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Must read....unreal!!!
6. Baby Accused of Attempted Murder Goes Into Hiding

A 9-month-old Pakistani boy cried as he was fingerprinted and booked in Lahore on an attempted murder charge, and his family has now taken him into hiding. The baby, Mohammad “Musa” Khan, was accused of plotting a murder along with his father and grandfather after a mob protesting gas cuts and price increases turned violent, throwing stones at police and gas employees. “He does not even know how to pick up his milk bottle properly, how can he stone the police?” his grandfather asked at the child’s court appearance. The case has once again highlighted the dysfunction within Pakistan’s criminal justice system.

I copied and pasted this from a link on MSN.

This is just unbelievable. A 9 month old being charged with attempted murder.
I saw video of this baby being booked and fingerprinted. I couldn't believe my own eyes!! It was scared and crying, and they just went ahead and printed him. Sort of made me want to bash in the face of the detective in charge.
what a sad world we know live in. When a infant is charged with murder. What a disgrace
^ USA Today article says the Judge granted bail. Also says they're supposedly going after the police who filed charges against the 9 month old baby. Ya think?
This was staged, and it was all for show. I can't figure out for the life of me, WHY they would do something like this on such a public forum! If it was meant to intimidate, it back fired as far as I'm concerned. It was malicious and just plain stupid.

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