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Wolfe County Open
I got wind of this today that Wolfe was looking for a boys coach.

I got looking on KHSAA and seen that Wolfe County was actually looking for a boys coach, a girls coach and a girls basketball coach with NO teaching spots available.

Will they hire someone or will they have to shut their soccer programs down for this year?
I hope not. 14th region is already thin. Wish other teams would pick up this sport.
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Soccer starts in 2 months. They better be getting a move on
I would hate to see that happen. Seems the East. Ky teams are suffering some growing pains. Big disparity in the programs that have existed for a long time and to the programs that are just getting started or are trying to get started. The biggest problem I see and hear about is the fear of the game itself. Many don't understand the game and make no effort to learn. I recall a certain football coach declaring there will never be soccer on my football field as long as I live. What do you think he was afraid of? The game is so much more than just kicking a ball..anyone can do that right? Not as easy as it looks. I urge administrators to reach out to the soccer community and ask for help in getting soccer better established. Enough from me..just on my soapbox a little!
That is the problem for most coaches. Scarred that some other sport will do better than you. That is so selfish in my opinion. Look at us. Our new football coach is already pushing these kids to be in another sports. That is what makes programs work.
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Breathitt is rumored to be considering it. Wouldn't be a bad move.
More schools need to embrace this sport.
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Is Wolfe even fielding a team this year? Only one game scheduled and still looking for a head coach
Still don't know.
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Looks like Wolfe county won't be having a team this year. Estill County has taken them off the schedule on KHSAA
That is a shame. 14th region is getting thinner. Wish Knott Co or Jenkins would pick it up.
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Talked with Estill's head coach, he was telling me that Wolfe does not have a team.

I don't see why that teams have football but don't soccer (Powell Co, KCC, Jenkins, Breathitt Co) and teams have soccer but not football (Wolfe Co, Jackson City)
The reason is because they have to have some sort of feeder program. Soccer takes a lot of technical skill so players can't just decide they want to play soccer and immediately jump in to play and make an impact. Got to have a feeder program!
Seems to me it is a shame that schools don't take advantage of that. Whatever the reason I don't know.
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The problem of non-soccer coaches discouraging kids from playing soccer is not unique to your end of the state. In western Kentucky, the boy's basketball coach at our school flat out tells his kids that if they want to play basketball, don't play soccer. The intimidation for some of kids is too much and the don't play soccer. Doesn't make any sense. A great off season (for basketball) conditioning program. Great athletes who understand what hard work it takes to win and they are discouraged from playing.
Jealousy probably. Look how many soccer teams win district and region, and there basketball team is horrible. School AD and principles need to stand by what fills the trophy case.
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