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The "Tolerant" Liberal

A great example of the liberal side of politics, who has demanded tolerance, but refuses to consider giving the same. Griffin has since apologized, ONLY when the back lash got so bad it was starting to effect her bank account.

This is the same lib who told Jesus to "suck it".

She isn't sorry; she is in damage control.

I've never enjoyed her version of comedy.
Ballmom1 Wrote:

A great example of the liberal side of politics, who has demanded tolerance, but refuses to consider giving the same. Griffin has since apologized, ONLY when the back lash got so bad it was starting to effect her bank account.

This is the same lib who told Jesus to "suck it".

She isn't sorry; she is in damage control.

I've never enjoyed her version of comedy.

CNN disassociated with her. Free speech protects her right to do it, but she is suffering the punishment of the marketplace for just horrible judgment in a time when ISIS thugs hold up bloody heads of "infidels."
Al Franken says she will survive this.
Granny Bear Wrote:Al Franken says she will survive this.

To expand on the hellishness, nobody is going to survive this. The past 8 years saw the US withdraw from her role of world dominance, especially in the Middle East. Radical Islam, which is far more a fever of hatred than a religion, is out of the bottle and nothing is going to get it back in there. The problem is, as the master plan of Islamic militants accurately forecasted, the nations of the world have allowed massive immigration from the Arab World nations, thusly forming a super sized 5th column of terrorists within their own borders, and the US is certainly no exception. The irony is, Most of the grief coming our way has been funded by American tax dollars. In other words, we tax payers are in effect 'buying' an invasion force. Top that one if you can.

Russia is feeling like a super power again. And because the left are a bunch of naïve milk toasts, who still today remain willfully blinded to the threat Reagan and Thatcher skillfully beat back in those days, that threat has returned. Said return aided immensely by the US failure to honor the Budapest Memorandum when Russian troops invaded the Crimean Peninsula. Putin is a force set in motion by our own retreater-in-chief. But the residual repercussions include the ongoing inability by Dems in power to interpret reality. So now thanks to this lunacy, our own President is being resisted by fully one half of the Congress and a large segment of the judiciary as his every effort is being countered. Not to mention the efforts of subversion by the ideologically poisoned left wing media. In my opinion the devastation coming over our embrace of and the continuing calls for the pursuit of globalism, cannot be overstated.

When I was in school China was referred to as a sleeping giant. Again, under the past administration China awoke and has engaged in a tremendous military build up fueled by US dollars, and has claimed the South China Sea as being part of sovereign China. While ironically sovereignty would seem to be out the door here in the US, as Americans seem now bereft of the will to even defend their own borders. North Korea is on the cusp of having developed an ICBM which can reach US territory, and development of even longer range missiles will be just a matter of refinement of existing technological successes. Same thing in Iran, likely much farther along in developing their own bomb and Russia is providing them with the missile technology to deliver a bomb.

Frankly, though horrendous, I thank Ballmom for putting it up because it needed to be exposed, but what Griffin said about our Lord was hellishly unthinkable. Ballmom1 is spot on with her assessment of the evil which is upon this nation and the world. The forces assembling to do us harm from without are daunting enough, but those from within are to me most terrifying. Hence my 'down the drain' analogy, and my hope that the Lord is not yet done with the people of this land to do His work. Our only reprieve is in repentance, and our only worth is in the return to worshipping Him.
⬆ Vladimir Putin, old guard KGB with a huge chip on his shoulder, a huge ego, and an enormous nationalistic sense, reasoned to himself, "Russia shall return to being a major player on the world stage." Simply placing that at former President Obama's feet is revisionist and inaccurate. Does it not stand to reason, that Putin is thrilled with any weakening of NATO, and wedges developing between NATO members. An increasing American nationalism, a strident American exceptionalism, a growing sentiment to stand by ourselves on the playground and shout criticism at others can do little but move the needle toward a significantly less stable, less secure world. Strong leadership isn't "sound and fury," isn't 4th watch tweets; in fact, "sometimes discretion, sometimes valor, and a wise man knows which is called for" is much closer to a true descriptor of strong, effective leadership.
Originally posted by TRT
"Frankly, though horrendous, I thank Ballmom for putting it up because it needed to be exposed, but what Griffin said about our Lord was hellishly unthinkable. Ballmom1 is spot on with her assessment of the evil which is upon this nation and the world. The forces assembling to do us harm from without are daunting enough, but those from within are to me most terrifying. Hence my 'down the drain' analogy, and my hope that the Lord is not yet done with the people of this land to do His work. Our only reprieve is in repentance, and our only worth is in the return to worshipping Him."

