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What are your views on Legalizing Marijuana?
What do think about legalizing marijuana? Are you for it or against it?
I've never done it and have never thought about doing it and I'm totally against the idea of legalizing marijuana. Because when you buy marijuana your not only putting your life endanger your also supporting someone who is putting their life endanger and other people around them life endanger. Plus, marijuana is only the start for the use of other drugs like cocaine, meth, pills, etc.

People can use the excuse that its the same as alcohol, but it's not.
BlackcatAlum Wrote:I've never done it and have never thought about doing it and I'm totally against the idea of legalizing marijuana. Because when you buy marijuana your not only putting your life endanger your also supporting someone who is putting their life endanger and other people around them life endanger. Plus, marijuana is only the start for the use of other drugs like cocaine, meth, pills, etc.

People can use the excuse that its the same as alcohol, but it's not.

I agree completely.
BlackcatAlum Wrote:I've never done it and have never thought about doing it and I'm totally against the idea of legalizing marijuana. Because when you buy marijuana your not only putting your life endanger your also supporting someone who is putting their life endanger and other people around them life endanger. Plus, marijuana is only the start for the use of other drugs like cocaine, meth, pills, etc.

People can use the excuse that its the same as alcohol, but it's not.

I also agree 100 percent.
BlackcatAlum Wrote:I've never done it and have never thought about doing it and I'm totally against the idea of legalizing marijuana. Because when you buy marijuana your not only putting your life endanger your also supporting someone who is putting their life endanger and other people around them life endanger. Plus, marijuana is only the start for the use of other drugs like cocaine, meth, pills, etc.

People can use the excuse that its the same as alcohol, but it's not.

But if it is legalized, you wont have to worry about putting people's life's in danger. I think marijuana is no worse than alcohol about being a gateway drug. I know plenty of people who smoke marijuana and have never got addicted to anything else. It is all up to the person as to whether or not they go off and experiment with other drugs out there.
Magicjefferson25 Wrote:But if it is legalized, you wont have to worry about putting people's life's in danger. I think marijuana is no worse than alcohol about being a gateway drug. I know plenty of people who smoke marijuana and have never got addicted to anything else. It is all up to the person as to whether or not they go off and experiment with other drugs out there.

I somewhat agree, but in order for marijuana to get legalized they have to tax it and I just don't see that happening.
BlackcatAlum Wrote:I somewhat agree, but in order for marijuana to get legalized they have to tax it and I just don't see that happening.

I'm sure uncle Sam will find a answer to the tax problem if they ever decide to legalize it. Just legalizing it to where it is not illegal to grow or have possession would be a giant step. Then they can figure out the mess with taxing it when it comes to sale-ing it.
I don't believe Marijuana will be or should be "legalized", however I do think that marijuana needs to be "decriminalized". You can still be a productive citizen and person while being a recreational marijuana user. Some of you need to open your eyes and realize that.

It's a great way to relax after a tough day at work or school, and as long as you're getting your job or work done and not driving then what is the difference between going home to smoke or going home to have a few drinks?

Too many tax dollars are being spent prosecuting and jailing marijuana dealers and users instead of spending it on things that really need it.

Alcohol is just as bad as marijuana in my opinion. Nobody has ever died from a marijuana overdose, and no one ever will. Both would impair judgment when driving or doing something that requires good judgment.

A regulated, legal market in marijuana would reduce marijuana sales and use among teenagers, as well as reduce their exposure to other drugs in the illegal market. The illegality of marijuana makes it more valuable than if it were legal, providing opportunities for teenagers to make easy money selling it to their friends. If the excessive profits for marijuana sales were ended through legalization there would be less incentive for teens to sell it to one another. Teenage use of alcohol and tobacco remain serious public health problems even though those drugs are legal for adults, however, the availability of alcohol and tobacco is not made even more widespread by providing kids with economic incentives to sell either one to their friends and peers.

“A Prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our government was founded,” Abraham Lincoln, 1840.

Differences between Marijuana and Alcohol.

Marijuana doesn't not induce violence (it relaxes)
Alcohol induces violence socially and domestically.

Marijuana has small demand for rehab
Alcohol has large demand for rehab

Marijuana is not a gateway drug in any way or fashion.

