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Federal judge: Oklahoma same-sex marriage ban unconstitutional
Unlike when Utah's ban was overturned, there will be no marriage licenses going out immediately. The judge put a stay on the ruling, so it won't be "official" until the supreme court rules on the Utah case.
Eventually every state will fall.
Just another way to force unwanted things on parts of the countries that doesn't wants it.
I feel like I'm watching a dam break sending certain destruction down on my home. And there isn't a thing I can do about it. Wide's article cites the Supreme Court's DOMA ruling last June, as likely being the tipping point the LGBT community has been seeking.

I've said this before but, things seem somehow different since the rabid liberal chipmunks dutifully did the bidding of the vacuous cipher Nancy, and repealed DADT. Next, Justice Kennedy caved for ObamaCare. Then came DOMA, followed by Obama's successful reelection bid and, now we're staring down the gun barrel at yet another killing blow by an out of control judiciary. Of course, it hasn't happened yet, but if the court rules that the states aren't sovereign in matters of marriage, we will officially be in free fall. Frankly, I thought I heard the bell toll the night FOX officially called the election for Obama.

The mammoth pillars of the Supreme Court of the United States of America are falling, one by one. And the noise of their fall is deafening. Incredibly, it is beginning to look like the "fundamental transformation" may actually happen. Like I have been saying, there is still some hope to be had if the Republicans manage to take the Senate and hold the house in the mid-terms this fall so, all is not lost yet. And, though I have faith in God as it relates to me, my family and all Christians, I cannot speak for the well being of this country.

Since Roe v Wade, we've murdered nearly 60 million innocent unborn or just-born infants. We've tossed God out of our schools and the public domain. (and just look at the shape they're in) The federal government and the highest court in the land seems rudderless. Foreign policy is in shambles. We will have pegged the financial get-real-O-meter at 20 trillion plus by 2016, that is, if we even manage to survive with a shred of sovereignty by that time. I believe judgment is already here and I believe to a man, America is whistling past the graveyard.

The Cure; 2 Chronicles 7:14 (KJV)
14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
I think the dam broke 6 years ago, lets hope this November, we can get some repairs done.

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