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Diversity - a nightmare for Hillary in 2016
One of the arguments most of the Democrats tried to use in 2008 and 2012 was, "you don't agree with Obama's ideas. Therefore, you are racist."

Just another review of the election...

*Tim Scott, an African-American, won handily in South Carolina.
*Shelley Moore Capito won the senate race in WV, becoming the first female senator for that state.
*Saira Blair, a female, was also elected to the House of Delegates in WV.
*Mia Love, an African-American female, was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives representing Utah.
*Joni Ernst was elected to represent Iowa in the senate. She is a female Iraq war veteran.
*Elise Stefanik from New York became the youngest female ever elected to congress at age 30.
*Will Hurd, an African-American from Texas, was elected to congress.

Had these been democratic victories, the media would have been trumpeting this to no end and probably pulling the race card out on the GOP. Even the NAACP did not recognize the victories of Scott, Love, and Hurd. One of the attacks I have been waiting for is the "sexist" arguments that will be used by the Democrats whether it is Hillary Clinton or Elizabeth Warren that is sent to run. I am enthusiastic in hope that the Democrats will try that because it will come back to bite them hard if they do.

Well, Hillary can play the Grandma card this time, too!! LOL
If Hillary wants to be president, she will do whatever it takes to win. In addition to playing the first woman card, I would not be shocked to see her play the lesbian card, the Cherokee card (it worked for Elizabeth Warren), the battered woman card, the scorned woman card, the divorced woman card, or whatever other card she needs to play. Bill better not stand too close to the Hillary bus, or he will get the Jeremiah Wright treatment.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:If Hillary wants to be president, she will do whatever it takes to win. In addition to playing the first woman card, I would not be shocked to see her play the lesbian card, the Cherokee card (it worked for Elizabeth Warren), the battered woman card, the scorned woman card, the divorced woman card, or whatever other card she needs to play. Bill better not stand too close to the Hillary bus, or he will get the Jeremiah Wright treatment.

Well, as last night's stunning Presidential performance demonstrates, Dems are predictable to a fault. The only thing that was more evident than Mr Obama's defiance in the face of the midterm results, was his contempt for Republicans. I can still say that no matter what he has chosen to bring before the American people, damning Republicans has been integral to his presentation. Which brings me to your signature, which I really like BTW. As the map shows clearly, millions of Americans espouse traditional conservative values at least enough to vote for them. And what a slap in the face the reality that map represents to liberalism! I felt slapped right back last night. But the resulting ripples of this EO may prove to exceed the liberal calculations. Move over Hillary bus, the immigration bus may have just perpetrated the ultimate hit and run on your presidential hopes.

Still, there isn't much doubt that it will be Hillary (candidacy) or die for 2016. It was all hearts and flowers while the Dems had control of two out of three branches of government and, the wind of the American voter at their backs. Now that things might be unraveling somewhat, they're getting a bit snippy. Therefore, they will be in denial for the next two years in exactly the same fashion they have been since 2010. Losing the House in that sweep, seemed to present a mere hiccup in foisting their agenda in America as they turned to regulations and the courts to keep the bus "moving forward."

I want to see a measured response to the immigration problem come out of the Republican camp. I believe it will be acceptable in the minds of voters if Boehner and McConnell address the issue directly and with courage. This dialogue we keep hearing about regarding a "broken" US immigration system is to me, just a red herring. The system is not broken, it is abused, obviously unenforced, largely ignored and rationalized around, by a string of Presidents since WW2.

I'm not much of a Heraldo fan, but he made a good summation on the subject this morning. His argument paraphrased; The border between the US and Mexico has long been 'soft' as to the passage of immigrant farm workers and other such seasonable pursuits have been concerned. And, we have been wont to be forgiving of those who could find their niche here in the US even if they did overstay visa's. Though I believe that to be a reasonable conclusion, that path to citizenship was still rigorous and lawful to the extent that authorities did catch up with them at some point. Now, the left are making as eloquent an argument as they can make to assimilate upwards of 25 million illegals using this same 'loose' logic. So, we are paying for being stupid and slothful and it is way past time to wake up. But, there is a much more sinister problem looming.

