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Juliet comes home from a ball one night and goes to her bedroom. Romeo is always there waiting for her. She sees the window open so she goes over and closes it before going to sleep. In the morning she is very alarmed that Romeo has been found dead, outside, in a pool of water and broken glass, below the same window.

The bedroom’s on the ground floor. Surely such a short fall didn't kill Romeo! What’s going on?
Romeo is her pet fish that was on the window sill?
Cheater :google: :lame:
ComfortEagle Wrote:Cheater :google: :lame:

Nope. Spent a lot of time years ago playing a game called Mind Trap. Many questions along those same lines. Let me see if I can find the game.
Little Ryan was bragging about his school's hockey team. "In the last game we played, we managed to win without one man getting a goal." Since the final score was 3 to 1, how was this possible?
A girl scored the goals?
Good guess. It was an all girls hockey team.

I have the game in front of me but I have to leave for a while. I'll try to post some more later.
Clara Clatter has an uncanny ability to be able to listen to the radio, carry on a conversation, or even watch TV while reading a book. One night Clara was watching TV while reading a book when suddenly the power went out. Her husband decided to go to bed. However, Clara kept reading, even though the room was completely dark. How could she continue to read?
Midee1 Wrote:Clara Clatter has an uncanny ability to be able to listen to the radio, carry on a conversation, or even watch TV while reading a book. One night Clara was watching TV while reading a book when suddenly the power went out. Her husband decided to go to bed. However, Clara kept reading, even though the room was completely dark. How could she continue to read?
she was blind?
Panther Thunder Wrote:she was blind?

Very good she was reading a book written in Braille.
Picture a ship at anchor. Over the side hangs a rope ladder with half meter rungs. The tide rises a half meter per hour. At the end of five hours, how much of the ladder will remain above the water assuming that nine rungs were above the water when the tide began to rise?
Midee1 Wrote:Picture a ship at anchor. Over the side hangs a rope ladder with half meter rungs. The tide rises a half meter per hour. At the end of five hours, how much of the ladder will remain above the water assuming that nine rungs were above the water when the tide began to rise?

Nine rungs will stay above water..... as the tide rises, the ship and ladder do too!
PHS95 Wrote:Nine rungs will stay above water..... as the tide rises, the ship and ladder do too!
I feel like an idiot now lol
Panther Thunder Wrote:I feel like an idiot now lol

Don't feel like an idiot LOL its just a riddle..... I look at some of them and go huh?
Professor Quantum was motoring along at a leisurely speed when he suddenly realized that he was late for a lecture. He took the next corner on two wheels right in front of a policeman. The lawman made no effort to pull him over. How could Professor Quantum get away with such driving habits?
he was riding a bicycle!
^ He was on a motorcycle
Motorcycle is the correct answer.

I will post more later but right now I am on my way to play golf.
Have you gotten anymore riddles Midee?
Dee Septor, the famous magician, claimed to be able to throw a ping pong ball so that it would go a short distance, come to a dead stop, and then reverse itself. He also added that he would not bounce the ball against any object or tie anything to it. How could he perform this feat?
He threw it in a wind tunnel?

Couple more guesses and if no one gets it correct I will answer it and post a new one.
He threw the ball straight up.
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Tomcat68 Wrote:He threw the ball straight up.

good call, that has to be it.
Tomcat68 Wrote:He threw the ball straight up.

Very good.

Here is the next one.

Shadow asked his secretary to make him a cup of coffee. While the secretary was making the coffee, her clip-on earring fell into the cup. Even though the cup had coffee in it, the earring didn't get wet. How is this possible?
Midee1 Wrote:Very good.

Here is the next one.

Shadow asked his secretary to make him a cup of coffee. While the secretary was making the coffee, her clip-on earring fell into the cup. Even though the cup had coffee in it, the earring didn't get wet. How is this possible?

The cup had instant coffee in it.... hadn't been mixed with water yet!
PHS95 Wrote:The cup had instant coffee in it.... hadn't been mixed with water yet!

Sounds reasonable. And right.
PHS95 Wrote:The cup had instant coffee in it.... hadn't been mixed with water yet!

Perfect answer. Here is the next one. Have fun.

Gary Gladhand, the politician, was very tired after a long day of campaigning. He went to bed at 10 p.m., wound his alarm clock and set it for noon the next day. Since Gary fell asleep almost immediately, how many hours of sleep did he get before his alarm clock woke him?
2... if he wound his alarm clock, it is the kind that does not distinguish between AM and PM, meaning it woke him up at midnight!
PHS95 Wrote:2... if he wound his alarm clock, it is the kind that does not distinguish between AM and PM, meaning it woke him up at midnight!

Very good!

Here is the next one.

Professor Quantum enjoyed ending his lectures by posing a challenging riddle or puzzle to his English students. Quantum instructed his class to write their answers to his question on a slip of paper, and then wait in line until he called out their names. Quantum's question was: "What is a five letter word in the English language whose pronunciation isn't changed by removing four of it's letters?"

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