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Judge Roy Moore
Roy Moore accuser Beverly Young Nelson has admitted that at least 'some' of the yearbook inscription and signature that she has attributed to Judge Roy Moore, is a forgery. And by her own hand no less.

No wonder she and her lawless, I mean lawyer Gloria Allred had decided to keep the thing under lock and key until after the election. Any guesses as to the impetus of Beverly's recent confession? Can you say lawsuit, or defamation, or libel, or slander, how about jail time? And frankly she's still in just as much hot water for ever starting this brouhaha in the first place, because considering all, the Judge just may follow through on his threats to sue all those who've chosen to make public charges against him.

This tactic of smearing people with charges of sexual aggression in times past has become an all too familiar 'cry wolf.' I didn't believe it concerning Bill O'Reilly, didn't believe Megyn Kelley, didn't believe it about Charles Payne and am having quite a hard time in taking all this at face value with regard to Judge Roy Moore. Andrew Napolitano slammed Moore for defying a federal judge's order to move a Ten Commandments monument from the state Supreme Court building, calling him unfit for office. A trespass for which the Alabama judicial ethics panel removed then Chief Justice Roy Moore from office.

I personally think him more of a hero than one who thumbs his nose at the law. If we would like to consider that type of politician or legal professional we have but to consider what has gone on of late on the national front.
I understand many people are perfectly content to accept the validity of Moore's accusers at face value. And in so doing, they are happy to run over the other side of the argument without so much as a glance. As I said, Senator Luther Strange's millions of dollars worth of opposition research yielded nothing of any clue of sexual predation. Only after the run-off election between the Steve Bannon backed Judge and sitting Senator Luther Strange was past, did the woodwork yield up all these Moore accusers.

Too late at that point to mount a campaign under the name of a new candidate, and too late at that point to keep Luther Strange in place. It's a classically mounted political ambush, of which a RINO Republican Speaker and an establishment Majority Leader mired in the norms of the past, seemingly bought into on the most superficial of terms. Paul Ryan already showed his borderless ideological bent when he leaped to the defense of illegal immigrants during the last Presidential campaign. Remember when he slammed Trump for rightly mentioning that many of the border crashing aliens of other cultures were prone to crime? Statistics bear that out in spades, but Ryan sounded like a little Barack Jr at that point saying "that's not who we are." And went on in this case to publicly castigate Judge Moore. McConnell's made a number of public DJT critiques, and was not averse in the least in using the power of his Senate post to snatch possible victory from the jaws of certain defeat in the Alabama race for Senator. And on behalf of yet another lawyer of rabid liberal leanings in the person of Democrat Doug Jones no less. BTW, Doug Jones is a screaming abortion on demand supporter. But the continuing certain murder of millions of the unborn and newborn, pales against flimsily supported sexual innuendo I guess.

You couldn't make this stuff up if you wanted to. And yet even if it was the judge who signed the yearbook, that adds exactly nothing in support of Young's charge. Now, in Al Franken's case there is photographic evidence to support the news anchor in question's allegations. And in the case of John Conyers, no less than his own Deputy Chief of Staff declared on open air during an interview on the "Today Show," that Congressman Conyers had pursued her relentlessly for sex over time. Nothing has been offered up in the case of Judge Roy Moore other than a yearbook, with an unverified inscription which mentions or infers nothing about sex. That's a little bit too much a stretch if you ask me.

On the other hand, Roy Moore's record on the bench is exemplary, particularly distinguishing himself in most Christian eyes, by having stood on his own Christian principles to defend his refusal to remove a monument of the 10 Commandments from the grounds of the Alabama State SC, (Commandments upon which our system of law is based BTW, that is if anybody would happen to even still be interested in the law). The man forfeited his job as Chief Justice of Alabama in deference of his faith. It would have taken a strong Christian to make that kind of sacrifice. But it takes no sacrifice, or class, to execute judgment upon him bereft of due process. By all means, I would encourage everyone to line up on which ever side of this thing suits them best.
John 8:7 (KJV)
7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.
⬆️ Yet again, “due process” is a term applied to legal procedings. Roy Moore is running for the United States Senate, not on trial for his freedom. No matter the decision of Alabama’s electorate tomorrow, “due process” is not at issue in this matter.
^^ So you're admitting then that the left, your side, wants to rely solely on gossip to both remove duly elected officials with whom they don't happen to agree, and otherwise keep Republicans who would occupy any other open seats, out of office? I'll admit it was high time for a little honesty, I am nonetheless a little surprised by it.
⬆️ Yet more straw. The premise is this: “due process” is a legal concept. If you want to characterize Roy Moore’s accusers as “pure gossip,” that’s your party. Roy Moore is not being put before a grand jury, subject to indictmemt. And, yes, TRT, over and over again, I have argued that politics is a rough and tumble, winner take all, zero sum game. Both left and right want its policies to rule the day, with the “culture war” component only adding further “all’s fair in love and war” (and politics) to the fray. But let’s be clear: a man who says that wealth and power entitle a man to grab a woman’s genitals, for instance, has at least shrunk the margin for benefit of the doubt, as has a man at the least asked to stop hanging around a mall giving teen girls an unwanted perusal.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆️ Yet more straw. The premise is this: “due process” is a legal concept. If you want to characterize Roy Moore’s accusers as “pure gossip,” that’s your party. Roy Moore is not being put before a grand jury, subject to indictmemt. And, yes, TRT, over and over again, I have argued that politics is a rough and tumble, winner take all, zero sum game. Both left and right want its policies to rule the day, with the “culture war” component only adding further “all’s fair in love and war” (and politics) to the fray. But let’s be clear: a man who says that wealth and power entitle a man to grab a woman’s genitals, for instance, has at least shrunk the margin for benefit of the doubt, as has a man at the least asked to stop hanging around a mall giving teen girls an unwanted perusal.

