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Vince wanting Punk back, News on Reigns, Antonio Cesaro name change
While WWE has gotten creative when it comes to dealing with CM Punk chants at their shows, they still haven't given up on bringing the disgruntled superstar back into the fold. This is a large part of the reason why they still haven't gone public in any official capacity about his leaving the company. Vince McMahon is still personally working to repair things between the two sides, and recent reports even state that Punk is a "personal favorite" of Vince's. There is also considerable financial investment in Punk, with tons of his merchandise still for sale. While Punk fans will be glad to hear that WWE, and Vince in particular, haven't given up on repairing this relationship, it should be remembered that everything has been quiet on Punk's front since last week's rumors that he "doesn't want to wrestle, period."

Yesterday, we mentioned that Rob Van Dam is likely to return soon and there were even reports that he was backstage at Raw on Monday night. That has now been confirmed, and it is also being said that RVD had a meeting with Triple H at the show. Another reason for the delay in his return is because he will need to pass a WWE physical in order for clearance to return. That, too, likely happened on Monday or shortly after.

Remember that "monster push" that has been rumored for Roman Reigns since last fall? It should be clear that the push is still on with Reigns' booking over the past few months, but now word is starting to come out about just how far WWE officials want him to go. The latest word is that the powers-that-be see Reigns as "their guy" for the future, and plan to build him up as the "heir apparent" to none other than John Cena as the "face" of the WWE. While Reigns has so far exceeded every expectation in-ring and in terms of his physical presence, he will need to continue to improve as a talker, which WWE seems to know. Expect him to get more opportunities headed forward similar to his "baby girl" promo with Renee from Monday night.

In other Roman Reigns news, the option for him to face Triple H at WrestleMania XXX is on the discussion table. As we've noted in recent days, WWE is trying to avoid having two triple-threat matches on the WMXXX card, so Reigns would likely be the alternative opponent for Triple H should Daniel Bryan be placed into the WWE World Heavyweight title match with Batista and Randy Orton. (Reigns would almost certainly take on his Shield-mates in a triple-threat match should Bryan take on Triple H instead.)

WWE has apparently decided to make a change to Antonio Cesaro. Namely, they will be changing...well, his name. He will now simply go by "Cesaro", and this change has already been made on his profile page and his Twitter account. Exactly why they made this change is anyone's guess, but it likely has to do with his long-rumored face turn which is expected to happen soon.

A match likely to be added soon to the Elimination Chamber pay-per-view will be The Usos vs. New Age Outlaws for the tag team titles. It is said to be only a matter of time before The Usos end up with the titles.
Looks like Big E Langston is getting a name change as well, his bio and twitter account just says "Big E"....

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