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Irony Lost?
Nobody is reporting on this that I have seen. Even FOX has chosen to turn a blind eye.

"The alarmists set sail for Antarctica with a plan to show the world how badly alleged man-made “global warming” was wreaking havoc across the region. Instead, their Russian-flagged ship was frozen in place after sea-ice coverage hit record-high levels this year. The dozens of global warmists onboard are still stuck as multiple ice-breaking rescue vessels were unable to reach the frozen ship. Climate realists and the alternative press, meanwhile, were quick to ridicule and poke fun at the stranded and beleaguered alarmists. However, the increasingly discredited establishment media has largely failed to notice or report the irony."

Meanwhile, man already has a very conveniently placed store of fossil fuels, a store which, by all accounts, will last him far into the future. Fossil fuels are unique among the list of power sources known to us. For example, one gallon of gasoline is so crammed with energy that it will move a car weighing more than a ton and a half, with passengers, about 38 miles. Nothing that the green crowd has or ever dreamed of having, could ever come close to such efficiency. All America has to do to break the fever and rise up off her sick bed, is to quit taking the liberal's medicine. They said we needed to be transformed, and that we needed DADT, ObamaCare, more and more EPA regs, universal amnesty, unending entitilements, and a sizeable reduction of our "carbon footprint". LOL, I thought all of earth's life forms were carbon based.

If we could just get ahold of ourselves and consider how many billions of dollars we have wasted in the pursuit of renewable energy, it becomes clear foolish we have been. The idea of man made global warming, amounts to the baseless, sky-is-falling hysterics of a bunch of hacks. Should we pursue more and better clean energy, of course. But, should we deny ourselves the very fuels we need to live in the name of a media supported pseudo science while we're doing it? Only if we want to commit fiscal and historical suicide. Our national well being teeters on the brink because of this lunacy. We need to step back. Take and maintain common sense controls while backing off the EPA's strangle hold on the US economy. I mean, think of the irony here, we are doing this to ourselves. Allowing an agency supposedly governed by "we the people", to regulate our nation literally into darkness. All in the name of a science which, is anything but proven. All of this, while viable projects like the Keystone Pipeline, continue to tread the backwaters of obscurity. I said Obama will never allow it to be built.

So, what is the real driver here? LIBERALISM. They haven't been right about a single thing. To hear them tell it, they can't tell you what happened in Benghazi, but, they're oh so sure about global warming boy. Vote out a liberal and vote (back) in your individual freedoms. 2014
I seen this on CNN's website not to long ago.
It was marred up and couldn't get to the ships it was trying to rescue so one had to go get it.

That dang global warming puts ice right in the way.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I seen this on CNN's website not to long ago.
It was marred up and couldn't get to the ships it was trying to rescue so one had to go get it.

That dang global warming puts ice right in the way.

You're right to slam the global warming absurdity any way you see fit. Most folks seem content to watch our country shipwreck herself against the rocks of liberalism. How could we ever hope to navigate our way through the enormous obstacles, hidden just under the placid looking surface waters of state driven propaganda?

To the La-La liberal, everything can be justified looking through the rose colored glasses of social justice. Here are some of the major issues we Americans face all in the name of liberalism;
1) Amnesty for all- benevolent folks like us could never expect those who broke into our country illegally to be sent back where they came from, Right? By that logic if thieves break into my home some night I'd be responsible for caring for them for the rest of my life.
2) Health Care for the poor- It's looking more and more like ObamaCare is intended for people who already did not pay for their care in the first place. The supremely gullible and ever eager takers from among us actually thought the whole thing would be free. Yea bring on them goodies! Signees, (two million have selected a plan, that doesn't mean their signed up and certainly doesn't mean they've paid) at any rate, of the ones who have enrolled, less than 1% are paying customers, the rest are freeloaders that we are being forced to support. In point of fact, so far, at least 3 paying customers have lost their health plan for every freeloader who has signed up. Every paying responsible citizen will therefore start paying way more for health insurance and health care. And the worst is yet to come because the law is written "open ended", they can just keep on adding regulations for years to come. The only way this nightmare will ever dissipate is if Americans wake up and demand repeal. In the end, we know 6 million have indeed lost their plans and we have no idea how many are actually signed up on ObamaCare, you can bet they're non-payers.
3) Funding the imaginary fight against man made global warming- The war to combat Global warming, costs the world about a billion dollars a day to propagate, the vast majority of which is funded by the American taxpayer. The EPA is leading this fight and has nearly achieved autonomy. Thousands of regulations are shutting the doors of industry across this land, denying US citizens the jobs and goods which made America the world's premiere super power. The food and farming industries are similarly regulated. So, thanks to liberals, we pay far more for energy and food.
4) Ever expanding cradle to grave entitlements- Housing, food, utilities, ObamaCare, education, cell phones, transportation, protected from having to work status. All have been recently deemed as RIGHTS by liberal law makers and activist judges. BTW, they went to Antarctica to sail around and prove the sea ice would be gone, they rationalized their ridiculous failure to do that by saying the ice that grabbed their ship was old ice. The loons will always have an excuse whether we're talking politics or the pseudo-science they do so well.
5) The repeal of DADT- I really cannot imagine a force more destructive to our society and military, than state forced acceptance of the illegitimate lifestyle of the sexually depraved.

So, can the US Ship of State successfully navigate the strait of "Redistribution of Wealth"? I think not. Voters have the power in 2014 to sail back into familiar waters. God help us to do it.
^If my BTW remark looks out of place it is. Should have been at end of post and too late to edit
"Record-breaking cold temperatures and snowfall across much of the United States and Canada have experts warning people to be careful, saying the frigid conditions could even kill those who are not prepared or properly dressed for the conditions. In some areas, factoring in wind chills, it could feel as cold as 70 degrees Fahrenheit below zero. At the earth’s poles, the situation is even more serious, with the highest amount of sea-ice cover since records began almost four decades ago. As their controversial theories melt down on the world stage, however, global-warming alarmists are not giving up yet."

According to meteorologist Ryan Maue, folks under 40 have never seen the kind of cold weather we may well see this year and following. I remember as a boy seeing 12" of snow on the ground on October the 12th one year up in Toledo, Ohio. The weather cycles and has absolutely zilcho to do with carbon emissions of man made origin. The article sourced is well worth the read.

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