The world of 1950 through 2000 has changed. Today, like it or not, terrorism threatens to undermine every culture on the planet, as Islamic extremism stalks humanity en toto. Though we don't have statistics on how many terrorists may have infiltrated our society fifth column style across the southern border, we must recognize two things. First, 25 million illegals will in all likelihood suffice. :igiveup: And second, it would take a surprisingly few terrorists to create havoc within our borders. So, if we could just flush the bleeding heart liberalism and realize where we are in history, we will see that a secure border will go a long way towards stopping the tidal wave of humanity and the nightmare of Jerusalem style terror within this cherished land.
TheRealThing Wrote:Well, as last night's stunning Presidential performance demonstrates, Dems are predictable to a fault. The only thing that was more evident than Mr Obama's defiance in the face of the midterm results, was his contempt for Republicans. I can still say that no matter what he has chosen to bring before the American people, damning Republicans has been integral to his presentation. Which brings me to your signature, which I really like BTW. As the map shows clearly, millions of Americans espouse traditional conservative values at least enough to vote for them. And what a slap in the face the reality that map represents to liberalism! I felt slapped right back last night. But the resulting ripples of this EO may prove to exceed the liberal calculations. Move over Hillary bus, the immigration bus may have just perpetrated the ultimate hit and run on your presidential hopes.

Still, there isn't much doubt that it will be Hillary (candidacy) or die for 2016. It was all hearts and flowers while the Dems had control of two out of three branches of government and, the wind of the American voter at their backs. Now that things might be unraveling somewhat, they're getting a bit snippy. Therefore, they will be in denial for the next two years in exactly the same fashion they have been since 2010. Losing the House in that sweep, seemed to present a mere hiccup in foisting their agenda in America as they turned to regulations and the courts to keep the bus "moving forward."

I want to see a measured response to the immigration problem come out of the Republican camp. I believe it will be acceptable in the minds of voters if Boehner and McConnell address the issue directly and with courage. This dialogue we keep hearing about regarding a "broken" US immigration system is to me, just a red herring. The system is not broken, it is abused, obviously unenforced, largely ignored and rationalized around, by a string of Presidents since WW2.

I'm not much of a Heraldo fan, but he made a good summation on the subject this morning. His argument paraphrased; The border between the US and Mexico has long been 'soft' as to the passage of immigrant farm workers and other such seasonable pursuits have been concerned. And, we have been wont to be forgiving of those who could find their niche here in the US even if they did overstay visa's. Though I believe that to be a reasonable conclusion, that path to citizenship was still rigorous and lawful to the extent that authorities did catch up with them at some point. Now, the left are making as eloquent an argument as they can make to assimilate upwards of 25 million illegals using this same 'loose' logic. So, we are paying for being stupid and slothful and it is way past time to wake up. But, there is a much more sinister problem looming.

The world of 1950 through 2000 has changed. Today, like it or not, terrorism threatens to undermine every culture on the planet, as Islamic extremism stalks humanity en toto. Though we don't have statistics on how many terrorists may have infiltrated our society fifth column style across the southern border, we must recognize two things. First, 25 million illegals will in all likelihood suffice. :igiveup: And second, it would take a surprisingly few terrorists to create havoc within our borders. So, if we could just flush the bleeding heart liberalism and realize where we are in history, we will see that a secure border will go a long way towards stopping the tidal wave of humanity and the nightmare of Jerusalem style terror within this cherished land.
You make some good points, but I don't want to see a "measured response" by Republicans. Only 30 percent of Americans support Obama's executive order, and even among Hispanics, the split is fairly even.

All Americans, including all Republicans, should be justifiably outraged at Obama and the liberals who support his lawless actions.

I get so sick of hearing about what a political price Republicans paid for the last government shutdown. There have been quite a few government shutdowns over budget issues, and Republicans just won a huge wave of elections following the courageous decision by Ted Cruz and others to stand firm on principle. So what if the popularity of Boehner and McConnell dipped temporarily along with Cruz's poll numbers?

It is absolute stupidity to take impeachment or a government shutdown off the table in negotiations with Obama. Republicans need more articulate spokesmen than Boehner and McConnell (can the find less articulate people to give a microphone?) to explain why Obama is a threat to our Constitution.

If Republicans are going to simply bend over to get along when they take the majority, then I will not be a party to the destruction of my own way of life. There are some good people in the Republican Party but unfortunately, their leadership is both inept and rotten to the core. They seem to consider conservatives as bigger threats to their careers than Obama. I know where I am not wanted, and I will not vote for the GOP establishment's handpicked favorites in 2016. They are running out of time to behave as grown-up statesmen, IMO.

