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Roger Ailes/Donald Trump Feud
"Donald Trump's surprise and unprovoked attack on Megyn Kelly during her show last night is as unacceptable as it is disturbing. Megyn Kelly represents the very best of American journalism and all of us at FOX News Channel reject the crude and irresponsible attempts to suggest otherwise. I could not be more proud of Megyn for her professionalism and class in the face of all of Mr. Trump’s verbal assaults. Her questioning of Mr. Trump at the debate was tough but fair, and I fully support her as she continues to ask the probing and challenging questions that all presidential candidates may find difficult to answer."

Obviously Roger Ailes is all-in for Megan Kelly. At least some of us who (occasionally) watch her program are however, are far less infatuated with her.

The following is my opinion and my observation. I believe FOX News anchors and contributors have been less than gracious with Trump from the day of his announcement to run for US President. I also believe that FOX falls far short of being the conservative bastion for political views that they are typecast to be. Now, whether they have consciously or subconsciously bowed to the criticism's of the left, is hard to say. But, their anchors IMHO, have been merciless since the now infamous confrontation between he and Megyn Kelly at the first GOP Debate.

However, up until the GOP debate Trump none the less, got significant exposure owing to his front runner status. After the events at the debate, civility and coverage towards Trump from FOX has seemingly dropped off a cliff, as the news agency concentrates their fire at Trump and their praises toward Carson, Fiorina and Rubio. In short, it would be hard for me to believe FOX's sudden pivot is not the result of retribution on behalf of little Megyn's delicate sensitivities. After all, how many times have we heard a Chairman and CEO come out and spend this much effort to show support for a news anchor?

I really wish the media could get their sizable egos out of the way where world affairs are concerned, and just report the darn news. I mean, does Ailes et-al really think Trump should be over the top gracious in the face of such blatant and open attack? To my way of thinking, FOX is still the best option for those wishing to get their news from TV. But from where I'm sitting, they give a very big stage and microphone to the left. And even that wouldn't be so bad if not for the obvious bias that many of their front line anchors just cannot manage to suppress.

I don't know about most, but I'm up to here with Media manipulation and politicization when it suits them.
I started suspecting that Fox was setting up a support operation for Jeb Bush when they fired Dick Morris and kept that clown Karl Rove. Trump has thrown a wrench into Murdoch's plans.

Anybody who thinks Fox is a conservative network is just not paying attention. The network is a huge supporter of the Boehner/McConnell/Bush wing of the GOP. They hate real conservatives like Cruz and Jindal. I have drastically cut my FNC viewing time since the campaign heated up.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I started suspecting that Fox was setting up a support operation for Jeb Bush when they fired Dick Morris and kept that clown Karl Rove. Trump has thrown a wrench into Murdoch's plans.

Anybody who thinks Fox is a conservative network is just not paying attention. The network is a huge supporter of the Boehner/McConnell/Bush wing of the GOP. They hate real conservatives like Cruz and Jindal. I have drastically cut my FNC viewing time since the campaign heated up.

Yep, FOX is morphing toward super-enlightened status in exactly the same way I watched ABC, NBC and CBS do it in the 70's/80's. Rove is way down on my list too, I often turn the channel when he starts bashing candidates he doesn't like while trying to enhance the Bush wing. Even Krauthammer is on board with it. I had a lot of respect for him until I saw his chin all a-quiver with indignation as he went into great detail to trash Trump.
I got the hit that the real reason FOX has lavished so much praise on Carson and Fiorina was to get back at Trump, trying to hurt his numbers.
I could look at Megyn Kelly all night. And yes Cruz and Jindal gets know time on fox's news. Confusederiously: what's up with that.
I honestly think that Fox, Rove, Krauthammer, Will, and company would rather see Hillary in the White House as Cruz.
Havent turned on Fox News since the first debate and that horrible moderation by Kelly.

She may have done some favors for Mr Ailes. They probably called it affirmative action.
64SUR Wrote:I could look at Megyn Kelly all night. And yes Cruz and Jindal gets know time on fox's news. Confusederiously: what's up with that.

Hoot Gibson; 1922044 Wrote:I honestly think that Fox, Rove, Krauthammer, Will, and company would rather see Hillary in the White House as Cruz.


You raise a very valid point 64. Cruz has been locked out by all TV main stream media, most front line newspapers and likely all but a few radio commentators.

Other than the best candidate having suffered a total media boycott, I suppose the realization that America has indeed changed is the hardest thing to bear. The reason I say that is because of the disconnect with which the media is beset owing to their age and liberal educational backgrounds. It is truly sad to consider that most talking heads don't even question whether or not the indoctrination of their youth is at all accurate. Therefore, given the fact that the airwaves are nowadays saturated with liberal blather, it has become obvious to me that the time of a majority conservative (but apropos) view of world affairs has passed us by. Oh we continue to hear from the General Jack Keane's and Art Laffers from bygone US glory days on some of the news shows but, for the most part, we know that the days of sage and sane foreign and domestic policy are over. And we cannot rely on politicians to correct our path as the gifted such as Ted Cruz, suffer a daily barrage of character assassination, while the establishment co-ops behave in the manner of which Hoot observed in his post above.

And the rabid chipmunks who today pass as legitimate news anchors, have no personal experience from which to draw sound conclusions. Heck, reports have it, that even the bozos inhabiting the UN Building said Obama acted like a petulant child yesterday during his speech at the UN, although denying it later. Obama, asserting during his speech (paraphrased), that ISIS (I refuse to refer to them with the President's chosen acronym of ISIL), cannot be defeated with guns, but will eventually fall to superior ideas. Now if that isn't a blindingly brilliant example of 21st Century thinking, I've never heard one! Confusednicker: The only thing I can imagine that would be more terrifying to ISIS than that would be if Kerry or some other high-up threatened to "closely monitor them."

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