I struggled with whether or not to post this. I hate to give her the audience and exposure, but she said these things on national TV.

I just cannot fathom some of the things that are happening to and in this world right now.
⬆ "I just cannot fathom some of the things that are happening in this world right now."

I would like to point out that holding up a facsimile of President Trump's bloody head while referencing Ms. Kelly as an act of political protest is quantitatively DIFFERENT than actually cutting off a human being's head and displaying it for political and recruiting purposes (ISIS). I also suggest that since sin and rebellion entered Creation the things that happen in this world have been the kind of awful and horrible and tragic that mourning is the only real response. War is not new. Famine is not new. Pestilence is not new. People showing gross disrespect to other people is not new. Eight billion human beings are certainly going to increase sorrows over and above two, three, and four billion, but since sin entered the world, there has never been a time or place where mourning was not the most reasonable response.
Ballmom1 Wrote:Originally posted by TRT
"Frankly, though horrendous, I thank Ballmom for putting it up because it needed to be exposed, but what Griffin said about our Lord was hellishly unthinkable. Ballmom1 is spot on with her assessment of the evil which is upon this nation and the world. The forces assembling to do us harm from without are daunting enough, but those from within are to me most terrifying. Hence my 'down the drain' analogy, and my hope that the Lord is not yet done with the people of this land to do His work. Our only reprieve is in repentance, and our only worth is in the return to worshipping Him."

I struggled with whether or not to post this. I hate to give her the audience and exposure, but she said these things on national TV.

I just cannot fathom some of the things that are happening to and in this world right now.

I'd like to think I know exactly what you mean by this. Sometimes I refuse to 'quote' a poster on here if what they said is heretical or blasphemous, if only because I know people will be re-exposed to it.

In considering honestly the things happening right now, I frankly don't even recognize this world anymore. One thing that concerns me most is the lying. One cannot believe 90% of what they hear anymore. I actually believe they (the lies) are more destructive than the violence, and one would have to ask what force on this planet could cause him or her to say something like Griffin said out in open air.
2 Corinthians 5:11 (KJV)
11 Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are made manifest unto God; and I trust also are made manifest in your consciences.

Though I cannot fathom the insolence being shown, I know no matter how bad things get here, and it will be a nightmare by any definition, the terror of facing the Almighty God at the Judgment will far eclipse anything seen on this earth. And the record the Lord has concerning each of our lives will be as clear and concise as the record of Griffin's words and the picture of her deed. Her actions would have been equally damning no matter whose head she'd cut off, but what she said about Christ is unthinkable. The point is on that day of terror, there will be not one centimeter of slack to be had for anyone facing Him apart from the blood of Christ. There are no words to describe what is to come.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆ "I just cannot fathom some of the things that are happening in this world right now."

I would like to point out that holding up a facsimile of President Trump's bloody head while referencing Ms. Kelly as an act of political protest is quantitatively DIFFERENT than actually cutting off a human being's head and displaying it for political and recruiting purposes (ISIS). I also suggest that since sin and rebellion entered Creation the things that happen in this world have been the kind of awful and horrible and tragic that mourning is the only real response. War is not new. Famine is not new. Pestilence is not new. People showing gross disrespect to other people is not new. Eight billion human beings are certainly going to increase sorrows over and above two, three, and four billion, but since sin entered the world, there has never been a time or place where mourning was not the most reasonable response.

Suggest away oh commandant of compromise, the problem wasn't the severed head. The problem is in what she said about the Lord. Oh, and of course your ever ready bunny defense of the indefensible. I don't bet, but if I did I'd have bet the whole bank on that one smoking you out. Like agent Smith in the final scene of the Matrix Trilogy, you come flying out of your hole all covered with muck and proclaim... "This is my world, my world!!
TheRealThing Wrote:Suggest away oh commandant of compromise, the problem wasn't the severed head. The problem is in what she said about the Lord. Oh, and of course your ever ready bunny defense of the indefensible. I don't bet, but if I did I'd have bet the whole bank on that one smoking you out. Like agent Smith in the final scene of the Matrix Trilogy, you come flying out of your hole all covered with muck and proclaim... "This is my world, my world!!