Quote:There are questions about whether President Obama's immigration plan is legal. There are questions about whether it's good policy. And then there are questions about whether it's smart politics. On the latter point, I'd say that Obama has been unusually shrewd, almost single-handedly demolishing the plans of Republican leaders for the next two years:

All but drowned out by Republicans' clamorous opposition to President Obama's executive action on immigration are some leaders who worry that their party could alienate the fastest-growing group of voters, for 2016 and beyond, if its hottest heads become its face.

They cite the Republican Party's official analysis of what went wrong in 2012…"If Hispanics think that we do not want them here," the report said, "they will close their ears to our policies."

…"Clearly with Republicans not having gotten to a consensus in terms of immigration, it makes it a lot more difficult to talk about immigration as a unified voice," said David Winston, a Republican pollster who advises House leaders. "There are some people — because there's not a consensus — that somehow end up having a little bit louder voice than perhaps they would normally have."

Among them is Representative Steve King of Iowa…

Ah yes, Steve King of Iowa. The odds of shutting him up are about zero, and with primary season approaching he's going to become the de facto leader of the anti-immigration forces. In the same way that Republican candidates all have to kiss Sheldon Adelson's ring and swear eternal loyalty to Israel if they want access to his billions, they're going to have to kiss King's ring and swear eternal hostility to any kind of immigration from south of the border—and they're going to compete wildly to express this in the most colorful ways possible. And that's a big problem. Expressing loyalty to Israel doesn't really have much downside, but effectively denouncing the entire Hispanic population of the United States is going to steadily destroy any hopes Republicans have of ever appealing to this fast-growing voting bloc.

And that's not all. Republican leaders are not only fearful of next year's primaries branding the GOP forever as a bunch of xenophobic maniacs, they're afraid it's going to wipe out any chance they have over the next two years of demonstrating to voters that they're a party of adults. Here's the LA Times:

"The strong reaction by Republican leaders has less to do with opposition to the nuts and bolts of the president's immigration policy and more to do with fear and anger that the issue will derail the agenda of the new Republican majority before the next Congress even convenes.

Republican leaders who had hoped to focus on corporate tax reform, fast-track trade pacts, repealing the president's healthcare law and loosening environmental restrictions on coal are instead being dragged into an immigration skirmish that they've tried studiously to avoid for most of the last year.

…To many, stark warnings from Boehner and McConnell sound more like pleas to the president to avoid reenergizing the GOP's conservative wing, whose leaders are already threatening to link the president's immigration plan to upcoming budget talks."

For what it's worth, I think Obama deserves credit for an unusually brilliant political move here. Some of this is accidental: he would have announced his immigration plan earlier in the year if he hadn't gotten pushback from red-state Democratic senators who didn't want to deal with this during tough election battles. Still, he stuck to his guns after the midterm losses, and the result seems to be almost an unalloyed positive for his party.

The downside, after all, is minimal: the public says it's mildly unhappy with Obama using an executive order to change immigration rules. But that's a nothingburger. Outside of the Fox News set that's already convinced Obama is a tyrant bent on shredding the Constitution, this simply isn't something that resonates very strongly or for very long. It will be forgotten in a few weeks.

The upside, conversely, is potentially huge. Obama has, indeed, waved a red flag in front of congressional tea partiers, turning them into frothing lunatics who want to shut down the government and maybe even impeach him. This has already turned into a huge headache for John Boehner and Mitch McConnell, who really don't want this to be the public face of the party. In addition, it's quite possibly wrecked the Republican agenda for the next year, which is obviously just fine with Obama. And it's likely to turn next year's primary season into an anti-Hispanic free-for-all that does permanent damage to the GOP brand.

And that's not even counting the energizing effect this has on Democrats, as well as the benefit they get from keeping a promise to Hispanics and earning their loyalty for the next few election cycles.

Is there a price to be paid for this? If you think that maybe, just maybe, Republicans were willing to work with Obama to pass a few constructive items, then there's a price. Those items might well be dead in the water. If you don't believe that, the price is zero. I'm more or less in that camp. And you know what? Even the stuff that might have been passable—trade authority, the Keystone XL pipeline, a few tweaks to Obamacare—I'm either opposed to or only slightly in favor of in the first place. If they don't happen, very few Democrats are going to shed any real tears.

That leaves only presidential appointments, and there might be a downside there if you think that initially Republicans were prepared to be halfway reasonable about confirming Obama's judges and agency heads. I kinda doubt that, but I guess you never know. This might be a genuine downside to unleashing the tea party beast.

