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Johnson Central 7 - Paintsville-6
Final. Well the Tigers made an impressive comeback.
Good job to both teams.
Nice win for the Eagle's
Glad to see Paintsville show sac and not lay down after the bad start!
Baldwin pitched great for Central. Tiger frosh Jackson had a rocky start getting tagged with 6 runs in an inning and a third. Lemaster pitched very well after that. Trailing 6-2 in the 6th, Adams sent a shot over the right center fence, and the bats got hot for the Tigers as they tied the game. Central scored the winner in the bottom of the 6th. Then the field ump blew a call at second that retired the leadoff hitter for the Tigers.
great win, for JC. Coach Hall has to be on cloud 9. He was just named to be over the 15th region basketball officials.
longball Wrote:great win, for JC. Coach Hall has to be on cloud 9. He was just named to be over the 15th region basketball officials.
Rolleyes Rolleyes Rolleyes Rolleyes Rolleyes Rolleyes
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Rolleyes Rolleyes Rolleyes Rolleyes Rolleyes Rolleyes

How did that happen? I thought somebody from Pike County was going to get that job.
JackRabbitSlim Wrote:How did that happen? I thought somebody from Pike County was going to get that job.

Why would any true baseball guy be interested in it to begin with.

Again I say:Rolleyes Rolleyes Rolleyes Rolleyes Rolleyes Rolleyes
Congrats JC
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Why would any true baseball guy be interested in it to begin with.

Again I say:Rolleyes Rolleyes Rolleyes Rolleyes Rolleyes Rolleyes

I don't understand that at all.
Congrats to all. Tigers just wait til it really counts !!
Off topic... THIS IS BASEBALL... if he wants it, I hope he doesa good job with it. The other guy has never reffed a game. (he was just from "pike county"...) Now... getting back on topic.... what can we do about the officiating in Baseball for the 15th? wait that's not on topic either.... Nice come back Tigers... sry you got derailed... railroaded or whatever that was out there...
Lisa Douglas Wrote:Off topic... THIS IS BASEBALL... if he wants it, I hope he doesa good job with it. The other guy has never reffed a game. (he was just from "pike county"...) Now... getting back on topic.... what can we do about the officiating in Baseball for the 15th? wait that's not on topic either.... Nice come back Tigers... sry you got derailed... railroaded or whatever that was out there...

Rolleyes Rolleyes Rolleyes Rolleyes Rolleyes Rolleyes

Yeah, I would say that JC had some of that homecooking last night. Think about that one.

But it was a slick and clever attempt to camoflage some sort of excuse into the subject, while trying to downgrade someone else's post in the process.
Lisa Douglas Wrote:Off topic... THIS IS BASEBALL... if he wants it, I hope he doesa good job with it. The other guy has never reffed a game. (he was just from "pike county"...) Now... getting back on topic.... what can we do about the officiating in Baseball for the 15th? wait that's not on topic either.... Nice come back Tigers... sry you got derailed... railroaded or whatever that was out there...

That's right, it is baseball, and he is a baseball coach. By the way, the other guy just happens to be one of the best BASKETBALL players that ever came out of the eastern part of Kentucky.

So that's the way you want to play, heh? Smile
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Why would any true baseball guy be interested in it to begin with.

Again I say:Rolleyes Rolleyes Rolleyes Rolleyes Rolleyes Rolleyes

Maybe he is a true baseball guy looking out for his program. Now he doesn't have to leave early in the basketball post season. Instead he can stay with his team while they practice.
Eagleball Wrote:Maybe he is a true baseball guy looking out for his program. Now he doesn't have to leave early in the basketball post season. Instead he can stay with his team while they practice.

That would be the good part of it. Will it take away from conditioning?
Mr.Kimball Wrote:That would be the good part of it. Will it take away from conditioning?

It sure would be a good part of it. How would it take away from conditioning when it would free up time?
Eagleball Wrote:It sure would be a good part of it. How would it take away from conditioning when it would free up time?
I dont know , that is my concern. Hopefully conditioning can get back to the 2004 season level. That was a wonderful conditioning program that was initiated that season. I know how time consuming and brutal it was that year, but it payed off huge. I would just like to see that level of commitment to it again. Shawn really did a great job with it. It was as well organized and professionaly done as anything I have seen. I hope he understands what it meant to the team's success that season. I dont want to see that part of the program diminish. I am a firm believer in making your kids as athletic as you can possibly make them first. To me it is the determining factor as the season wears on.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:I dont know , that is my concern. Hopefully conditioning can get back to the 2004 season level. That was a wonderful conditioning program that was initiated that season. I know how time consuming and brutal it was that year, but it payed off huge. I would just like to see that level of commitment to it again. Shawn really did a great job with it. It was as well organized and professionaly done as anything I have seen. I hope he understands what it meant to the team's success that season. I dont want to see that part of the program diminish. I am a firm believer in making your kids as athletic as you can possibly make them first. To me it is the determining factor as the season wears on.

