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How do i create a website.
How do i create my own website such as bgr?
#2 is one site that allows you to make message boards, but good luck ever getting it to look like this. QQ put a lot of time and knowledge into this board.
Go to a website and buy a domain and a hosting package.

Like this one:
#4, do you have to pay?
When I buy a server i'll tell everyone on the site... it'll be kinda like a distant cousin to bgr
good luck with buying a server. It will cost you lots of money.
I saw one for less than 5 bucks a month.
But to answer your question, go buy a domain name then create a website with either frontpage, dreamweaver or other WYSIWYG editor. Then get a hosting company and upload your site...and there you go...
"T-Blankenship78" Wrote:I saw one for less than 5 bucks a month.

oh ok, you are talking about a hosting company. I thought you meant you were actually going to buy a server.
A phpbb basic forum is free. If you ever want any features other than just basic posting you will have to have a great deal of knowledge with php programming and mysql. I just warn you ahead of time. One little typo or error in a php file can destroy your board. Heres an example of the kind stuff you will need to learn to edit.

[/code]define('IN_PHPBB', TRUE);
define('PHPBB_VERSION_USED', '2.0.5');
define('REQUIRED_PHP', '4.0.1');
$error_msg = '';
$info_msg = '';

$mode_list = array(
'Install' => 'nivisec_schema/nivisec_install.sql',
'Update 2.0.0 Beta -> 2.0.1 Beta' => 'nivisec_schema/nivisec_update_200x201.sql'

/** Check for a mode specified
if (!isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['mode']) && !isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['submit']))

$sql_queue_list = $mode_list[$HTTP_GET_VARS['mode']];

if (file_exists('./config.php')) $phpbb_root_path = './';
elseif (file_exists('../config.php')) $phpbb_root_path = '../';
else $error_msg .= 'Can not find the phpbb root path! Make sure this file is in your phpBB directory.<br>';
$info_msg .= 'Found phpbb root path at '.$phpbb_root_path.'.<br>';

/** Read the correct SQL queue list
$info_msg .= 'Using sql queue list file '.$sql_queue_list.'.<br>';
if ($fp = @fopen($sql_queue_list, "r"))
$coments_pattern = "/##(.)*\n/";
$seperator = ";";
$file_data = @fread($fp, filesize($sql_queue_list));

//Get rid of any comments
$file_data = preg_replace($coments_pattern, '', $file_data);

//Explode it
$sql_queue = explode($seperator, $file_data);
//Remove blank entries
for ($i=0; $i < count($sql_queue); $i++)
$sql_queue[$i] = trim($sql_queue[$i]);
if ($sql_queue[$i] == '') unset($sql_queue[$i]);
else $error_msg .= 'Can not open '.$sql_queue_list.'. It is needed to continue!<br>';

/** Check php version
$info_msg .= 'Found php version '.phpversion().'.<br>';
//Check php version
if (phpversion() < REQUIRED_PHP) $error_msg .= 'php version '.REQUIRED_PHP.' or greater is required for this hack.';

if (empty($error_msg))
/** Includes


/** Get phpBB version
$sql = 'SELECT config_value FROM ' . CONFIG_TABLE . "
WHERE config_name = 'version'";
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$vrow = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
$phpbb_version = '2'.$vrow['config_value'];
$info_msg .= 'Found phpbb version '.$phpbb_version.'.<br>';
if ($phpbb_version != PHPBB_VERSION_USED) $info_msg .= '<font color="red">Warning:</font> This hack was designed on phpbb version '.PHPBB_VERSION_USED.'. It may or may not work for your version of phpbb!<br>';

print '<span class="gen">'.$info_msg.'</span><br><br>';

/ /** Process the SQL queue
for($i=0; $i < count($sql_queue); $i++)
$sql = str_replace('phpbb_', $table_prefix, $sql_queue[$i]);
if (!$db->sql_query($sql))
$error = $db->sql_error();
$error_m = $error['message'];
$error_info = (substr_count($error_m, 'Duplicate') || substr_count($error_m, 'already exists')) ? '<br>Analysis:<span class="gen">This is considered a duplicate entry and can be ignored as a failure because the needed information is already inserted.</span>' : '';
echo "[<font color=\"red\">FAILED</font>] <span class=\"gensmall\">:: $sql</span><br />
Reason:<span class=\"gen\">$error_m</span>
$error_info<br /><br />";
print '[<font color="green">OK</font>] <span class="gensmall">:: ' . $sql . '</span><br /><br />';
print '<br /><span class="maintitle">Please delete this file ('.basename($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF']).') and nivisec_schema/*.* for security reasons!</span>';
} [code:1:4cfc8e8995][/code:1:4cfc8e8995]
I'm Screwed... i Dont want to make one like bgr (this complex) just a simple forum site.

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