So: the whole thing is politically pretty brilliant. It unifies Democrats; wrecks the Republican agenda in Congress; cements the loyalty of Hispanics; and presents the American public with a year of Republican candidates spitting xenophobic fury during primary season. If you're President Obama, what's not to like?
Does anyone else get the sickening feeling any time they see a MSNBC host or others called "progressives". It makes me think "socialism".

You got to give it to them though. They love playing the race card and getting people mad over things like transvestites not being able to use the bathroom they so choose.
TheRealThing Wrote:Well, as last night's stunning Presidential performance demonstrates, Dems are predictable to a fault. The only thing that was more evident than Mr Obama's defiance in the face of the midterm results, was his contempt for Republicans. I can still say that no matter what he has chosen to bring before the American people, damning Republicans has been integral to his presentation. Which brings me to your signature, which I really like BTW. As the map shows clearly, millions of Americans espouse traditional conservative values at least enough to vote for them. And what a slap in the face the reality that map represents to liberalism! I felt slapped right back last night. But the resulting ripples of this EO may prove to exceed the liberal calculations. Move over Hillary bus, the immigration bus may have just perpetrated the ultimate hit and run on your presidential hopes.

Still, there isn't much doubt that it will be Hillary (candidacy) or die for 2016. It was all hearts and flowers while the Dems had control of two out of three branches of government and, the wind of the American voter at their backs. Now that things might be unraveling somewhat, they're getting a bit snippy. Therefore, they will be in denial for the next two years in exactly the same fashion they have been since 2010. Losing the House in that sweep, seemed to present a mere hiccup in foisting their agenda in America as they turned to regulations and the courts to keep the bus "moving forward."

I want to see a measured response to the immigration problem come out of the Republican camp. I believe it will be acceptable in the minds of voters if Boehner and McConnell address the issue directly and with courage. This dialogue we keep hearing about regarding a "broken" US immigration system is to me, just a red herring. The system is not broken, it is abused, obviously unenforced, largely ignored and rationalized around, by a string of Presidents since WW2.

I'm not much of a Heraldo fan, but he made a good summation on the subject this morning. His argument paraphrased; The border between the US and Mexico has long been 'soft' as to the passage of immigrant farm workers and other such seasonable pursuits have been concerned. And, we have been wont to be forgiving of those who could find their niche here in the US even if they did overstay visa's. Though I believe that to be a reasonable conclusion, that path to citizenship was still rigorous and lawful to the extent that authorities did catch up with them at some point. Now, the left are making as eloquent an argument as they can make to assimilate upwards of 25 million illegals using this same 'loose' logic. So, we are paying for being stupid and slothful and it is way past time to wake up. But, there is a much more sinister problem looming.

The world of 1950 through 2000 has changed. Today, like it or not, terrorism threatens to undermine every culture on the planet, as Islamic extremism stalks humanity en toto. Though we don't have statistics on how many terrorists may have infiltrated our society fifth column style across the southern border, we must recognize two things. First, 25 million illegals will in all likelihood suffice. :igiveup: And second, it would take a surprisingly few terrorists to create havoc within our borders. So, if we could just flush the bleeding heart liberalism and realize where we are in history, we will see that a secure border will go a long way towards stopping the tidal wave of humanity and the nightmare of Jerusalem style terror within this cherished land.
As pointed out to you in the "red colored" county map you loved to post about after the 2012 election, which BTW was won by Obama, by a landslide in both electoral, and popular votes, is not really representative of the true voting public. The majority of American voters are in metro areas, and your "red" map espouses rural areas.

And also pointed out to you, this is a "6 year" curse of an election this year. Your republicans have many more vulnerable seats in 16 than we have, and most likely Congress will go back to democrats, along with an almost sure bet for the Presidency. Get back to us in 2 years with your "butt whipping" talk.
TheRealVille Wrote:As pointed out to you in the "red colored" county map you loved to post about after the 2012 election, which BTW was won by Obama, by a landslide in both electoral, and popular votes, is not really representative of the true voting public. The majority of American voters are in metro areas, and your "red" map espouses rural areas.

And also pointed out to you, this is a "6 year" curse of an election this year. Your republicans have many more vulnerable seats in 16 than we have, and most likely Congress will go back to democrats, along with an almost sure bet for the Presidency. Get back to us in 2 years with your "butt whipping" talk.