If I'm not mistaken there were only two kids that played a sport other than baseball that year. That makes it easier when the bulk of your team is as committed to success as the coach is. Also if I'm not mistaken that team was well under five hundred that year toward the end of the season. Unless the conditioning they went through stayed with them for over half of the season I don't see how that played in their success. To my understanding the conditioning programs that take place before the season are to get kids physically ready to start the season. Unless there is a weekly maintence program throughout the season, what the players gained will not stay with them.
This is way off topic. Congrats Eagles on the win! If you would like to carry on this conversation pm me or something.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:That's right, it is baseball, and he is a baseball coach. By the way, the other guy just happens to be one of the best BASKETBALL players that ever came out of the eastern part of Kentucky.

So that's the way you want to play, heh? Smile

No... I'll tell you what... I have been nice, looked the other way, ignored, and even stayed away... just to keep from allowing you to make me angry on here.... I don't know what you're talking about on here... I have explained myself in a private message.
Just voicing an opinion... that's all....
I am glad Shawn Hall got the thing he got. since he has officiated basketball games and is from the 57th district and the coaches voted him in... I'm happy. What are you? I don't care who the other guy is... just because someone was a good player, doesn't mean they can coach or referee. We've certainly seen that enough.
Yes, he is a baseball coach too, I am glad we can agree on something... although I am beginning not to care about that either. He just so happened to guide his team to a win over us last night. were there any questionable calls... yes, both ways... at least there's consistancy in that.
Eagleball Wrote:This is way off topic. Congrats Eagles on the win! If you would like to carry on this conversation pm me or something.

Couldn't agree more! Good win for "baldy"... meant to say that earlier and got offtrack. then got angier than all get out.... Guess Conley is feeling better. LeMaster did a good job... we got crankin' just too late... oh well you win some and you lose some and sometimes.... you get rained out!
Eagleball Wrote:If I'm not mistaken there were only two kids that played a sport other than baseball that year. That makes it easier when the bulk of your team is as committed to success as the coach is. Also if I'm not mistaken that team was well under five hundred that year toward the end of the season. Unless the conditioning they went through stayed with them for over half of the season I don't see how that played in their success. To my understanding the conditioning programs that take place before the season are to get kids physically ready to start the season. Unless there is a weekly maintence program throughout the season, what the players gained will not stay with them.

Respectfully disagreeing.
Lisa Douglas Wrote:Off topic... THIS IS BASEBALL... if he wants it, I hope he doesa good job with it. The other guy has never reffed a game. (he was just from "pike county"...) Now... getting back on topic.... what can we do about the officiating in Baseball for the 15th? wait that's not on topic either.... Nice come back Tigers... sry you got derailed... railroaded or whatever that was out there...

railroaded? Give me a break, so I guess it's the umpires fault that your tigers lost last night. Cry us all a river while you're at it. Rolleyes
Don Carlo Wrote:railroaded? Give me a break, so I guess it's the umpires fault that your tigers lost last night. Cry us all a river while you're at it. Rolleyes

was just throwing out railroad phrases... don't get your panties in a wad... there were bad calls both ways. I am not faulting the umps for us losing this one... we know exactly where the blames goes on this one. why don't you go jump in a river....................
Lisa Douglas Wrote:was just throwing out railroad phrases... don't get your panties in a wad... there were bad calls both ways. I am not faulting the umps for us losing this one... we know exactly where the blames goes on this one. why don't you go jump in a river....................

In your opinion who deserves the blame?

Go jump in a river? That's funny... I've not heard that phrase in years.
Don Carlo Wrote:In your opinion who deserves the blame?

Go jump in a river? That's funny... I've not heard that phrase in years.

I thought it quite humorous myself.... that's why I said it.... Smile
Good win 4 the Eagles.
How many E's did Vanhoose have the other day?
So the Tigers got beat....Who cares. It is the regular season. Even the World Series Champs get beat in the Reg. Season. All I have to say is the Tigers better get ready for the District and make their statement then. After watching them in the All "A", I have all the faith in the world in them. PLay ball and hit the way i know you guys can. If you play the way you did during the All "A" you won't be touched. But, that is up to you boys. Go Tigers! We ALL have faith!
Speaking of districts, does anyone know where they are being held? I think it was suppose to be at Johnson Central, but that doesn't look like it will be happening any time soon. Whose got it?
baseballrulz Wrote:Speaking of districts, does anyone know where they are being held? I think it was suppose to be at Johnson Central, but that doesn't look like it will be happening any time soon. Whose got it?

I heard a few weeks ago that Paintsville and Johnson Central switched this year.

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