Washington, DC: Marijuana experimentation by adolescents does not lead to the use of harder drugs, according to the findings of a RAND study released Monday. The study dismisses the so-called "gateway theory," and raises doubts regarding the legitimacy of federal drug policies based upon its premise.

Marijuana is not a “gateway” drug that predicts or eventually leads to substance abuse, suggests a 12-year University of Pittsburgh study. Moreover, the study’s findings call into question the long-held belief that has shaped prevention efforts and governmental policy for six decades and caused many a parent to panic upon discovering a bag of pot in their child’s bedroom.

Myth: Marijuana is a Gateway Drug. Even if marijuana itself causes minimal harm, it is a dangerous substance because it leads to the use of "harder drugs" like heroin, LSD, and cocaine.

Fact: Marijuana does not cause people to use hard drugs. What the gateway theory presents as a causal explanation is a statistic association between common and uncommon drugs, an association that changes over time as different drugs increase and decrease in prevalence. Marijuana is the most popular illegal drug in the United States today. Therefore, people who have used less popular drugs such as heroin, cocaine, and LSD, are likely to have also used marijuana. Most marijuana users never use any other illegal drug. Indeed, for the large majority of people, marijuana is a terminus rather than a gateway drug.

Myth: Marijuana is Highly Addictive. Long term marijuana users experience physical dependence and withdrawal, and often need professional drug treatment to break their marijuana habits.

Fact: Most people who smoke marijuana smoke it only occasionally. A small minority of Americans - less than 1 percent - smoke marijuana on a daily basis. An even smaller minority develop a dependence on marijuana. Some people who smoke marijuana heavily and frequently stop without difficulty. Others seek help from drug treatment professionals. Marijuana does not cause physical dependence. If people experience withdrawal symptoms at all, they are remarkably mild.

Myth: Marijuana Causes Crime. Marijuana users commit more property offenses than nonusers. Under the influence of marijuana, people become irrational, aggressive, and violent.

Fact: Every serious scholar and government commission examining the relationship between marijuana use and crime has reached the same conclusion: marijuana does not cause crime. The vast majority of marijuana users do not commit crimes other than the crime of possessing marijuana. Among marijuana users who do commit crimes, marijuana plays no causal role. Almost all human and animal studies show that marijuana decreases rather than increases aggression.

I could go on and on, but I'm not all about taxing MJ, although it would bring billions of dollars to the economy, but I am all about it being decriminalized. It already has been essentially in many places (Cali, Colorado)
That it shouldn't be...
I'm against it.
Cannot be anything possitive about inhaling smoke, which is charred product. Nothing can make me believe it has no health affects. Excessive inhaling of burning wood is not healthy, how can smoking anything?
Stardust Wrote:Cannot be anything possitive about inhaling smoke, which is charred product. Nothing can make me believe it has no health affects. Excessive inhaling of burning wood is not healthy, how can smoking anything?

Who said you had to smoke it? People boil it in water to make a tea to drink. Also you can just simply eat it with some type of food. Both are ways to use marijuana and neither involves inhaling smoke.
I don't think there's any pratical way to legalize it, but it's a joke that users are locked up in prison with murderers & rapists. That being said I think laws should only prohibit things which A) Directly harm another person, or B) Put the general public at risk.
Magicjefferson25 Wrote:Who said you had to smoke it? People boil it in water to make a tea to drink. Also you can just simply eat it with some type of food. Both are ways to use marijuana and neither involves inhaling smoke.

Cmon MJ25, you're stretching now, and you know. It's just like Tea, I roll it, fire it up, and inhale.... People dont by a fifth of Jack to our on wounds or clean windows....
GB1 Wrote:I don't think there's any pratical way to legalize it, but it's a joke that users are locked up in prison with murderers & rapists. That being said I think laws should only prohibit things which A) Directly harm another person, or B) Put the general public at risk.

Here are the current guidelines for sentencing of Marijuana offenses in Kentucky.

Compared to most states the penalties are pretty stiff.
Stardust Wrote:Cmon MJ25, you're stretching now, and you know. It's just like Tea, I roll it, fire it up, and inhale.... People dont by a fifth of Jack to our on wounds or clean windows....