You've pointed out a lot of things you think are true. Some of them are speculation born of Democratic talking points, some when proven to have been wrong you just ignore. But there is one thing you've pointed out that is true, we agree on very little. For example, you think a 3 million popular vote margin out of the 119 million total cast is a landslide.

When Republicans swept your Democrats in 2010 you couldn't admit defeat, and you can't admit it in 2014. Both houses will be dominated by Republicans for the remainder of the miserable Obama era, and I hope they use the Constitution to make him equally miserable. When Mitt Romney lost in 2012, I was very concerned and am even more so looking forward to the next two years. But, even then I believe I could have come up with something a little more realistic to post about than drivel from Mother Jones. :please:
TheRealThing Wrote:You've pointed out a lot of things you think are true. Some of them are speculation born of Democratic talking points, some when proven to have been wrong you just ignore. But there is one thing you've pointed out that is true, we agree on very little. For example, you think a 3 million popular vote margin out of the 119 million total cast is a landslide.

When Republicans swept your Democrats in 2010 you couldn't admit defeat, and you can't admit it in 2014. Both houses will be dominated by Republicans for the remainder of the miserable Obama era, and I hope they use the Constitution to make him equally miserable. When Mitt Romney lost in 2012, I was very concerned and am even more so looking forward to the next two years. But, even then I believe I could have come up with something a little more realistic to post about than drivel from Mother Jones. :please:
10 million in 2008, 5 million in 2012. BTW, here's your "true" color map for the 2012 Presidential election.

Many liberals are just misguided average Americans. In their case, they are genuinely upset about the dishonest actions to which Obama, Reid, and other criminally impaired politicians have resorted to subvert our Constitution. Others really could not care less what kind of evidence is presented that the corrupt politicians that they support and helped elect are destroying this countries foundations. Gruber? Never heard of the guy.

How else can one possibly explain the continued support of Barack Hussein Obama after he has refused to enforce existing immigration laws (among others) and actively worked with Reid to make Congress irrelevant. Obama's EO granting de facto amnesty to an estimated 4.8 million illegal aliens has the support of 30 percent of Americans. Obama knows that his action has very little support among Americans and Democrats just suffered one of their worst wave of election defeats in U.S. history, yet, with a stroke of the pen he told 70 percent of Americans that disagree with him, as well as the 30 percent that agree with him, that he cares absolutely nothing about the will of the American people or the rule of law. The 30 percent just don't care. "Their man" can do no wrong in their starstruck eyes. Some are morons, some are crooks, but all are dangers to our way of life.

The 30 percent who support acts like this recent EO might as well be Russian or Chinese "citizens" because they are no longer loyal to this country. They have shown that they are perfectly willing to cede their rights as an American citizen to become a minion in a dictatorship. Heil Obama! Welcome to serfdom.
TheRealThing Wrote:You've pointed out a lot of things you think are true. Some of them are speculation born of Democratic talking points, some when proven to have been wrong you just ignore. But there is one thing you've pointed out that is true, we agree on very little. For example, you think a 3 million popular vote margin out of the 119 million total cast is a landslide.

When Republicans swept your Democrats in 2010 you couldn't admit defeat, and you can't admit it in 2014. Both houses will be dominated by Republicans for the remainder of the miserable Obama era, and I hope they use the Constitution to make him equally miserable. When Mitt Romney lost in 2012, I was very concerned and am even more so looking forward to the next two years. But, even then I believe I could have come up with something a little more realistic to post about than drivel from Mother Jones. :please:
Mother Jones is one of many media outlets that appeal to people who enjoy a good grubering.

Republicans will use forms of the word Gruber as a noun, verb, adjective, and maybe even as an adverb between now and 2016. The grubers who voted twice for Obama are going to be shocked in 2016 at how few Americans appreciate getting grubered relentlessly for eight years. Hillary will run a gruberous campaign, but I don't think that voters will fall for the tactics a third straight time.

Ted Cruz ad: a short clip of Obama contractor John Gruber repeatedly calling Americans stupid and boasting of the trickery used to get Obamacare passed. Next....a testimonial:

"Hi, I am Jimmy Gruber, with my wife Mary, and my daughter Cindy Sue Gruber. We are not related to Jon Gruber but his actions words have placed a stain on our family name. Help us to restore our family honor and join us as we vote for Senator Ted Cruz. Let the healing begin. Thank you."
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Many liberals are just misguided average Americans. In their case, they are genuinely upset about the dishonest actions to which Obama, Reid, and other criminally impaired politicians have resorted to subvert our Constitution. Others really could not care less what kind of evidence is presented that the corrupt politicians that they support and helped elect are destroying this countries foundations. Gruber? Never heard of the guy.