While continuing to suffer under the absurdly ridiculous delusion that you somehow occupy some niche which affords the exclusive privilege of reducing the premise of every discussion to some threadbare liberal talking point, and your personal 'like' valet hovers nearby as your support group, reality remains nonetheless, unchanged.

But let's do be clear, the only time any discussion becomes a fray is when you enter. At that point gossip becomes fact, and logic gives way to liberal lament by way of soap operatic dirge, as the mournful organ refrains, the donkey is nearly dead.
“The donkey is nearly dead.”

You’ll eat that one.

Roy Moore was asked to stop frequenting the mall. And, unless zealotry has blinded you even more than it seems (hardly possible), that WAS Donald Trump’s voice. It isn’t gossip simply because one needs it to be. I fully expect Roy Moore to be elected. It’s Alabama, where a strong “Bull Connor” vote yet thrives, under the guise of evangelical Christianity.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:“The donkey is nearly dead.”

You’ll eat that one.

Roy Moore was asked to stop frequenting the mall. And, unless zealotry has blinded you even more than it seems (hardly possible), that WAS Donald Trump’s voice. It isn’t gossip simply because one needs it to be. I fully expect Roy Moore to be elected. It’s Alabama, where a strong “Bull Connor” vote yet thrives, under the guise of evangelical Christianity.

No I won't.

Same old drill. You always KNOW for sure what you're talking about. Right up until the time that the truth actually comes out. You were soooo sure that the last administration did not wiretap Trump Tower. Then came the revelations to the contrary and you were no where to be found. Oh, and let's not forget about your self assured certainty that Thomas Jefferson attended and led the Constitutional Convention.

You KNOW all about Roy Moore too, right? Obviously you were at the mall to see it all go down, because to date all we have is an uncorroborated story published in a far left rag. No mall official has come forward, and nobody supposedly associated with the story had the courage to give their names.

As to your latest affront to the Christian faith, the slaughter of millions of innocent children is no guise. And neither is the Christian principle under which God has clearly condemned same. But you never have a word to say about that. However, unsubstantiated sexual allege? Now we're talking!
Roy Moore was asked to not frequent the mall. Donald Trump is on tape expressing an unusual belief about the advantages of power and wealth and celebrity. The accusation was that Barack Obama ordered the wiretapping. Per usual, you apparently believe you get to build and define the strawmen you so fully rely upon. You have your causes, same as the rest, and you look the other way at your champions’ flaws, same as everybody else. What makes it peacockian rather than simply political are the vehement, nigh comical denials that ordinary political tendencies and characteristics are what you display, over and over and over again.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆️
1) - Roy Moore was asked to not frequent the mall.

2) - Donald Trump is on tape expressing an unusual belief about the advantages of power and wealth and celebrity.

3) - The accusation was that Barack Obama ordered the wiretapping. Per usual, you apparently believe you get to build and define the strawmen you so fully rely upon. You have your causes, same as the rest, and you look the other way at your champions’ flaws, same as everybody else. What makes it peacockian rather than simply political are the vehement, nigh comical denials that ordinary political tendencies and characteristics are what you display, over and over and over again.

1) - You don't know that. That came out in an unverified story citing unnamed sources by a far left rag doing it's best to turn a red state blue.

2) - There's a fake dossier out there on him too. Given your high standards for sexual interaction, it's funny how the cigar totin Bill Clinton remains one of your heroes though.

