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How will south floyd do this year??
I was just wondering how does everyone think South Floyd's team will do this year?
not so good in my offense to the girls...the only reason i think this is b/c they are so young...couple of years they willbe awsome
Super young team.
Lost their starters over the past 2 years.
This is a growing year for them to gain experience at the high school level.
I see some potential in a few of the players. If someone worked with these girls they'd be great in a couple years.
"sfhs_raider_12" Wrote:not so good in my offense to the girls...the only reason i think this is b/c they are so young...couple of years they willbe awsome

well said:bounce:
"Cali" Wrote:I see some potential in a few of the players. If someone worked with these girls they'd be great in a couple years.
They lack in Coaching up on the hill, in the middle school and high school.
"bubba gump" Wrote:They lack in Coaching up on the hill, in the middle school and high school.

wat do u mean by that
"raiders_basketball20" Wrote:wat do u mean by that
They are very weak in fundamentals, from their juniors to their 7th graders. No one teaches the basics anymore.
This yr doesn't look so promising, but watch out for these gilrs in a few yrs. U have Chelsie Tuttle and Kayla Hall who are amazingly talented for their age--best pure talent on the whole team as 7th and 8th graders. You also have Ericka Moore who is such a hustler...she and andrea conn are two girls anyone would want to have on their team. Also, there is a 6th grader, Gabby, who has alot of potential.
What you people see in these young girls...i'll never know.
They are too young to be up to any disctrict titles..
"CowboysandIndiansCanBall2" Wrote:This yr doesn't look so promising, but watch out for these gilrs in a few yrs. U have Chelsie Tuttle and Kayla Hall who are amazingly talented for their age--best pure talent on the whole team as 7th and 8th graders. You also have Ericka Moore who is such a hustler...she and andrea conn are two girls anyone would want to have on their team. Also, there is a 6th grader, Gabby, who has alot of potential.

im not 2 sure bout Tuttle and Gabby
Tuttle has alot of talent for her age
i agree completley with cowboysandindianscanball
hey blondie, this just goes to show that u don't know much about basketball. She is a 7th grader-12 yrs old to be exact. Didn't u say u were from JC? If u are which I do not beleive b/c u like to talk about sf a lil too much to be from another school, but just pretending that u r from jc, then u should know that she led the high school varsity in scoring that night against, way to go--let a 7th grader score on u..lmao...neways, i don't believe for one second u r from jc....can we say u r prolly just an untalented girl on the south foyd tean who is just a tad jealous of tuttle and the other young talents...cause maybe they're playing while u r sitting on the pine!! one more thing--blondie, if you're so her a game...i got 100 that tuttle beats your a**!!!
not very good everyone has been killing them
They are awful. Not to dis you guys i love everyone of you. You need to step up the a game. Plus half the team is under 14. They are all inexperienced.
Sf is in a rebuilding stage this year so there not that good...they play all sophmores freshman and 8th graders they have like one junior and i think thats it.....give them 2 more years and i think they could be a contender for the 15th region
Yeah i agree. in about two years when the sophmores like vanessa skeens is seniors i think they will be a great team.
Well maybe they will be more competive. But they will have their work cut out for them with Magoffin County and Johnson Central in the 15th Region. They have some some Freshman who can play.
I watch them and betsy Layne play bopth teams are young and fundementally weak at this time.
South fkloyd really didnt shoot the ball well at all
i agree 100% with raider time in the words of yeah boy
How can you say a team is not fundementally sound or well coached if you are saying that they are 14 years old with only 1 jr. Maybe just me but, most players get at least 1 or 2 years of high school to get ready. That includes both fundementally and emotionally.
Well I don't think that's always true. Look at the team now and look at the team 4 years ago...the amount of talent is completely different. It's hard to find many female athletes from this area who are fundamentally sound...and it is sad when you have people who don't know how to shoot a layup the correct way or block out...or heck even get in defensive stance. That's something that should have been taught in Jr Pro or something, years ago.
I would agree that the are not many lower level programs like jr pro or aau for girls as there are for boys in this area.
South Floyd is a young team who will be a alright team in a few years!!!
Tuttle is the best player on SF's team and she is just a 7th grader. Thats sad if you ask me! But she has a great shot from the outside. Heather Dean the only Junior they have really isn't fundamentally sound like you all have been talking about. The reason I say this is because she is a junior this year so that goes to tell you that the coaches up on the hill aren't doing their job in teaching the basics. Heather is a ok player don't get me wrong but with her height if she was on a different team with a good coach she would be a lot better player I think!
its not the coaches responsibility 2 teach them the fundamentals that needs 2 b tought them in grade skl and junior pro. u dont teach girls how 2 get into a defensive stant when they r in m.s and h.s. u teach them that when they r young
South Floyd will be alright in a couple of years. They have a lot of talent coming up. Jessi Tackett, Trista Damron, Chelsea Tuttle, Kayla Hall, Andrea Conn, Erica Moore, Danielle Tackett (who can flat out shoot)...just to name a few. All of these girls are so talented and have tons of potential. Coach Isaac, Ricky and Coach Bradford will work with them and get them to where they need to be. These coaches need to be given a tad more respect than I'm seeing in these posts. Oh, and not to mention the 6th grader Ashley Castle. That little girl is way talented, as is Gabby Bailey. They'll be alright.
"volley_coach14" Wrote:South Floyd will be alright in a couple of years. They have a lot of talent coming up. Jessi Tackett, Trista Damron, Chelsea Tuttle, Kayla Hall, Andrea Conn, Erica Moore, Danielle Tackett (who can flat out shoot)...just to name a few. All of these girls are so talented and have tons of potential. Coach Isaac, Ricky and Coach Bradford will work with them and get them to where they need to be. These coaches need to be given a tad more respect than I'm seeing in these posts. Oh, and not to mention the 6th grader Ashley Castle. That little girl is way talented, as is Gabby Bailey. They'll be alright.

i agree...but kiana hall who is also a 6th grader show potential

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