How else can one possibly explain the continued support of Barack Hussein Obama after he has refused to enforce existing immigration laws (among others) and actively worked with Reid to make Congress irrelevant. Obama's EO granting de facto amnesty to an estimated 4.8 million illegal aliens has the support of 30 percent of Americans. Obama knows that his action has very little support among Americans and Democrats just suffered one of their worst wave of election defeats in U.S. history, yet, with a stroke of the pen he told 70 percent of Americans that disagree with him, as well as the 30 percent that agree with him, that he cares absolutely nothing about the will of the American people or the rule of law. The 30 percent just don't care. "Their man" can do no wrong in their starstruck eyes. Some are morons, some are crooks, but all are dangers to our way of life.

The 30 percent who support acts like this recent EO might as well be Russian or Chinese "citizens" because they are no longer loyal to this country. They have shown that they are perfectly willing to cede their rights as an American citizen to become a minion in a dictatorship. Heil Obama! Welcome to serfdom.

The AG of Kansas just made a statement on national TV on the US law that governs border agents. That law says that people apprehended in the act of illegally crossing the US border "shall be" immediately remanded to a holding facility for detainment. The AG further stated that President Obama has ordered border control agents not to detain those entering our country illegally but, to turn them loose, immediately.

Now folks, at some point the muddy water should begin to clear up for even the dullest among us. Wide open borders plus a one man decree of de facto amnesty certainly doesn't add up to legal immigration in my book. This is a big deal and the Dems are using everything but legal arguments to justify doing it. Drawing on the imagery of tearing good families apart and the like. Heck, if they cared all that much for being together, one or two of them would not have abandoned their family to sneak across the border in the first place. In fact, the rationale I heard on Thursday night was that we'd let so many illegals in here that it is hopeless to even try to deport them.

So how do we fix it? Well, according to Obama we legalize it, thereby guaranteeing an even more massive influx of illegals across that same unguarded border to the south in the days to come. Doesn't the logic of liberals just sparkle?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You make some good points, but I don't want to see a "measured response" by Republicans. Only 30 percent of Americans support Obama's executive order, and even among Hispanics, the split is fairly even.

All Americans, including all Republicans, should be justifiably outraged at Obama and the liberals who support his lawless actions.

I get so sick of hearing about what a political price Republicans paid for the last government shutdown. There have been quite a few government shutdowns over budget issues, and Republicans just won a huge wave of elections following the courageous decision by Ted Cruz and others to stand firm on principle. So what if the popularity of Boehner and McConnell dipped temporarily along with Cruz's poll numbers?

It is absolute stupidity to take impeachment or a government shutdown off the table in negotiations with Obama. Republicans need more articulate spokesmen than Boehner and McConnell (can the find less articulate people to give a microphone?) to explain why Obama is a threat to our Constitution.

If Republicans are going to simply bend over to get along when they take the majority, then I will not be a party to the destruction of my own way of life. There are some good people in the Republican Party but unfortunately, their leadership is both inept and rotten to the core. They seem to consider conservatives as bigger threats to their careers than Obama. I know where I am not wanted, and I will not vote for the GOP establishment's handpicked favorites in 2016. They are running out of time to behave as grown-up statesmen, IMO.

LOL, even General Patton used measured response. I liked your whole post but I wanted to reply specifically to the bolded. The worry Republicans evidently go through with regard to fear of voter retaliation is in general sickening to me. Two wrongs never make a right and the standard for what is right is easily revisited by making a trip through American history.

What I am sick of hearing are the lies about the so-called executive orders of Reagan and Clinton with regard to illegal immigrants within US borders. Neither did anything close to what is being alleged. Reagan merely signed legislation which had already been signed off on by both houses of Congress. Said legislation was the Simpson-Mazzoli Bill, and anybody who would care enlighten themselves on the matter can look it up pretty easily. Clinton signed similar legislation which again, arrived at his desk via the US Congress.

Now, I'm not saying I think either was a particularly good idea because we see where sticking our heads in the sand has gotten us. None the less, Reagan was ultimately torpedoed because Dems who promised a quid pro quo for Reagan's endorsement, which was to come in the form of much tighter border control measures, never materialized. In other words they welched on their promise in that the border is still wide open but, the illegals affected by the legislation are still among us. Clinton's situation was more a collaboration between the White House and the Dems who like Judas, argued that the money would be better spent on the poor, and have subsequently blocked and bickered about tighter border controls from that day to this. It means nothing to them to lie to the people or those across the aisle.