3) - Still better than deluding one's self to believe that he can write all that stuff on this forum, and later when he's proven wrong beyond doubt, fudge his story and expect everybody else to buy in. :hilarious:
"Moore asked a judge late Wednesday to issue a restraining order to stop the state's canvassing board from certifying Doug Jones' victory on Thursday."

According to reports, polling officers noticed a lot of North Carolina and Georgia license plates for people signing in to vote. Further, there were several notable irregularities associated with the election. For example "Moore's numbers were lower than straight-ticket Republican voting in about 20 Jefferson County precincts."

There is as yet no certified proof that Jones stole the election, though it is a little hard to explain how Moore's numbers were less that the reported number of straight ticket voters. But until this nation decides to finally deal with voter fraud, we can expect this kind of thing to happen. Dems rely on false messaging to stave off the issuance of voter ID's. Saying the cost would be racially discriminatory. It's okay though if we smoke untold millions to validate election results when charges of fraud are made. Why not spend the pittance instead of the fortune? All we have to do is combine voter ID's and Social Security Cards, (WHICH EVERYONE BY LAW MUST HAVE) and be done with these obvious attempts by the left to illegally sway elections? I mean, it's only the viability of the United States of America we're talking about here.
In a state DOMINATED by conservatives, the “left” stole the election? “I be done seein’ ‘bout everthang when I see an elephant fly.”
Hark! A hyper-partisan air hat belcheth.
TheRealThing Wrote:Hark! A hyper-partisan air hat belcheth.

Ah, thy smeller be the feller.

Doug Jones is now the Senator from Alabama. Until he runs again.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Ah, thy smeller be the feller.

Doug Jones is now the Senator from Alabama. Until he runs again.

Then he's right back outta there.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Ah, thy smeller be the feller.

Doug Jones is now the Senator from Alabama. Until he runs again.

VOTER ID's the topic. Air for brains the observation.

Jones is the Senator until he runs again, right. At that point we'll have the holes in the illegal voter dike plugged, not that a Republican would need the help to totally blow his doors off.
Oops, Jet beat me to it ^^. :Thumbs:
TheRealThing Wrote:VOTER ID's the topic. Air for brains the observation.

Jones is the Senator until he runs again, right. At that point we'll have the holes in the illegal voter dike plugged, not that a Republican would need the help to totally blow his doors off.

“Hey, guys, Republican wins... straight up. Democrat wins... it’s fraud.” Laughable.

As for air in the head, how about straw in the field. Sorry, TRT, but Edna Prude and “belched”? Odd diction, but, oh well, we’ll see.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:“Hey, guys, Republican wins... straight up. Democrat wins... it’s fraud.” Laughable.

As for air in the head, how about straw in the field. Sorry, TRT, but Edna Prude and “belched”? Odd diction, but, oh well, we’ll see.

You said 'hey guys' like anybody other than Gitback listens to you. Laughable.

I SAID there are allegations of voter fraud yet again. And of course since only Democrats benefit from voter fraud, only Democrats proactively oppose voter ID's. Poll workers in Alabama made certain observations concerning certain voting irregularities that looked suspicious to them. And I notice you didn't attempt to explain how voting totals for Moore in Jefferson county, actually ran less than the number of Republican's who voted straight ticket.

Thank goodness you're here to equivocate and otherwise redefine every national news item for us. If not we'd all be prisoner to logic and reality. And FTR, at least my diction has the notable distinction of being my own. And yet I can easily see how a guy who'd rather plagiarize his way through conversation would gravitate towards vote manipulation, it's just easier.
Delusional blather of grandeur.

A unique set of circumstances met at a confluence of scandal and innuendo. That explains Doug Jones v. Roy Moore. Heavy voter turnout in reaction to the tweeting don in key Democratic strongholds is not fraud. It is, of course, more straw.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆️
Delusional blather of grandeur.

A unique set of circumstances met at a confluence of scandal and innuendo. That explains Doug Jones v. Roy Moore. Heavy voter turnout in reaction to the tweeting don in key Democratic strongholds is not fraud. It is, of course, more straw.

The reaction was to Moore, or rather to the unsubstantiated slander to which he was subjected. Not the President or his policies. However, I do agree that that is the manufactured line of rationale on which the Dems are pinning all their hopes for this coming November. But guess what? It won't work this time because as in the case of Mueller's witch hunt, Republicans are finally finding their voices and will call the Dems out for their lies. They're not used to that, and voters will listen to them.

2018 will see more Dems looking for work. But I did give credit where it was due. The ploy did work in Alabama, but that was the caboose. It cost Dems two for one on the trade off and Jones is toast in 2020 anyway.

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