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What the Heck is Con-Con?
Simply put, it is an abbreviated reference for constitutional convention. Without going into detail, the story is cited by the link provided below. So, let me get this straight. We can't agree what the language of the constitution even means right now but, rather than preserve it we are going to fix it. :please: There is a growing army of those who're chafing at the bit to get their hands on the constitution, and they are very well funded.
"This Republic is in trouble. This is something all of us agree on. We agree that Washington has run amok, and we all believe the stables on Capitol Hill need to be washed clean, and we know it will take a Herculean effort to do it."

“If once the people become inattentive to the public affairs, you and I, and Congress and Assemblies, Judges, and Governors, shall all become wolves. It seems to be the law of our general nature, in spite of individual exceptions.” Thomas Jefferson

“Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms (of government) those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.” Thomas Jefferson

"We have met the enemy and he is us" Pogo

The concept of self-governance is one which requires an honest effort by those doing the governing. In other words, we owe it to ourselves, our family and our country to vet all candidates and the political motivations of the parties. Rubber stamping anything because it has a D or an R on it, falls far short of our civic duty. Laziness on the part of everyday citizens gave autonomy to those who govern us, to pervert such government into the perverse state of affairs and the beginnings of tyranny, in which we flounder presently. And, like Pogo said in his famous quote paraphrased, we did it to ourselves. Things could be made right inside of two years, 2014-2016. Balance has to be restored and the liberal/progressives have to go.
That's absurd! However, had you taken a snapshot of what Obama's administration looks like today, and showed it to me 10 years ago, my response would be the same....that's absurd.
Granny Bear Wrote:That's absurd! However, had you taken a snapshot of what Obama's administration looks like today, and showed it to me 10 years ago, my response would be the same....that's absurd.

^Isn't that the truth! I must admit that Obama certainly got my attention when on October 8th, 2008 I heard him say, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” — Barack Obama Despite the rhetoric, it has been the Democrats who have been behind the push that has ushered in the change you have noticed. And, Republicans have been subsequently labeled as obstructionists for their efforts to at least slow the progress of the liberal juggernaut. And, after all, resisting all the change is the will of those who sent them to the Hill to represent their interests. That is one of the things I find to be the hardest to understand. How do the Dems continue to get by, with perpetrating such wanton disenfranchisement against the majority of this land in the widely recognized DNC campaign being waged to discredit duly elected Republican legislators?

At the time I heard those words, I didn't know exactly what they meant. But, I can say that the idea of undergoing a "fundamental transformation" was a chilling prospect none the less. As you point out, we all know what he meant now. I am sure that folks identify me as a staunch Republican. The truth is, I am a staunch conservative. Many Republicans tend to lean in the direction of a more strict interpretation of the US Constitution. On the other hand, if somebody out there knows of even one Democrat that does that, please let me know who he is, for as far as I know, not even one exists at the national level. Therefore, Dems will never get another vote from me. Additionally, the last thing we need, is to give those pushing for change the broad charter that an Article V, Constitutional Convention would afford. Such authority would amount to nothing short of a political license to kill, 007 style. Talk about waking up to a "Brave New World", the prospect smacks prophetically if you ask me!

But, in trying to identify and understand the truth as it pertains to the actual mindset of liberal/progressive Dems, the best and most current example I can think of, is in taking a look at the words that NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo used recently on radio to define his idea of "extremists". "But when Gov. Andrew Cuomo suggested on a public radio station on Friday that “extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault—weapon, anti-gay…have no place in the State of New York” it set off an uproar on right wing radio stations, blogs and Twitter feeds.
As I have attempted to point out in the past, liberals are in reality, filled with contempt for the conservative values, which is the stuff of our heritage and US history en-toto, along with all those who profess to be conservative in thought.

We here in the US have somehow managed to reject our own history, and in so doing, have rejected real knowledge out of hand, both on political and a national scale. In the national sense, this world is full of very ambitious bad guys whose entire existence would be justified by the fall of the US, a fact that is more than abundantly supported in the historical record and more recently through acts of terrorism. We tried to be the 'friendly' green giant in years past and all that got us was Pearl Harbor and WW2. Contrary to the liberal blather of our time. Man has not gotten better, and we have not lived to see war become a thing of the past. In the political sense, liberals decided to simply ignore the reality of our heritage and deny it's implications and impact on modern life. A tactic that doesn't work on those who lived through the glory days of the late 50's and the decade of the 60's. Unfortunately, our youth are susceptible, and having been taught liberal lies throughout their personal educational experience, must stumble onto the truth in the school of hard knocks. I've always hated it when liberals declare victory before it is theirs to claim and, equally troublesome is their tactic of declaring the American public is totally on their side of the issues. Really? I'm pretty sure I'm a dissenter.

I spent several hitches overseas, and I can tell you that despite what one might see in the movies, no place compares to the US, neither Europe or Asia. I mean, is not rebellion a form of transformation? And who among us would really want to see that horror come down upon our land? We are the best, why screw around with success? The only justification would be in the mind of malcontents like progressive and confessed domestic terrorist Bill Ayers.

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