IMO the situation now threatens to overwhelm the integrity of the entire nation as it seems "the people's" only hope of turning this thing around before it sweeps us away like a flash flood through an arroyo, are the Republicans who will soon be leading the Congress.
TheRealVille Wrote:10 million in 2008, 5 million in 2012. BTW, here's your "true" color map for the 2012 Presidential election.


I used one of your favorite sources, the huff and puff- ington post.

"(UPDATE (2): As of Noon on Friday, with nearly all votes in, Obama assuredly will win the popular vote, leading Romney by a count of 61,173,739 or 50.5% to 58,167,260 or 48.0%. At this point, a few final votes are being counted and then all that's left is for the results to be officially certified.)"

For the record, you really need to get a handle on the proper usage of quotations. You can never get it quite right.
TheRealThing Wrote:I used one of your favorite sources, the huff and puff- ington post.

"(UPDATE (2): As of Noon on Friday, with nearly all votes in, Obama assuredly will win the popular vote, leading Romney by a count of 61,173,739 or 50.5% to 58,167,260 or 48.0%. At this point, a few final votes are being counted and then all that's left is for the results to be officially certified.)"

For the record, you really need to get a handle on the proper usage of quotations. You can never get it quite right.
What the hell are you even talking about? I think everyone here knows I post quotes right. Show me an example. As always, when you are proven wrong, you pick out something else to deflect from the post that proves you wrong. FTR, like I said, he won by 5 million, I don't care what source you used.
TheRealThing Wrote:The AG of Kansas just made a statement on national TV on the US law that governs border agents. That law says that people apprehended in the act of illegally crossing the US border "shall be" immediately remanded to a holding facility for detainment. The AG further stated that President Obama has ordered border control agents not to detain those entering our country illegally but, to turn them loose, immediately.

Now folks, at some point the muddy water should begin to clear up for even the dullest among us. Wide open borders plus a one man decree of de facto amnesty certainly doesn't add up to legal immigration in my book. This is a big deal and the Dems are using everything but legal arguments to justify doing it. Drawing on the imagery of tearing good families apart and the like. Heck, if they cared all that much for being together, one or two of them would not have abandoned their family to sneak across the border in the first place. In fact, the rationale I heard on Thursday night was that we'd let so many illegals in here that it is hopeless to even try to deport them.

So how do we fix it? Well, according to Obama we legalize it, thereby guaranteeing an even more massive influx of illegals across that same unguarded border to the south in the days to come. Doesn't the logic of liberals just sparkle?
The problem cannot be fixed while Obama is president and the Republican "leadership" lacks the courage to fix that situation. Now is the time to take drastic action, including another government shutdown, if anything can be done. The next election is nearly two years away. If the party that will soon control both houses of Congress cannot persuade the American public in a two year period that Obama is an existential threat to our country, then they do not deserve the power that they will be given.

The Republican Party should be running a large ad campaign featuring Obama saying that he does not have the constitutional authority to unilaterally change immigration policy and also featuring Obama later saying that he does have such authority when he signed the executive order.

Other ads could feature some of the violent crimes committed by some of the 36,000 illegal alien criminals that the Obama administration has released from prison.

This is an extremely important issue and if Republicans have to scare Americans into seeing the truth, then it is best to do it sooner rather than later.

The problem, as I see it, is that Boehner and McConnell are just happy to be in their soft, comfy leadership chairs. They are glass half full type of people and seem to only see what might go wrong by forcefully pointing out that Emperor Obama has no clothes.

The time for playing it safe should be over. It has not worked for Boehner and McConnell the past six years, and there is no reason to think that the don't rock the boat style of governing will ever work with the loathsome creature that has infected the presidency.
TheRealVille Wrote:What the hell are you even talking about? I think everyone here knows I post quotes right. Show me an example. As always, when you are proven wrong, you pick out something else to deflect from the post that proves you wrong. FTR, like I said, he won by 5 million, I don't care what source you used.

