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George Rogers Clark High Apologizes For "Insensitive" Signs At Football Game
The Clark County School District is apologizing after a banner at a high school football game may have offended some spectators.

While playing the Madison Central Indians on Friday, the George Rogers Clark Cardinals ran through a banner containing the words "The trail of tears starts here."

Cara Coppola has a daughter at GRC High School and she was disturbed by the words on the banner.

"A huge banner mocking the Trail of Tears is just too far. It's like mocking the Nazi concentration camps. It's like mocking lynching. It's not okay," says Coppola

Coppola also referenced a poster that had a disturbing image. "Drawings of student's brandishing bloody tomahawks with the words 'Scalp the Indians,' said Coppola.

The posters, along with images of Moccasins, were scattered along school walls the week before the game.

The school says the hateful words were never meant to hurt.

"Some actions may have seemed insensitive and we did not mean to be insensitive or to make lightly of the Native American heritage," says David Bolen.

Bolen says that the images were not approved before the game because the school had never experienced any sort of problem with student posters. From now on the district says posters must be approved. Today they apologized to their students and to Madison Central.

The school is also planning to educate their students more about the Trail of Tears. This is exactly what Cara Coppola hoped the outcome would be.

"I hope it all leads to better education and this never happening again," says Coppola.
I'm not one to be politically correct,but that does seem to be a bit much and a bad choice of words.
Those dang kids.

Whats next? An NFL team called the Redskins? Confusednicker:
I call BS.
Oklahoma = Red People
Check out my YouTube channel.
It was a nice play on words...end of story.

Freedom of speech is no more.

I call bullshi+
Leonidas Wrote:It was a nice play on words...end of story.

Freedom of speech is no more.

I call bullshi+

You are right.

Being "Politically Correct" or worrying about offending people is NO WHERE to be found in the Constitution.
Check out my YouTube channel.
That is whats wrong with todays society. Everybody is to sensitive! It is sad how soft this world has gotten in the last 10 years...
I am not one of these overly sensitive people.
Do you guys know what the Trail of Tears is? It's significance in American History?
I know wikepedia is not always the most accurate, but from what I remember what was taught in my history class, this is pretty accurate.
I say as long as there is no curse words or no one is singled out get over it !!
Political correctness is killing the world today!!!
Jarons Wrote:I am not one of these overly sensitive people.
Do you guys know what the Trail of Tears is? It's significance in American History?
I know wikepedia is not always the most accurate, but from what I remember what was taught in my history class, this is pretty accurate.

I do and absolutely hate everybody trying to make everything politically correct,but trail of tears might have been a poor choice of words.
How many native Americans really attend Madison central? It's a freakin high school football game... Bunch of sissys if you ask me! Let the kids have fun
fewfirstchoice Wrote:Political correctness is killing the world today!!!

I agree!! The only group you can make fun of anymore nationally is rednecks.....and as a practicing redneck, my official stance is if you want to make fun of us, then get a thicker skin when it comes back at you. Most of us have a thick enough skin that, hell, we can handle it. But shoot back an IFO (Idiot from Ohio joke) at some offending, Buckeye or tell them that the only good thing that ever came out of Ohio was I-75 South and they just come all unglued.Confusednicker:
pjdoug Wrote:I do and absolutely hate everybody trying to make everything politically correct,but trail of tears might have been a poor choice of words.

That is my exact point I was trying to make. The trail of tears is a result of one of the worst acts by our government.
papagrit Wrote:I agree!! The only group you can make fun of anymore nationally is rednecks.....and as a practicing redneck, my official stance is if you want to make fun of us, then get a thicker skin when it comes back at you. Most of us have a thick enough skin that, hell, we can handle it. But shoot back an IFO (Idiot from Ohio joke) at some offending, Buckeye or tell them that the only good thing that ever came out of Ohio was I-75 South and they just come all unglued.Confusednicker:

I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one that has a problem with buckeyes or hoosiersConfusednicker:
Jarons Wrote:That is my exact point I was trying to make. The trail of tears is a result of one of the worst acts by our government.

yeah,I know. like I said I hate political correctness,but trail of tears was a horrible tragedy.
pjdoug Wrote:I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one that has a problem with buckeyes or hoosiersConfusednicker:

IFI's = Hoosiers

IFI on impactConfusednicker:
papagrit Wrote:IFI's = Hoosiers

IFI on impact

Dougie, you would probably appreciate the Volunteer jokes more, being from Whitley County.
Why did Tennesee pick orange for it's football colors?