You live, TRT, in this hypercharged, either/or Ca-Ca land. In what world would the facsimile of Trump's head NOT be qualitatively different from an actual human head? At what point would you be able to negotiate the nuance that advocating for free speech is not the same as actually defending or finding credence in what is said. Now, muck and mire? Wouldn't that be what one is rolling in when giving the "blood" comment directed at Megyn Kelley? Or, self-righteous purveyor of partisanship, Forrest Gump style, is that just "fine and dandy"?
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:You live, TRT, in this hypercharged, either/or Ca-Ca land. In what world would the facsimile of Trump's head NOT be qualitatively different from an actual human head? At what point would you be able to negotiate the nuance that advocating for free speech is not the same as actually defending or finding credence in what is said. Now, muck and mire? Wouldn't that be what one is rolling in when giving the "blood" comment directed at Megyn Kelley? Or, self-righteous purveyor of partisanship, Forrest Gump style, is that just "fine and dandy"?

You got any idea what a load of incoherent mush this ^^ is?

Who knows what you think Megyn Kelley has to do with any of this, I know I don't. Although I'm certain anything Forrest Gump might have to say would go way over your head. And I wasn't advocating for Griffin to suffer one iota more than what she must face at the Judgment, nor did I say it was illegal for her to tell the Lord what He could go do with Himself. That's on her, as is your attempt to act as if you can't understand the gist of this conversation is on you. Do you really think you're so clever nobody knows what you do? You always use the secular humanism conversion scale to redefine every topic on here so you can apply your liberal talking points.

You invariably deny the faith and deny that men are responsible for their actions in this world and the one to come. And frankly, one day soon people who think the way you do, might actually change the Constitution to say taking God's name in vain is legal. Now, I know you like to defend the unacceptable actions of others citing the Constitution. So you go ahead and stand up for their right to blaspheme God, and I will oppose the practice as is my Godly charter. Everything is not relative, right and wrong are in fact, separated by clearly defined lines in the mind of God and lucid men, and Satanic equivocations notwithstanding, Godly truths are not subjective. So by all means, put me down on the either/or side of the ledger.
Kathy Griffin is just a typical liberal. The main problem with most liberals and progressives is the unalterable fact that the great majority of them are scum. I have known a few decent ones- but pitifully few.
TheRealThing Wrote:You got any idea what a load of incoherent mush this ^^ is?

Who knows what you think Megyn Kelley has to do with any of this, I know I don't. Although I'm certain anything Forrest Gump might have to say would go way over your head. And I wasn't advocating for Griffin to suffer one iota more than what she must face at the Judgment, nor did I say it was illegal for her to tell the Lord what He could go do with Himself. That's on her, as is your attempt to act as if you can't understand the gist of this conversation is on you. Do you really think you're so clever nobody knows what you do? You always use the secular humanism conversion scale to redefine every topic on here so you can apply your liberal talking points.

You invariably deny the faith and deny that men are responsible for their actions in this world and the one to come. And frankly, one day soon people who think the way you do, might actually change the Constitution to say taking God's name in vain is legal. Now, I know you like to defend the unacceptable actions of others citing the Constitution. So you go ahead and stand up for their right to blaspheme God, and I will oppose the practice as is my Godly charter. Everything is not relative, right and wrong are in fact, separated by clearly defined lines in the mind of God and lucid men, and Satanic equivocations notwithstanding, Godly truths are not subjective. So by all means, put me down on the either/or side of the ledger.

What an overstuffed peacock you are. The United States of America was not conceived nor organized to weigh in on the eternal prospects of an agnostic or atheist or blasphemer. To suggest that one who believes that is somehow beneath your self-proclaimed lofty perch? What a load of rot. Defending freedom, right of speech, of peaceful assembly, this is not to assert or imply embrace of the speech, the assembly, or the behavior. To see in the Constitution a protected right, and to defend that protection, has absolutely nothing to do with what one personally approves or does not approve. If you, TRT, fail in this understanding, or reject it, you have little, if anything, intellectually in common with Thomas Jefferson. If you cannot accept another man's right to reject your religion and your God, and yet live unhindered under our Constitution, you, indeed, are of a spirit that is dangerous. And, by the way, Siggy, the repeated use of the word "if" invites you to clarify, not, as you often erroneously assert, pins you to some projective cushion.
ekyswvahsfan Wrote:Kathy Griffin is just a typical liberal. The main problem with most liberals and progressives is the unalterable fact that the great majority of them are scum. I have known a few decent ones- but pitifully few.

I agree with your statement but for her being a "typical" liberal. I see her as an extreme within an extreme.

She is now accusing DJT, Jr of bullying and retained a lawyer. Mark my words, she will recover from this just like Franken said she would.

