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Food Stamp Issue Derails Farm Bill as Recipients at Record High
Last week's dramatic defeat of the farm bill in the House put a fresh emphasis on the issue of food stamps in the U.S., just as the number of recipients for the program sits at a record high.

The 195-234 vote against the $500 billion farm policy bill, a version of which the Senate passed earlier this month, came amid congressional disagreements regarding cuts to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP. Keen focus was placed on an amendment put forth by Republican Rep. Steve Southerland, which required beneficiaries to sign up for employment-training programs in order to continue receiving food stamps. Many Democrats, who may have been willing to OK the $20 billion in food-stamp cuts the House version included, balked at the amendment, and only 24 ultimately voted for passage of the bill. Another dysfunctional-family blame game between the GOP and Democrats ensued as the defeat provided a serious blow to House Speaker John Boehner.

What will happen next with the farm bill, which has been operating under rolling extensions since the the old bill's 2008 expiration, remains to be seen. But its failure to thrive in the face of the food-stamp fight comes as the number of U.S. citizens receiving this benefit, at 47.7 million as of March of this year, exceeds the entire population of Spain, the sixth-most-populous country in the European Union.

Enrollment in SNAP has soared by 70% in the past five years; the U.S. shelled out a record $74.6 billion on the program in 2012, more than double what was spent in 2008, when the financial crisis hit in full force toward the end of the year. The U.S. officially exited the Great Recession, which began in 2007, in June of 2009. Since then, the economy has experienced a slowly churning recovery — with plenty of hiccups — marked by an increase in payroll levels, a slow-and-steady housing comeback and a massive pop in equities that's been at least partially fueled by unprecedented monetary stimulus.

But amid the recovery, the U.S. has also seen an increase in poverty levels, which the Census Bureau puts at 15.9% of the total population, or close to 50 million citizens. The Census Bureau puts close to 50 million Americans, or 15.9% of the total population, at or below the poverty level. In 2008, that figure was 13.2% of the population. And, while the unemployment rate has fallen from 10.1% at its Great Recession peak to 7.6% in May, 11.8 million Americans still remain without work, while 4.4 million are among the long-term unemployed.

Along with a push from many states to encourage more eligible people to apply for the federally funded SNAP program, the rise in food-stamp recipients can also be traced to rules with roots in former President Bill Clinton's sweeping 1996 welfare overhaul. The rules allow for a slight relaxing in the income and asset tests for eligible food stamp recipients, meaning they can apply for such benefits before they wipe out all their savings and need even more assistance. The Obama administration encouraged states to ease these rules during the financial crisis, in an attempt to stem rising poverty rates in a critical economic hardship environment. So while the gross monthly income for an eligible household (with three members) must generally be at or below 130% of the poverty line (around $23,800 annually), and assets must typically not go above $3,250, exceptions can be made. For example, a recent Wall Street Journal article interviewed a SNAP recipient who had more than $5,000 in savings but was still eligible for the program.

As the article points out, the relaxed rules are "one reason why SNAP appears to have evolved from a program that rose and fell with the unemployment rate to a more permanent feature of the landscape."

Almost 75% of of SNAP beneficiaries are families with one or more child; more than one-quarter of homes that receive food stamps include senior citizens or people with disabilities. The typical SNAP recipient received about $133.41 in benefits per month in fiscal year 2012. -- Rebecca Stropoli
But yea, the economy is getting better Confusednicker:

This non sense needs to end.
I would imagine that close to ten percent or more are here illegally.

This is just one of the many things that needs to stop. It cant be enforced properly and is misused way to much.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:But yea, the economy is getting better Confusednicker:

This non sense needs to end.
I would imagine that close to ten percent or more are here illegally.

This is just one of the many things that needs to stop. It cant be enforced properly and is misused way to much.

That aint the half of it. If The Gang of Eight's immigration bill goes through, over 11 million illegal immigrants are going to ushered up to the head of the line in front of natural US citizens. They will be taken care of like they were royalty, because democrats know this represents 11 million votes in their pocket.
^ That's a lie. Both parties have made statements that the ones that you speak are at the back of the line.
Like all bills being considered by congress, very few have read them, no one understands them, and no one can predict their effect on the country. However, one fact is certain, if we set a path to citizenship for these illegals, 95% of them will be Democrats. They aren't educated but they know who provides the free bread, butter, cigarettes, and fire water. Also, we know that all but a very few will either not work or work at unskilled, low pay jobs. Therefore, almost all of them will receive more welfare.

The end result will be quasi-socialism run by liberal Democrats and eventual demise of capitalism. We will be another Greece. Obama will win.
TheRealVille Wrote:^ That's a lie. Both parties have made statements that the ones that you speak are at the back of the line.

Put a little differently than Harry Rex just posted above ^ no, they won't be at the back of the entitlement line. Again, liberals will get up on national TV and proudly proclaim how they have led the charge to right the wrongs to which all these illegals have been subjected, under those greedy, white, tyrannical and unsympathetic republicans. They aren't called bleeding heart liberals for nothing you know. Blowing their own horn is not one of their 'off suits'. Everything will be laid at their feet. From free health care and free college educations, to lodging and food, to spending money and free cell phones for use as detonators on their pressure cooker bombs.

So, those capable of lucid thought will again be proven right as amnesty is granted to the untold millions of illegals. That includes all the recently shipped in Jihadies BTW. And border security is coming----- well, maybe it's coming someday when we can afford it. You know like at the end of the Obama 2nd term and the national debt is down all the way to say 22-23 TRILLION.
^ They will be at the back of the citizenship line. But, at any rate, I'll gladly welcome 11 million new, hardworking democrats. All of the Mexicans I have saw are some of the hardest working people I have ever witnessed. If you don't want them on entitlements, urge your representatives to raise the minimum wage above the poverty line.
TheRealVille Wrote:^ They will be at the back of the citizenship line. But, at any rate, I'll gladly welcome 11 million new, hardworking democrats. All of the Mexicans I have saw are some of the hardest working people I have ever witnessed. If you don't want them on entitlements, urge your representatives to raise the minimum wage above the poverty line.

No you've made it more than clear what all you would welcome. Socialism, socialized medicine, oppressive taxation in the name of redistribution of wealth, wide open borders and of course, let's not overlook your lack of understanding and motivation to defend our land against all who would do us harm, foreign and domestic. And as far as the Mexican folks being hard workers, they haven't learned the unnatural yet. Not working for one's living defies nature and therefore is a learned behavior. And brother, if anybody can teach them the ropes it's the dems!

You do realize you just suggested I pressure my state rep to force folks in private enterprise to pay more per hour to their workers? And, let's get real here. Democrats won't be able to keep these folks in the fold unless they slather their outstretched hands with the full entitlement monty. Only then can the tax dollars for votes contract they are trying to sign with the illegal immigrants reach fruition. Though admittedly, we do seem to be losing our will to punish crime, for the present at least, we don't forgive bank robbers, murderers, tax cheats (unless they're part of the Obama administration), and other high crimes. And yet, here we are ready to forgive 11 million plus who are here in this country illegally. And to make a nightmare out of madness, we will lavish them with entitlements until the treasury is emptied out. What's really funny is that you believe your money will be spared somehow and all this won't touch you.

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