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Weight room woes preseason.
What do teams consider good preseason numbers in the weightroom. Consistantly.... Our school is seeing 50+ on a regular basis but struggle with enough room for all to get a good workout. Anyone else having this issue (albeit a great problem) do you cope. forsee us dressing 65+ this year
If possible, have alternating days or alternating times for grade levels.
From a 1A perspective...... that is an extremely fortunate problem to have to deal with. This day and time kids have way more to do than we had. Most of us worked after school and practice. These kids have no limit to what's available to do instead of lift.
If kids are dedicated enough to show up regularly that is indeed a blessing. Good things happen in high school football when kids bust it in the offseason. Especially if those kids get rewarded on the field and that usually takes care of itself.
I would split the team in half, seniors with sophomores and juniors with freshman. Have half of the kids go outside or somewhere else to work on explosiveness/footwork/toughness type drills while the others lifted. Have them rotate half way through. Install a sense of urgency to get done while looking for any chance I could to build competition.
At Raceland we have early morning sessions before school and afternoon sessions.
Single Wing 77 Wrote:I would split the team in half, seniors with sophomores and juniors with freshman. Have half of the kids go outside or somewhere else to work on explosiveness/footwork/toughness type drills while the others lifted. Have them rotate half way through. Install a sense of urgency to get done while looking for any chance I could to build competition.

This. Split your guys up and do circuits, half of the circuits focused on weight training, half on stuff like footspeed and explosiveness. Not only do you get more work done with your time allotted, it can also help to keep your guys in shape during the winter and keep muscles and joints loose which will help to prevent injury whenever you lace them back up (for the guys that don't play a winter sport). It's not good to just pound weights all winter.

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