No, im saying there is more than one way to use marijuana to get high. People do not have to smoke it to get a buzz going.
It should Def. not be legalized
Personally I don't smoke pot, but if it were legalized the negative effects of its legalization would be outnumbered by the positives for the state. Currently marijuana is one the state's leading cash crops. If legalized we could tap into taxes on it. We could regulate its sale and growth. We would lower the amount of nonviolent criminals in our prison system. As far as gateway drug or health concerns go, I dont really think that it is that much worse than drinking or smoking. I honestly believe that it would greatly help the state of Kentucky. Hey we need tax money and that is an unused resource for getting extra money for the state. I would rather have that legalized than casinos.
It should be legalized no doubt in my mind. I do not smoke dope but as someone who has studied the effects that it has and the affects that other legal "drugs" have on the body such as caffine and alchol have on the body. It is actually better than either one of the two I have mentioned. There are also less crimes commited while under the influence of dope than alchol. There are also less car accidents while under the influence of dope compared to alchol. There are no cases that I am aware of some one overdosing on pot. So rather then everyone having their minds tainted by the media, parents and political administrations look into it and research your self rather then taking those peoples views and running with it.
15thRegionSlamaBamma Wrote:It should be legalized no doubt in my mind. I do not smoke dope but as someone who has studied the effects that it has and the affects that other legal "drugs" have on the body such as caffine and alchol have on the body. It is actually better than either one of the two I have mentioned. There are also less crimes commited while under the influence of dope than alchol. There are also less car accidents while under the influence of dope compared to alchol. There are no cases that I am aware of some one overdosing on pot. So rather then everyone having their minds tainted by the media, parents and political administrations look into it and research your self rather then taking those peoples views and running with it.

So, is your logic to legalize it because it is better for you than other "legal" drugs? Then why not promote getting rid of all the drugs that are bad for you instead of leaglizing drugs that are "not as bad"?

I'm sorry, I do not want to be on the road with my children and have someone who can legally impair themselves killing my family. We don't do a good enough job today controlling legal products that KILL. Don't put another one out there. Just stating there are less car accidents is naive to the fact that Alocohol is more easily obtained. If everyone had access to pot, my guess is that the number of accidents would be similar.
Since the US Gov't declared War on Marijuana, its use has increased 5,000%.

I think that says it all.
DevilsWin Wrote:Since the US Gov't declared War on Marijuana, its use has increased 5,000%.

I think that says it all.

I'm sure there will be some bailout money that goes to some research funding.
Not gonna say I'm for it, but I work on a surface mine..And Id much rather be working around someone thats high from smoking weed rather than working with someone who is drunk. Smile
cd1180 Wrote:Not gonna say I'm for it, but I work on a surface mine..And Id much rather be working around someone thats high from smoking weed rather than working with someone who is drunk. Smile

Wouldn't it be best if they did neither? Wink
cd1180 Wrote:Not gonna say I'm for it, but I work on a surface mine..And Id much rather be working around someone thats high from smoking weed rather than working with someone who is drunk. Smile

I understand that the mines are full of pill-head junkies these days.
DevilsWin Wrote:I understand that the mines are full of pill-head junkies these days.

Goof :Clap: JK
DevilsWin Wrote:I understand that the mines are full of pill-head junkies these days.

You don't work their do you? lol
Stardust Wrote:You don't work their do you? lol
Lighten up people, Pot is bad. I myself have smoked it, guess what I didnt want to go out and drive, I didnt want to hit my wife or anything of that nature, all I did was want to sleep and eat. For this simple fact I think that it should get the stamp of approval, my father had cancer and pot was the only thing that kept that man alive. Without pot he wouldnt eat anything for days, so the doctor told us that if we could get ahold of some pot to let him smoke it because of the effect it has on you wanting to eat.
Personally, I would have all non-medicinal substances made illegal (ie. alcohol and tobacco smoking). These things are harmful to a persons health and/or dangerous to society. But, to say that we can drink and smoke but not use marijuana is just down right hypocritical in my opinion. I am not advocating legalizing marijuana, but how can you make marijuana illegal when alcohol and cigarette smoking are permitted. That is a double standard of our government that is not logical.

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