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Pike Central job opening?
Heard rumors that Hatcher will not return at Pike Central next year? Have not seen job posted anywhere though.
eky basketball fan Wrote:Heard rumors that Hatcher will not return at Pike Central next year? Have not seen job posted anywhere though.
Not that I am anybody, but everyone I have talked to says he is gone. However, no one seems to know who is going to take his place. Seems to be very secretive for some reason.
It is in fact open, could be a big turnaround on Buckleys Creek if what I'm hearing is true the coaching staff would be FANTASTIC! Waiting to hear word on if a certain someone wants the job I'm not going to name names though. If what I'm hearing comes together you'll know about it soon enough.
I am hearing that it might be a double deal with the boys and girls coach from another 15th region school both are interested in coming to Pike Central. If this is true, Pike Central has scored huge. Like Slama Jamma, I am not mentioning any names until I have a little more information. We may be talking about the same coaches.
Pike County non-tenure letters went out this week.

I'm interested in what coaches would come from other schools.......
Whomever takes over on the girls side. It will be a struggle for a few years to come. On the boys side, they got talented kids but I wonder if the desire is still there. A lot of PARENTS were done with Coach Carwile, not sure what the kids state of mind is. Guess we will just have to wait and see.
Hearing that Butcher from SW has applied. Applied at Pulaski Co boys but never got a interview. Must be wanting another shot at Pike Central.
Lilly Wrote:Hearing that Butcher from SW has applied. Applied at Pulaski Co boys but never got a interview. Must be wanting another shot at Pike Central.

Not a chance Lily. People here would have helped him pack and paid for his moving van last time if he would have requested it. PC fans would boycott all athletic events if this were to happen.
I have a feeling whoever it is, everyone will not be satisfied because of what is expected of the student/athletes to be successful in this region, parents will find something to complain about (i.e. Workouts, time spent working on their game, and stressing the importance of technique rather than whether or not a shot goes in). I wish it were not this way but it is. Sometimes that is still not enough. There are programs that have a lot of younger talent that can outplay the high school girls and people complain about that. We just have to come to terms that younger players are sometimes better than older girls, even if they PEAK early. I have seen many high school girls who cannot shoot a ball anywhere close to the correct form and expect to be recruited by colleges. This absolutely would not fly with advanced bball programs with a lot of tradition or at least used to be, hmmm hmm, pikecentral.
Bizzle Wrote:I have a feeling whoever it is, everyone will not be satisfied because of what is expected of the student/athletes to be successful in this region, parents will find something to complain about (i.e. Workouts, time spent working on their game, and stressing the importance of technique rather than whether or not a shot goes in). I wish it were not this way but it is. Sometimes that is still not enough. There are programs that have a lot of younger talent that can outplay the high school girls and people complain about that. We just have to come to terms that younger players are sometimes better than older girls, even if they PEAK early. I have seen many high school girls who cannot shoot a ball anywhere close to the correct form and expect to be recruited by colleges. This absolutely would not fly with advanced bball programs with a lot of tradition or at least used to be, hmmm hmm, pikecentral.
The next coach is going to have to build a feeder system. And in that feeder system, they need to develop players. Not just pick and choose a few here and there, but develop the kids who come out and work hard. Quit asking kids to come and try out and then cut them...(actually happened). I was talking to a very reputable former coach the other day who said this.....Why in the world would they be cutting anybody? Hopefully, these kids can get the right coach in place and benefit from someone with a great work ethic. And no, I don't have a kid involved in anything at Pike Central.
eky basketball fan Wrote:Not a chance Lily. People here would have helped him pack and paid for his moving van last time if he would have requested it. PC fans would boycott all athletic events if this were to happen.

