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The End of the Tea Party?
As a teenager, I remember hearing about specific atrocities that unfolded daily in the USSR. The prospect of execution or imprisonment, lay in the future for any hapless Russian citizen who dared to challenge the state. Russians back then lived a miserable existence, life was more like a prison sentence than a pursuit of happiness, and was overseen by a seemingly endless stream of leaders that had one thing in common, a high regard for the inerrancy of the state. Their citizenry therefore, were the subjects of an evil and dark regime which, dutifully oppressed them to any extent deemed necessary in order to ensure the interests of the state. In short supply was every single human need. Topping the list was food, then housing, utilities, medicine, clothing etc. The best and the brightest were taken into the military in a kind of conscription system.

Such was communist Russia. Folks living for the good of the state, and regulated into a sort of hell on earth. We Americans were appalled at what we saw in that day and made it a matter of policy to oppose the oppression of the Russian people by their government. You can believe organizations such as our own ACLJ or, such as are associated with the much maligned Tea Party, did not exist in the USSR. Our own government meanwhile, from some of the same halls of which once strode the likes of Thomas Jefferson, has adopted IRS designations to refer to Tea Party-esque organizations in terms like 503©(3) or 503©(4). Such terms have a dehumanizing affect in the minds of preoccupied Americans who hear about the government persecutions with regard to these organizations on the nightly news. But, these are very good and well intentioned grass roots, bill paying, country loving, everyday American citizens we're talking about here.

Enter Chuck Schumer. EXCERPT---Democrats "must stop playing defense and go on offense when it comes to the need for government," Schumer said as public support for ObamaCare hit a new record low. "We must state loudly and repeatedly we believe government is often a necessary force for good."

EXCERPT same article--- "The Democrats' new much-vaunted master plan for annihilating the Tea Party movement calls for aggressive class warfare, demagoguery, and lying about the beliefs, motives, and goals of Tea Party supporters, Sen. Chuck Schumer revealed yesterday."
Read more:

The American public are in danger of becoming subjects of the Democrat. In reelecting liberal candidates, we are unwittingly giving up the right of self governance. These guys aren't shy anymore about what they intend to do to change this land. This fact is clearly evidenced by Schumer in this unbelievable bearing of his soul; "Democrats need to get aggressive in spreading their expensive, utopian ideals among the electorate, he argued.

Since the days of Ronald Reagan, Democrats "have been quiet, defensive, even ashamed of our views," Schumer said. "Bill Clinton, for instance, clearly believed in an active government, loved new government policies and programs he could create and enact, but he felt compelled in 1996 to state that the era of big government is over."

In short, liberals view themselves like water behind a conservative dam that is no longer of sufficient strength to contain them. And, they stand ready to wash away any perceived obstacle on their way to a legislated "utopia." As I have mentioned before, just saying something, whether by means of legislation or by the incessant stream of liberal rhetoric, don't make it so. And demonstrates the incredible level of naivety under which these guys operate as the US seems poised to walk the same path as Russia. It's as if John Lennon is literally pulling their strings. "Imagine"
Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today...

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

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