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Debate #1 -- Their Questions;Your Answers
After watching Designated Survivor, I couldn't help but hope that the debate last night would be its sequel. Confusedhh:

You are now the candidate of your party (and for fun, the opposition party as well). I have a list of each of the questions asked.

I will participate, and moderate. Because I can. I'm Ronald Reagan ya know.

Debate Rules: PLEASE FOLLOW!!!!!

-Keep it 100% factual, you will be fact checked as quickly as possible.
-You MAY call out inaccuracies in the opposing party.
-Rebuttals are at the sole discretion of the moderator.
-Follow up questions may be asked by the moderator on some subjects when the answer isn't clear enough.
-No matter what side you stand for, the side that you represent deserves your respect and hardwork. Like it or not, this exercise will force you to learn more about the other side. And by doing so, you'll actually have an easier time debating them in real life.
-No name calling, no insults, except if your Trump. Then you get a pass. haha No seriously. Keep it clean, keep it professional. Pretend you are George W. Bush debating Jesus Christ. k?
-last rule.... Have fun!!!!

Focus: American Prosperity

Democrat Designated Survivor:Why are you a better choice than your opponent to create the kinds of jobs that will put more money into the pockets of American works?

Republican Designated Survivor: You’ve talked about creating 25 million jobs, and you’ve promised to bring back millions of jobs for Americans. How are you going to bring back the industries that have left this country for cheaper labor overseas? How, specifically, are you going to tell American manufacturers that you have to come back?

Democrat: You’re calling for a tax increase on the wealthiest Americans. I’d like you to further defend that. And, Republican, you’re calling for tax cuts for the wealthy. I’d like you to defend those positions: Democrat and Republican.

*Bonus* (Not included in the original debate, but again, I'm the moderator)
The national deficit is at its lowest level in 8 years tonight, the national debt at its highest level in recorded history. The CBO reports that the deficit will bottom out this year, and once again grow to historic size for the foreseeable future. The National Debt, too, will grow at record rates towards 30 trillion by the year 2030. Your plans have not being scored by the CBO, and I know of no reputable source that puts a number on it: What year does your plan balance the budget, and include in your answer, do you support a balanced budget amendment and/or would you call for line item veto? If time permits, should a balance budget come from tax increases? spending cuts? entitlement reform? or a balanced mixture?

Focus: Candidate Tax Returns

Republican, we’re talking about the burden that Americans have to pay, yet you have not released your tax returns. And the reason nominees have released their returns for decades is so that voters will know if their potential president owes money to—who he owes it to and any business conflicts. Don’t Americans have a right to know if there are any conflicts of interest?
The IRS says with an audit of your taxes you’re perfectly free to release your taxes returns. And so the question, does the public’s right to know outweigh your personal rights?"

Democrat, you may follow up to any points the Republican up dealing with the tax return issue, or any other topic that was highlighted in his/her response.

Race in America

Democrat, The share of Americans who say race relations are bad in this country is the highest it’s been in decades, much of it amplified by shootings of African-Americans by police, as we’ve seen recently in Charlotte and Tulsa. Race has been a big issue in this campaign, and one of you is going to have to bridge a very wide and bitter gap. So how do you heal the divide?

Do you feel that the police are implicitly biased against minorities, specifically blacks?

Republican: Follow up on Democrats Response

Moderators Note: We are skipping over the birther issue. It does not have any business being talked about during a presidential debate. Now, or ever.

Focus: Security

Democrat: We want to start with a 21st century war happening every day in this country. Our institutions are under cyber attack, and our secrets are being stolen. So my question is, who’s behind it? And how do we fight it?

Republican: you have two minutes and the same question. Who’s behind [cyber attacks on the US]? And how do we fight it?

Democrat and Republican:You mention ISIS, and we think of ISIS certainly as over there, but there are American citizens who have been inspired to commit acts of terror on American soil, the latest incident, of course, the bombings we just saw in New York and New Jersey, the knife attack at a mall in Minnesota, in the last year, deadly attacks in San Bernardino and Orlando. I’ll ask this to both of you. Tell us specifically how you would prevent homegrown attacks by American citizens?

Republican:Why is your judgment [on the Iraq War] any different than the Democrats?

Democrat and Republican: Which leads to my next question, as we enter our last segment here, the subject of securing America. On nuclear weapons, President Obama reportedly considered changing the nation’s longstanding policy on first use. Do you support the current policy? (specifically, Obama toyed with the idea of changing the rules against using Nukes in a first strike, to only for our defense once they had been used against us.)

Final Focus: Mutual Acceptance

Republican: This year the Democrat became the first woman nominated for president by a major party. Earlier this month, you said she doesn’t have, quote, “a presidential look.” She’s standing here right now. What did you mean by that?”

Both: One of you will win this election -- will you both agree to accept the outcome of the election -- the will of the people, when the other loses?

**BONUS** (Moderator's Note: In the spirit of the Lincoln Douglas Debates, this will be the closest to actually 'debating' that will ever occur in today's president soundbite championships..... You may state your case for the presidency in a couple of short paragraphs, then your challenger will do the same. After the challenger is done, you can exchange 2 questions about their summary and make a statement yourself about each question you asked.)


I realize this is long and many won't 'play'. But I think its important that we give it a shot. You may use this or anything similiar as your challenge. I would just ask that you start a new thread, copy and paste it over and challenge anyone you'd like to a fair and fun debate. The fun part for me, is that I'm more than willing to play the role of Hillary/Democrat and give any republican out their a run for their money.

One last note. Even if you play the role of the party which you disagree, represent them honestly, accurately, and don't use it as an opportunity to make them sound crazier than they already are. An example would be, if you play the democrat: And you're asked about tax plans, explain the logic behind them. "I believe that trickle down economics only trickle down so far. The trickle becomes a sporadic drip on the heads of the upper echelon of the middle class. The drip disappears entirely below them. Those at the bottom rungs of society, are currently in a drought condition. I've never seen a rich man get richer, in hopes that he pull up the struggling blue collar worker that helped made him that way. We need an economy that works for all. One economy - FOR ALL. Not multiple economies, with multiple classes, with multiple results. I made 20 million in speeches last year, and slashing my tax rates will do nothing to help me hire a new speech writer. I don't buy more paper, or head down to the john deere to get a new tractor. I just sit and look at the money, wondering why I needed it all in the first place. Together, we are stronger. My plan will bring the bottom closer to the top! The top closer to the bottom. And grow the middle class into the GREAT CLASS."

Give it your all guys. Lets have some fun.
Who wants to be my challenger? And which side do you want?

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