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Clay County's Justin Combs has resigned
Per the Manchester Enterprise Facebook page. Thoughts?
I hadn't heard that.
Just what I'm hearing/seeing, embarrassing if so.
Someone had posted that they had heard that Combs was going to take the Magoffin County job that opened up a couple of days ago. Said he wanted to be closer to home. Label that as a rumor for the time being.
Don't worry. The hiring committee will bring us in a great coach!! These kids have been dealt a blow by the adults in clay county. Never should have been hired!

How can you hire a man and not his wife?
again I will hold commit until this is proven
This isn't a rumor. Its official. He is out at Clay County
WYMT is reporting it as well as Magoffins Coach being gone.
Is Dave Mitchell still over there?
Wouldn't be surprised if they settle for him. Hes an easy pick. Lot of experience and you need a coach quick to fill the hole.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Is Dave Mitchell still over there?
Wouldn't be surprised if they settle for him. Hes an easy pick. Lot of experience and you need a coach quick to fill the hole.

Mitchell's not there.
I have no idea whos in Clay County.
With as few jobs s it produces I don't know how it continues to exist.
The powers that be didn't even interview anyone so they got what they deserve imo!! And know the kids will suffer, but when you get 8 running clocks put on you surely you folks in Clay Co didn't really thin this guy could coach. That might be a state record.
Sad for the kids at clay.

Living The Dream!!
Heard today that Clay was hiring JJ Jones as head coach. Reggie Jackson will be O coordinator. Looks like some quality coaches.
Just embarrassing. The members of the last hiring committee should not even be around the football program at this point, they have single handily set clay county football back 15 years, and I like Combs but he was set up to fail here from day 1. They are a complete joke and should be laughed out of town.
1. Coach combs tried to bring in a legendary coach and another quality coach. He was turned down.

2. Clay county didn't hire the man's wife.

3. He wanted Scott Reid for the middle school job but they went with someone else.

4. Had over 30 thousand dollar bill at lowes when he began.
Oldschoolplayer Wrote:1. Coach combs tried to bring in a legendary coach and another quality coach. He was turned down.

2. Clay county didn't hire the man's wife.

3. He wanted Scott Reid for the middle school job but they went with someone else.

4. Had over 30 thousand dollar bill at lowes when he began.

The_Rock Wrote:Heard today that Clay was hiring JJ Jones as head coach. Reggie Jackson will be O coordinator. Looks like some quality coaches.

Feel bad for the Kids. You got a quality Coach in the County, Eugene Hensley go to him and give what it take to get him back coaching. I know he misses it.
How about hire the basketball coach and let him do football. He had the football/basketball players lifting weights every morning.
Clay doesn't want a football program!
Sad, sad!!
Every athlete at CCHS needs to be doing what the basketball program is doing. Takes discipline/dedication/desire to crawl out of bed and work out at 6am! Those "D" words have been absent from CCHS sports for far too long. Not enough has been asked of our athletes in ALL sports for quite some time. Winning comes at a cost and that group is willing to pay the price...period!
Wheatfarmer Wrote:Every athlete at CCHS needs to be doing what the basketball program is doing. Takes discipline/dedication/desire to crawl out of bed and work out at 6am! Those "D" words have been absent from CCHS sports for far too long. Not enough has been asked of our athletes in ALL sports for quite some time. Winning comes at a cost and that group is willing to pay the price...period!

Yes, but not while you're playing an in season sport and especially not in the mornings in which you will be competing in said sport.........PERIOD!

Just going by what I've heard and if that is the case that's just stupid.
Lifting in season is not uncommon. Goes a long way into conditioning (you don't lift the same in season as you do out). to which time you do up to the program as to what they feel is best. But lifting a couple times a week in season isn't exactly crazy talk. Far from it actually.
Not what I am saying. Lifting is fine. But if the football coach wants his guys focusing on football and going through his lifting program during the season then that should be the priority, not whatever the basketball team is doing.
Combs had no problem (or so he said) with those kids lifting for basketball. Since summer practice began...VERY LITTLE (if any) lifting by the football team has occurred. Those athletes that are lifting for basketball (I'm going to use the term "toning" to be more descriptive) have the option of not lifting on the days they have football games and golf matches, etc...(it is all voluntary anyway). They are not penalized by the basketball coach because of this. A lot of people are getting bent out of shape over this when it is really not a big deal. I am yet to hear the first kid complain about it. If you expect more of your student athletes then they will respond and give you more. This work load is still nowhere near what a college program would put on these kids. I'm just going to agree to disagree on this topic with you TheTigersEye
Who is calling the shots now? The buck has to stop somewhere.
Wheatfarmer Wrote:Combs had no problem (or so he said) with those kids lifting for basketball. Since summer practice began...VERY LITTLE (if any) lifting by the football team has occurred. Those athletes that are lifting for basketball (I'm going to use the term "toning" to be more descriptive) have the option of not lifting on the days they have football games and golf matches, etc...(it is all voluntary anyway). They are not penalized by the basketball coach because of this. A lot of people are getting bent out of shape over this when it is really not a big deal. I am yet to hear the first kid complain about it. If you expect more of your student athletes then they will respond and give you more. This work load is still nowhere near what a [B]college program would put on these kids.[/B] I'm just going to agree to disagree on this topic with you TheTigersEye

That right there tells me they ain't getting much out of their weightlifting program if they are "toning". Nobody that knows anything about sports performance or has the eye popping physique of the HOG would use the word Toning to describe their sports performance weightlifting program. Combs told me that the reason he hasn't been lifting much since summer practice began is because that most of his main dudes are throwing up the bicep curls with the hoops team and he don't have enough out to lift And that's good because they are not in college... The wise old hog has spoken, oink!
This is absolutely crazy that we are speaking about this type of lifting! Good for the basketball team to get up and work out at 6. Football is different my friends especially in a rural county.

During football season. You work out with the football team. If the basketball coach is getting football players to work out with them. That is BS!!!

Bottom line. I blame all this on the admin. They don't want a good football program!!
The next hire should be within the county. Clay county doesn't like outsiders.
Clay County don't like anybody, I don't see anybody in the county getting it. And to be honest, I am not sure anybody would even want it at this point.
Don't have enough out to lift huh? Five dudes (3 of whom are freshmen) are going to knock Combs out of having weightlifting. I'm calling bull**** on that one. For about a week (starting July 11th) those basketball/football kids lifted with both and then attended summer practice in helmets and shorts. I still never heard any of them complain. Instead of "toning", I guess I should have said lifting for endurance and not for bulking up. Being the sports performance authority fluent in Hans & Frans that you are, oh wise hog, you probably know the scientific name for that kind of lifting. It eludes me at the moment. Nonetheless, there is factual science behind it and I don't feel like Googling it. Combs (or any of his assistants) had a golden opportunity to attend those 6am workouts to see exactly what was taking place and possibly try to recruit some more athletes, but instead, based on your conversation with him, chose to scrap the idea of summer weightlifting for the other 40 players and pout up because someone was borrowing 5 of his kids between 4-5 hours per week at a time that didn't conflict w/his sport. Those other 40 players probably didn't need to hit the weights anyhow. Combs was practically begging to be dealt a hand he could fold. He lost the respect of the players after his stunt in June anyway. He DID need to be home (or at least closer to home) based on what was happening in his private life. I can respect that. However, I do have a hard time respecting his decision of staying for season 2 knowing good and well he should have been home all along. I'm finished commenting on this matter.

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