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Jim Crow 2 : Shameful Republicans At It Again !!!!
(04-12-2021, 04:07 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(04-11-2021, 06:11 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(04-11-2021, 02:37 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(04-11-2021, 11:43 AM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(04-11-2021, 09:32 AM)TheRealThing Wrote: Cardfan drooled---

That #1 was all that was needed. Your Dear Leader is the only way this nation will fall.

I didn’t say anything about national defense. I said the greatest generation begat a bunch of spoiled brats who have done nothing but money grab and torch the future generations for not being their parents. Is that you, TRT?

Of course I’d change the subject too after that last post. Big Grin
The tired, the poor, the hungry, the meek are going to destroy the greatest nation this world has ever seen? Probably a Bible verse in the red letter that goes against what you’re insinuating.

These kids would do fine. Probably have fewer bone spurs.

Who cares whether you said anything about national defense? It was my point that you challenged like you had a clue, which of course you do not.

And your post as usual is an ironic example in taking liberties with the concept of liberty. Starting with the quote, which you twisted in order to lie about God's Word, two lies in one. Here is the text which has zero mention of 'the meek' -- Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"  Trump called it a big beautiful door.

Notice there was no mention of border crashing law breaking takers, seeking a better life the illegal way in usurping the will of the people under the guidance of the half of government which is hell bent on transforming the land. One was to come through the door on Ellis Island legally.
Yep I mixed the two purposefully to point out how you’re hate for the downtrodden goes against secular American thought and true Christian teaching. 

so you think “border crashers” are going to destroy this nation? Seriously? How? 
what does transform the land mean ?

You wouldn't know true Christian teaching from the DNC talking points you spout.

I think apathy, willful ignorance and spiritual decay have already destroyed this country. But I also think America was so blessed it will take a while yet to completely plunder our prosperity and future. Four years from now if China and Russia lay off us that long, even people like you will be able to see it
Maybe I don’t, but the kindness taught by Jesus isn’t reflected in any of the Conservative right platforms.  
Rather it’s what you mentioned: apathy, willful ignorance, and spiritual decay. 

Ironic how the same things that you call out as destroying this nation is what is destroying Christians. 

America has one gimmick:  we have freedom and a hope we can extend those liberties to anyone who breaches our borders. When we stop doing that by ignoring racial conflict, turning away refugees, and stripping the right to vote we are no better than the oppressive authoritarian regimes around the world. 

If Russia and China want some, they will get it. It’s why we need friends in the rest of the world instead of cozying up to dictators.

You really need to shut up about things you don't understand. Which admittedly is far more than just the things of Christ.

Nothing would or could, ever destroy Christians. Scriptures teach us that though Satan is the god of the world, God has qualified that concession by explaining that this world and Satan are already judged, and therefore defeated by the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Satan's a dead duck, as are all of mankind save for those who bow in true repentance before God. The 'saved' are sealed by the Holy Spirit,  and therefore Satan and His legions of demons cannot lay a finger on them. The Church has been persecuted since Christ left, Satan with the help of the Hitlers and Stalins of this world have failed to get the job done, and prophecy assures that that he won't be able to do it now that we're headed (I say) into the Tribulation period. Your whole premise is laughably shallow but let me put it another way.

Many people enjoy the hobby of fishkeeping. There are nearly endless variations of plant life and exotic tropical fish, and habitat to choose from in setting up an aquarium. Certain kinds of fish are prone to eat their neighbors however, and one has to be careful not to put something like zebra fish in with an Oscar. That is unless they don't care if the zebras get eaten. But in his world of that aquarium, the Oscar is at the top of the food chain. Sort of like Satan is at the top of this world's food chain. 1 Peter 5    v 8 - Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walketh about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.

But though Satan has power over this world, there is someone Who has every bit as much power over him as the owner of the aquarium has over that Oscar. And He can jerk back his chain any time He chooses;  and frequently does FWIW.

As to your 'America has one gimmick' narrative--- It has nothing to do with American law, or morality, and certainly nothing to do with the US Constitution. There is not one thing moral about allowing people to break our laws in coming here illegally and then rub salt by forcing taxpayes to take care of them indefinitely. So I know you're all-in on pushing to change the demographic in certain states to assure Dems stay in office, but don't try and hook that trolley to God's will.

Your last sentence is not only as historically wrong as it is idiotic, it is insulting.

ok...I’ll rephrase.  Destroying Christianity in America: apathy, willful ignorance, and spiritual decay. 

So Christianity is kind unless it’s against the law, costs taxpayers’ money, and gives people the right to vote who may vote for Democrats?  

with every post you are proving my point. Well...your point apathy, willful ignorance, and spiritual decay.
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RE: Jim Crow 2 : Shameful Republicans At It Again !!!! - by Cardfan1 - 04-12-2021, 07:12 PM

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