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Who else hates PRO sports?
I really dislike most pro sports, whether it's the NBA, NFL, or MLB. To me it is not as exciting as a good college game. I do watch the Superbowl and the championship game of the NBA finals, but that is as far as i will go. Nothing beats a good college game in my opinion.
I can't stand the NBA. In the NFL I will watch the Cowboys and an occasional Colts game.

I only watch MLB if I'm physically at a Reds game.

However, I watch the Nashville Predators on TV and try to make it to a game or two every year.
Pro Sports Suck!
My wife, but she hates all sports (probably because I spend so much time entrencehd with them all) :ChairHit:
I don't hate Pro sports, I just don't like them as much as college. I will watch pro sports if there isn't a college game on....except NHL and MLB....they are just way to boring.
Sorry there is no better thing to watch than the NFL... College football would be better if it weren't for the messed up way a champion is selected.
Amun-Ra Wrote:Sorry there is no better thing to watch than the NFL... College football would be better if it weren't for the messed up way a champion is selected.

Hopefully we will have a playoff system in the next three years. Even Obama doesn't like the BCS system.
Well college basketball and football are great but give some NBA teams and NFL teams credit, they are fun to watch. LeBron is AMAZING to watch and its fun to watch the celtics. There are a few NFL teams fun to watch. As for MLB and NHL, to be honest i dont think much of anyone cares to watch those unless they are physically at the game. I think they waste too much air time on sports channels with NHL games cause not many ppl care about hockey
I think the only pro sport worth watching is the NFL. The NBA too many players walk up and down the court, the man-to-man defense (or lack there of) is pitiful and just too much ball hoggin' for me. MLB is becoming a game of the rich, it's not about the game anymore but pay checks...that's why you see someone not trying to leg out an infield single, or someone not diving and risking their body to make a play to help their team....just makes me sick. I'd prefer college sports overall any day of the week.
Yea, there are a few exceptions such as watching Lebron, but for the most part I cant stand to watch pro sports. To me it seems like they are out there playing for the love of the sport, not the money. Also you gotta love watching the college rivalries over the pro rivalries.
Magicjefferson25 Wrote:Hopefully we will have a playoff system in the next three years. Even Obama doesn't like the BCS system.
No we won't either because it makes too much sense. Lots of colleges would lose sure money that they get from bowl contracts and some colleges wouldnt be as highly rated if a playoff system was implemented.

I could go on and on about this.
Amun-Ra Wrote:No we won't either because it makes too much sense. Lots of colleges would lose sure money that they get from bowl contracts and some colleges wouldnt be as highly rated if a playoff system was implemented.

I could go on and on about this.

You can still have the bowls games, but incorporate them into a playoff system. I look for us to have one shortly.
Magicjefferson25 Wrote:You can still have the bowls games, but incorporate them into a playoff system. I look for us to have one shortly.
Thats not what I am saying... Certain confrences have bowl contracts. Big Ten and Pac Ten have one with the Rose Bowl.. Any team that goes there and plays gets money but so does the rest of the teams in that conf. Now lets say we have a playoff in place. Say Fresno State and Louiville play in it because of the way the playoff unfolded. Now the Big Ten doesn't get thier share of the money, neither does the Pac Ten. See how it works.

By the way, the Big Ten's commish is one of the biggest opposers to a playoff.
Amun-Ra Wrote:Thats not what I am saying... Certain confrences have bowl contracts. Big Ten and Pac Ten have one with the Rose Bowl.. Any team that goes there and plays gets money but so does the rest of the teams in that conf. Now lets say we have a playoff in place. Say Fresno State and Louiville play in it because of the way the playoff unfolded. Now the Big Ten doesn't get thier share of the money, neither does the Pac Ten. See how it works.

By the way, the Big Ten's commish is one of the biggest opposers to a playoff.

O ic. But as far as the big ten commissioner ,the future president of the united states hates the bowl system. I doubt the commissioner will have anything to say to him.
But, like Obama said the other day, he has much more to worry about other than a BCS playoff. He said he needed to be concerned with creating 3 million jobs. I don't see a playoff any time soon.
I love the NFL and MLB...I'll occasionally watch an NBA sometimes. Those are the only pro sports I watch tho. Im like most I'll take a college game over pro anyday!

Im sort of a fan of the BCS.One one reason EVERY GAME matters! ... I think right now in College Football every game means something. If there was a playoff then college players would be sitting out the last few games of the season. For Ex. say Tennessee was undeafted and UK always plays them in the last game of the season.We havent beat them in in like 23 years well if there was a playoff they would sit there starters out that game because it doesnt mean in any thing to them because they have locked up a playoff spot and UK would end the streak but it wouldnt be special because TN had their starters out. And as of right now if that was the case they would have to play the starters and play there best because to try to get into the National title game. Who wants to see College player sittin out games at the end of the year resting them up for the playoffs?..JMO.

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