Remember, she has a lot of people and media on her side. The media has never back away from a good fake news story.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:What an overstuffed peacock you are. The United States of America was not conceived nor organized to weigh in on the eternal prospects of an agnostic or atheist or blasphemer. To suggest that one who believes that is somehow beneath your self-proclaimed lofty perch? What a load of rot. Defending freedom, right of speech, of peaceful assembly, this is not to assert or imply embrace of the speech, the assembly, or the behavior. To see in the Constitution a protected right, and to defend that protection, has absolutely nothing to do with what one personally approves or does not approve. If you, TRT, fail in this understanding, or reject it, you have little, if anything, intellectually in common with Thomas Jefferson. If you cannot accept another man's right to reject your religion and your God, and yet live unhindered under our Constitution, you, indeed, are of a spirit that is dangerous. And, by the way, Siggy, the repeated use of the word "if" invites you to clarify, not, as you often erroneously assert, pins you to some projective cushion.

After all the stupid stuff you've put up about Jefferson on here, I could care less what you say about any of the founders and their character. You wouldn't know Jefferson from Megyn Kelley, much less Kathy Griffin. Thus your detached and incoherent references to the Constitution are laughably meaningless.
TheRealThing Wrote:After all the stupid stuff you've put up about Jefferson on here, I could care less what you say about any of the founders and their character. You wouldn't know Jefferson from Megyn Kelley, much less Kathy Griffin. Thus your detached and incoherent references to the Constitution are laughably meaningless.

Jefferson really liked his women slaves
vector Wrote:Jefferson really liked his women slaves

vector you sure you want to be part of the monkey puke trio? Surely you've got more on the ball than that.

Jefferson is one of my all time favorites of the Founding fathers. Did you know for example, that President Jefferson prosecuted his VP (Aaron Burr) for treason? Burr would have been put to death had it not been for the special protections placed on the office of VP under the Constitution. Jefferson was a man's man, if he were President in our day he'd steam roll all the liberal cry baby Dems infesting federal government.
Well, I may have been wrong. Al Franken has cancelled his book signing with his "friend" scheduled in California for July.

He just can't bring himself to back up his rhetoric with action!!
TheRealThing Wrote:vector you sure you want to be part of the monkey puke trio? Surely you've got more on the ball than that.

Jefferson is one of my all time favorites of the Founding fathers. Did you know for example, that President Jefferson prosecuted his VP (Aaron Burr) for treason? Burr would have been put to death had it not been for the special protections placed on the office of VP under the Constitution. Jefferson was a man's man, if he were President in our day he'd steam roll all the liberal cry baby Dems infesting federal government.

No he does not have more on the ball.

After vector's vile and personal attack on me, he has become totally irrelevant as far as I am concerned.
Granny Bear Wrote:No he does not have more on the ball.

After vector's vile and personal attack on me, he has become totally irrelevant as far as I am concerned.

It's a shame the way he and a few others on here have come at you. As far as I am concerned, everything you've put up would past Emily Post. But if one were to take their word for it, they're all high rolling big league debaters. In reality, causticisms and slander are all they've got, and even then they're at their best when coming down on girls.
Liberals are liars and hypocrites who want America to fail and allow for everything bad to happen
TheRealThing Wrote:After all the stupid stuff you've put up about Jefferson on here, I could care less what you say about any of the founders and their character. You wouldn't know Jefferson from Megyn Kelley, much less Kathy Griffin. Thus your detached and incoherent references to the Constitution are laughably meaningless.

What is laughable, if not a bit scary, is a so-called lover of liberty, defender of freedom, who apparently knows the words of Christ but not the Spirit, like a man singing every word of a song correctly but badly out of tune. What a ridiculous god complex you have. Go stare at a bunch of elephants, Patti, and grasp the tail in front of you. It's obvious from your posts where you're tail-grasping leads you to look.
TheRealThing Wrote:It's a shame the way he and a few others on here have come at you. As far as I am concerned, everything you've put up would past Emily Post. But if one were to take their word for it, they're all high rolling big league debaters. In reality, causticisms and slander are all they've got, and even then they're at their best when coming down on girls.

Ah, Granny, thou see with tainted eyes. How fun would any of this be if we just did milquetoast? It's rough and tumble, and that keeps it juicy and interesting. One day, we'll all have to gather at Pine Mountain Grill. Then, TRT can buy me an ice cold Coca-Cola. Heck, I'll get you an appetizer just to start off the meal.
diceman Wrote:Liberals are liars and hypocrites who want America to fail and allow for everything bad to happen

Grasp the tail in front of you.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:What is laughable, if not a bit scary, is a so-called lover of liberty, defender of freedom, who apparently knows the words of Christ but not the Spirit, like a man singing every word of a song correctly but badly out of tune. What a ridiculous god complex you have. Go stare at a bunch of elephants, Patti, and grasp the tail in front of you. It's obvious from your posts where you're tail-grasping leads you to look.