I didn't expect you to keep up with me. Quotations as in proper or accurate usage of quotation marks. You live and die by huff and puff which is why I used it. So, now you're saying 5 million out of 121 million total votes cast is a popular vote landslide? The map is accurate.
Rodham should handle diversity well. After all, Bill bedded a diverse group of women while married to her.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Rodham should handle diversity well. After all, Bill bedded a diverse group of women while married to her.
I think that Hillary has dipped into the diversity well herself. She probably has bedded a more diverse group of people than Bill has.
TheRealThing Wrote:I didn't expect you to keep up with me. Quotations as in proper or accurate usage of quotation marks. You live and die by huff and puff which is why I used it. So, now you're saying 5 million out of 121 million total votes cast is a popular vote landslide? The map is accurate.
My use of quotations is legitimate. It was used in the sense of sarcastic purposes, which is ok in writing. You might want to go back and take a few more English lessons. You apparently missed a few back in the day.
TheRealVille Wrote:My use of quotations is legitimate. It was used in the sense of sarcastic purposes, which is ok in writing. You might want to go back and take a few more English lessons. You apparently missed a few back in the day.

Wrong as usual, I didn't say the first word about any true map. I've got a minor in English from UK so, if it's all the same to you I'll lean on my own understanding.
TheRealThing Wrote:Wrong as usual, I didn't say the first word about any true map. I've got a minor in English from UK so, if it's all the same to you I'll lean on my own understanding.
My use of "true" in that post was to show sarcastic emphasis in contrast to your map, which was entirely ok in writing. My map was the "true" map of the 2012 election, the map that shows the real results of Obamas election. The popular/electoral map that showed the win was the true map. Your red painted map just showed county by county, which slants it red, because as counties go, the populated areas had less blue color, but had more voters. Any idiot with any knowledge at all could decipher that your map was bullshit, because Obama got elected on that "red"(sarcasm) map, and did it at least by an electoral landslide, and a very large popular vote. If you like looking at a red county map, while a liberal is elected, go for it. It didn't change the results.
I still can't figure out why we don't just shoot them as they cross. It's a lot more cost effective.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I still can't figure out why we don't just shoot them as they cross. It's a lot more cost effective.
What if they had shot your ancestors as they came to America?
TheRealVille Wrote:My use of "true" in that post was to show sarcastic emphasis in contrast to your map, which was entirely ok in writing. My map was the "true" map of the 2012 election, the map that shows the real results of Obamas election. The popular/electoral map that showed the win was the true map. Your red painted map just showed county by county, which slants it red, because as counties go, the populated areas had less blue color, but had more voters. Any idiot with any knowledge at all could decipher that your map was bullshit, because Obama got elected on that "red"(sarcasm) map, and did it at least by an electoral landslide, and a very large popular vote. If you like looking at a red county map, while a liberal is elected, go for it. It didn't change the results.

So, you're just not going to admit that you misspoke when you said your boy won "by a landslide in both electoral, and popular votes?"
TheRealThing Wrote:So, you're just not going to admit that you misspoke when you said your boy won "by a landslide in both electoral, and popular votes?"
Is it not amazing that there is somebody in this country that is proud to have voted for Obama and is still gloating about voting for the winner after Obama has screwed up everything that he has touched? A smart man would be wishing that everybody would forget and lying low for awhile. :lmao:
TheRealThing Wrote:So, you're just not going to admit that you misspoke when you said your boy won "by a landslide in both electoral, and popular votes?"
You again deflect, but I'd call 5 million votes a landslide, yes.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Is it not amazing that there is somebody in this country that is proud to have voted for Obama and is still gloating about voting for the winner after Obama has screwed up everything that he has touched? A smart man would be wishing that everybody would forget and lying low for awhile. :lmao:
10 million jobs, 5.8 unemployment, record stock market numbers, deficit cut in half, saved from a near depression, and more I can't think of at present. I'm very proud to vote for the guy that saved our economy from a depression that your guy had us going toward.
TheRealVille Wrote:10 million jobs, 5.8 unemployment, record stock market numbers, deficit cut in half, saved from a near depression, and more I can't think of at present. I'm very proud to vote for the guy that saved our economy from a depression that your guy had us going toward.
The way that Obama counts jobs, at least four of those jobs have probably been mine. Most of the jobs that Obama has claimed to have created have been part time jobs and real incomes have dropped since he took office. A record number of people are no longer a part of the workforce.

Now, Obama is creating an even bigger incentive for illegals to flood into the country and displace more American workers from their jobs.

Obama has tightened his grip on his claim as the worst president in American history and you are proud to have voted for him twice. I believe you. :biglmao:

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