So the footballl players could play ball on Saturday, go hunting on Sunday and pick up trash on the side of the road the rest of the week.

An oldie, but still a goodie.:biggrin:
papagrit Wrote:Dougie, you would probably appreciate the Volunteer jokes more, being from Whitley County.
Why did Tennesee pick orange for it's football colors?

So the footballl players could play ball on Saturday, go hunting on Sunday and pick up trash on the side of the road the rest of the week.

An oldie, but still a goodie.:biggrin:

good one. I'm still trying to figure out why yellow jackets are orange in Williamsburg:biglmao::biglmao:
pjdoug Wrote:good one. I'm still trying to figure out why yellow jackets are orange in Williamsburg:biglmao::biglmao:

Confusednicker: Never thought about that. Perhaps they are being politically correct so as not to offend Big Bird or something.
Jarons Wrote:That is my exact point I was trying to make. The trail of tears is a result of one of the worst acts by our government.

No worse than the result of some of Obama's policies. All this being "sensitive" is destroying the country. All these pansies who are continually "offended" should get real or lock themselves in their basements.
Big Bird video....
This is no more offensive than madison central choosing "indians" for their nickname.
dawg fan Wrote:This is no more offensive than madison central choosing "indians" for their nickname.

"Indians" is a fine nickname. Surely, you don't want to change it like liberal Stanford to "Cardinal" (not Cardinals) and have an evergreen as a mascot. All of these schools bowing to silly political correctness should just call their teams the "Pansies".
If we don't have freedom of speach in this country then I guess we should have let the Germans win the damn war and then they would tell us what we can say. Oh shi$ that happening now isn't! Thank you Mr Obama for turning this country into a bunch of wusses! Where no person can make a sign or remark without getting into hot bs water.

Living The Dream!!
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:"Indians" is a fine nickname. Surely, you don't want to change it like liberal Stanford to "Cardinal" (not Cardinals) and have an evergreen as a mascot. All of these schools bowing to silly political correctness should just call their teams the "Pansies".

Know I don't think they should change their name but one is no more offensive than the other.
papagrit Wrote:I agree!! The only group you can make fun of anymore nationally is rednecks.....and as a practicing redneck, my official stance is if you want to make fun of us, then get a thicker skin when it comes back at you. Most of us have a thick enough skin that, hell, we can handle it. But shoot back an IFO (Idiot from Ohio joke) at some offending, Buckeye or tell them that the only good thing that ever came out of Ohio was I-75 South and they just come all unglued.Confusednicker:

I used to drive I-75 from Harlan to Lexington every four days. At one point in time, I posted a list of folks who should NEVER be allowed to drive....ANYWHERE. They included 1) 99.9% of all females (I, of course was part of that .1%) 2) large black cars from Pulaski County 3) dual cab pick up trucks from Laurel County 4) 100% of the cars from Ohio and 5) 98% of the cars from Michighan.

I still stand by that list!!

pjdoug Wrote:yeah,I know. like I said I hate political correctness,but trail of tears was a horrible tragedy.

I would not have used that term personally, but it was used....get over it.

papagrit Wrote:Dougie, you would probably appreciate the Volunteer jokes more, being from Whitley County.
Why did Tennesee pick orange for it's football colors?

So the footballl players could play ball on Saturday, go hunting on Sunday and pick up trash on the side of the road the rest of the week.

An oldie, but still a goodie.:biggrin:


pjdoug Wrote:good one. I'm still trying to figure out why yellow jackets are orange in Williamsburg:biglmao::biglmao: must be hell inside your head, at times!!!
papagrit Wrote:Confusednicker: Never thought about that. Perhaps they are being politically correct so as not to offend Big Bird or something.


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