One us doesn't know the Spirit, that much i grant you.
Granny Bear Wrote:No he does not have more on the ball.

After vector's vile and personal attack on me, he has become totally irrelevant as far as I am concerned.

Lets be honest, vector was born irrelevant...Sheesh, he can't even spell "ball".
TheRealThing Wrote:One us doesn't know the Spirit, that much i grant you.

Why, TRT, self-awareness at last.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:What is laughable, if not a bit scary, is a so-called lover of liberty, defender of freedom, who apparently knows the words of Christ but not the Spirit, like a man singing every word of a song correctly but badly out of tune. What a ridiculous god complex you have. Go stare at a bunch of elephants, Patti, and grasp the tail in front of you. It's obvious from your posts where you're tail-grasping leads you to look.

The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Why, TRT, self-awareness at last.

In another thread you're on here defending a false religion, extolling, embracing and applauding what you say, are 2 billion followers of a religion which has no true god. But allow me to introduce you to the cornerstone of true self awareness.
Exodus 20:3 (KJV)
3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

Jefferson was smart enough to know he could not preach from the halls of federal government. He also knew men will answer for their shortfalls before the true Living God. You even quoted the text where he discussed this simple and inescapable truth, but rolled right over it because you're not looking to magnify the Creator. You looking to advance secular humanism in your DNC inspired sermon of the day. The same DNC which propagates and demands funding for abortion on demand and the furtherance of gay rights.

Now that we're all done laughing it's time to get serious. I admire Jefferson too, but don't try and say any man who knows the Lord as Savior would defend anything other than Jesus Christ, even in a society which believes in freedom of religion. That's what Jefferson was speaking of. But where Jefferson may have been somewhat lacking, the Apostle Paul stepped up...
1 Corinthians 2:1-2 (KJV)
1 And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of God.
2 For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.

At any rate, your words are set forth here as record against you. Instead of proclaiming Christ, you who claim enlightened status in Christianity have nonetheless, defended Islam over and over again. I'd rather point all 2 billion of them to Christ, than salve their egos in support while hypocritically hiding behind the glorious oratory of our Constitution. Which BTW you don't quite have the knack of yet.
The only way a liberal can be tolerant is if they don't exist.

Liberals are the downfall of America

They want America to be a poverty state and erase the white race
TheRealThing Wrote:In another thread you're on here defending a false religion, extolling, embracing and applauding what you say, are 2 billion followers of a religion which has no true god. But allow me to introduce you to the cornerstone of true self awareness.
Exodus 20:3 (KJV)
3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

Jefferson was smart enough to know he could not preach from the halls of federal government. He also knew men will answer for their shortfalls before the true Living God. You even quoted the text where he discussed this simple and inescapable truth, but rolled right over it because you're not looking to magnify the Creator. You looking to advance secular humanism in your DNC inspired sermon of the day. The same DNC which propagates and demands funding for abortion on demand and the furtherance of gay rights.

Now that we're all done laughing it's time to get serious. I admire Jefferson too, but don't try and say any man who knows the Lord as Savior would defend anything other than Jesus Christ, even in a society which believes in freedom of religion. That's what Jefferson was speaking of. But where Jefferson may have been somewhat lacking, the Apostle Paul stepped up...
1 Corinthians 2:1-2 (KJV)
1 And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of God.
2 For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.

At any rate, your words are set forth here as record against you. Instead of proclaiming Christ, you who claim enlightened status in Christianity have nonetheless, defended Islam over and over again. I'd rather point all 2 billion of them to Christ, than salve their egos in support while hypocritically hiding behind the glorious oratory of our Constitution. Which BTW you don't quite have the knack of yet.

Now, for the facts, after a just dizzying flatuence of spin:

To say that nigh 2 billion followers of Islam exist in the world is FACT, not advocacy.

To state that any call for the eradication of Islam by flesh and blood sits at the entrance to genocide is FACT, not advocacy.

I have no idea, TRT, where you get that I am an advocate for the seed of Ishmael by simply saying that a call for the "eradication of Islam" is irresponsible and dangerous, and, in my view, not Scriptural.

Note: Jefferson, an admirer of Christ's ethical teaching, nevertheless excised all the miracles from his own personal testament, and preferred only that which could be verified by human reason.

Yes, yes, continue on, Simple Simon, in your literalistic extremism, an extremism which would have enthroned state's rights at the most key moments of our Constitution's moments of crisis: whether we would interpret human equality and freedom and equal protection at its highest common denominator.

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