hazard would make a good one for them
This is a mess. This is probably why KCC never reaches its potential. One step forward and two backwards.
Amped 88 Wrote:Doesn't make since to fire Evans and they keep the girls coach. Talk about talent that has been wasted.

This has nothing to do with winning and losing. It's all about a board member still mad because they did not hire who he wanted for Football coach,and a ex super hell bent on embarrassing the school on his way out.
panther nation Wrote:So far the only two names that have been brought up is Ledford, and Patterson. IMO of those 2 Paterson would be the better choice.

Neither one is Qualified to be a High school head coach.So this is probably who they go after.
hoops_town Wrote:Hearing a rumor that the new Super reinstated Evans as this true?

I hope this is true.
For the record, the parents who wanted him gone had kids that actually played however many minutes they wanted.. The reason he was fired was simply because he couldn't capitalize in the big stage. KC hasn't went to the Regional Championship since he has been here and its simply because he doesn't allow his players to play to their strengths, its all about him!!! He was hired simply on politics over Brad Sizemore! And look what Sizemore has done to KC in the past couple of years at NL.. Its ridiculous to not go after a Sizemore type guy! So anyone who says that Parents got him fired because their kids didn't play is far far far away from the central idea! These parents want to see their kids play at Rupp!
hoops_town Wrote:Hearing a rumor that the new Super reinstated Evans as this true?

Wouldn't be surprised if it has happened, it will be like last year when they fire ath director and some how he gets his job back. People who get fired at KC somehow don't stay fired.

Personaly I don't have a kid that plays basketball so I really don't care who their coach is. But I would like to see them do good don't get me wrong.
If I was Knox superintendent I would pull all the money I could find and try to hire Gus hauser asst coach at wofford. Born and raise in Knox co parents still live there. Would be a big time hire
Norm Stewert Wrote:If I was Knox superintendent I would pull all the money I could find and try to hire Gus hauser asst coach at wofford. Born and raise in Knox co parents still live there. Would be a big time hire

That would be the best pick but again we are talking about KC, they never do what they should.
evans is a good coach[not a great one]and seems like a good guy.tell me a coach that doesnt have beef on elam was he would never develop a bench.he got his five and the rest set idle and it caught up every with him every year,talent or not.evans is low key and sticks to the playbook when the flow calls for different.these are just opinions from someone who has never coached a game.but let me ask you all could any of you coach and develop teens with a parent on your back,in the stands,lurking in the aisles,screaming at you,threatning your job,yelling humiliating comments,degrading you,screaming at referees,getting kicked out of games,etc.this has went on with the last two coaches and it has to stop. you never saw this with bobby my opinion john calapari wouldnt last at kc.and by the way,i think they have the talent coming back to win the region.
Whom ever takes the job is going to have to put up with that bs no matter how good or bad a coach he is. I don't like it either but it is what it is.. IMO I'm not sure if there is ever going to be the right coach for the parents at KC. Yes I agree they have more than enough talent to win the region but can they find a coach to make them all gel and make it happen then is the question of all questions.
I don't think anyone can coach this team until daddy's step out and let the coach do the coaching. Also just to clear something up not ALL the parents of kids who played wanted Coach Evans fired. If you make a team about one or two players then it really isn't a team is it? So if Evans does loose his job indefinetly then you get player A, B, C on board but D and E may not like the next coach then your right back where you started. Everyone has to gel and it can't be about getting certain kids recognized let their talents do that not a hand picked coach!!!
he still is the coach....unless something else happ...
First off, the kids parents that wanted the coach gone was kids who played whenever they wanted and could have played on any team in the region.. So Evans getting yelled out, screamed at, etc, wasn't because somebodys kid wasnt playing. The screaming was for the amount of games he lost, for example. Barbourville in regular season, Pineville in regular season, and even North in the region.. Its just so obvious. Nobody has a problem with Coach Russell as the football coach. I mean sometimes people/fans question play calling or game plan, but thats just part of being a fan. However, he always puts his team in a position to win and doesn't care to switch up the game plan based on his players strengths.. This is way more than somebodys kid not getting to play! its about having just as much talent in the region as anyone else and failing to get out of the first round because your coach wont permit you to just "play", its all about him!
Any news?
Sounds as if the administration needs to back the coach and if parents are acting like this during the games and athletic events they can be barred from coming to the events. A coach once stated to his players "we are going to have a team with or without you, it could be a better team with you, but if you don't want to play for the team we will play without you".

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