I heard the same thing but also heard he was already trying to leave SW( I wish he was gone). Know for a fact he tried to get the Pulaski boys job but he has already rubbed way to many people wrong in Pulaski County and has only been here one year. Please take this arrogant wanna be back. Maybe Somerset will eventually take him.
I agree, feeder system has to improve big time. All three schools have a lot of refining of skills and and developing ore technical skill sets. I work with students on the reforms and techniques but some are so stubborn and are resistant to change. I love working with the girls on their game but boy they are stubborn. I think what would help a lot of girls is to play a lot of pick up games with days set aside for individual development. I really want to grow as a coach and learn how to be a better motivator and skill developer.
As a coach who has seen kids change dramatically over the past thirty years I still have a problem with having to be a motivator. Motivation comes from within. All my coaches coached with passion. I do to. Kids play for a lot of reasons and some are the wrong ones. Today very few practice on their own time. The summer is where your game is made. The great Morgan Wooten told me at a clinic once that kids play to much in the summer and don't practice enough. I believe in weight lifting too. Kids don't watch the game much either. Committing to the game is vital. And many lack mental toughness. The game has to be taught from the bottom up. I'm from John's Creek and would love to get back home to coach. I've coached some nice players. Brittany Edeln was one of my best. She could dunk at 5'9 run like a deer. Played at UK.
I wish my girls could jump like that....sheesh...girl had/has "hops"
Special player. Very very athletic....A once in a lifetime player!
Fromthebleachers Wrote:Special player. Very very athletic....A once in a lifetime player!
Shoot I wish mine could just touch the bottom of the net
Dunk at 5'9....? A female? That puts her in the 40 inch vertical range...are you sure?
She could grab the rim easily. Trust me....I should clarify that she dunked volleyballs, but she was so athletic. I encouraged her to run track. She would have excelled.
Fromthebleachers Wrote:She could grab the rim easily. Trust me....I should clarify that she dunked volleyballs, but she was so athletic. I encouraged her to run track. She would have excelled.

So you were a head high school girls coach and had great success?

What year you graduate from Johns Creek?
eky basketball fan Wrote:Not a chance Lily. People here would have helped him pack and paid for his moving van last time if he would have requested it. PC fans would boycott all athletic events if this were to happen.

Please explain this. S.B. had tons of success.
No hire yet?
Heard earlier this week at regional baseball/softball tournament that Tim Rice from Sheldon Clark has inquired about the job. I think the reason for the long wait is teaching positions at PC. Their listed openings are for business, math and special Ed. Not many coaches teach these subjects, so PC may end up hiring a teacher who agrees to coach. Not always the best thing for the basketball programs, but these are the times we live in. School budgets are extremely tight these days, so a math, business, or spec ed. teacher that knows a little about basketball may be what we end up with at PC.
hootie Wrote:Please explain this. S.B. had tons of success.

I think he is saying the players and parents there hated him. I have heard this also. I know he was not granted a interview at Pulaski County for the boys job over how he has acted on the sidelines and radio after one year at Southwestern. Also rumors are starting to flow from the Reservation that he has problems there with players already. I expect he will stay there about as long as he has at his previous schools and for the same reasons.
S.B. is the only one to have success at the school.:thatsfunn
Saw Pike Central play last night at Betsy Layne, appear to be very young. Knott Central's young team 8th graders and freshmen beat them around 20
killerb Wrote:Saw Pike Central play last night at Betsy Layne, appear to be very young. Knott Central's young team 8th graders and freshmen beat them around 20

Who is coaching them?
Sorry, I don't know.
killerb Wrote:Saw Pike Central play last night at Betsy Layne, appear to be very young. Knott Central's young team 8th graders and freshmen beat them around 20
I think that may have been their actual team. I know they had some younger girls there but according to the info I received, they played very little. However I wasn't there so I couldn't swear to this.
region Wrote:Who is coaching them?
I think Archie Brandon Charles is coaching them.
Heard they wanted doedoe Rowe but he turned them down. I think he teaches sp Ed or disruptive kids,this could fill one of P C 's teaching positions. He has a girl in 7th grade I think she plays.

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