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New Hairstyle???
The people on here that know me personally I NEED YOUR ADVICE!!!

I'm going to call tomorrow and see if I can get a hair appointment for Friday and I want something different from what I have. I've tried all blonde and all brown and it didnt work. I kinda want to try red and blonde streaks because red looks good on me so I found this picture and I need your all opinion on if you think I should get it done. The length would be longer...I'm mostly concerned about the color and front...

If you all think of something different or come across a pic of a different hairstlye that you think would look better tell
I like your hair the way it is now, I really can't picture your hair being that color. But it's all up to you, do what you want!
I can't picture it being that color either Balla... I'm thinking about doing what I talked to you about on MSN. Dark brown underneath with red and blonde streaks on top...not alot b/c I want it to look darker but enough to make it look good.
I don't care what you do, I'm sure it will turn out fine!
Well in that case...i'm thinking purple...maybe some blue... lol just playing....I'm seriousally thinking of the dk. brown underneath with red and blonde on top....I use ot have it like that...Don't remember what it looked like though... the streaks have been in so many different combinations it's crazy...everytime I go they are put in a different order...
I like it the way that it is now but I mean whatever you want to do. Satisfy yourself with it. Sounds good the way you described the MSN idea...I think that it will be cool whatever you do because the colors look really good in your hair, mine is so boring.
Yea I like the MSN idea too!
throw some hot pink in there and shave the sides.. then put the rest in a mohawk..
crazytaxidriver Wrote:throw some hot pink in there and shave the sides.. then put the rest in a mohawk..

Hahaha...I would CTD but I MIGHT get disowned for that

I think I'll do the MSN seems good to me right but I don't think I'm getting it done Friday...I'm going to wait and go before I take my senior pictures.
Nah. your parents will still love ya lol..
I have to get a haircut before my senior pictures too.

And no CTD her parents would probably disown her like she said, lmao. But your idea was good.
My parents wouldn't be the only ones to disown me.
THAT might be true as well.
At least you know that I would still talk to you, I have friends with mohawks as is, one more couldn't hurt.
Who else would?
BallaBaby Wrote:Who else would?

Disown me... probably you...
ahh they might disown ya, but they will do it lovingly lol..
Oh yea..I bet... my step-dad will be like "Get your *** out of this ******* house!" so much love...
Haha, I can see it now DT.
I was thinking when he said that, umm there is enough problems with the stepdad as is, don't need to add this onto them lol.
That man is crazy lol
EXACTLY! I can't wait to get out of here... he was talking earlier about my punishment for wrecked my car and mom was like "Isn't pain and suffering enough?" He didn't say anything else...I found it quite funny.
****.. sounds like his nuts need to meet a bat..
Punishment for a wreck that you were injured and could have been killed in. Oh, that makes sense! lmao
He would get mad over something like that but I doubt that he will do anything. Your mom won't let him as shown by her sticking up for you with that statement.
Shew, best of luck to you, and I too hope that you get away from him at least as soon as possible, you will be so much happier. You don't have much longer now so don't worry about it.
True... I can't stand him...he also got mad before I wrecked because I was gone on the weekends but hello I'm a teenager AND it's my senior year...I'm sorry if I don't want to spend all of my time in the house. He told me earlier I needed to go out on the front porch and sit all day...I was like how about no...
Your step-dad kills I wouldn't disown you, I just wouldn't take you out with me in public..haha
Oh really... I'll remember done done it now...
Hey don't steal my line "You done done it now." ...LOL..I thought you were going to die when I said that at your house, you laughed for like 3 hours!
It was funny...and hey I don't have much humor all I do is sit in the house all day.
I've noticed! When I do take you out, you go't she 15th..haha
I do not... the wildest thing I've ever done when you take me out was when I ran you over with my electronic wheel
I have to say you're a wild one... lol
Lol... not wild... just wanting to have fun

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