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Tribute to the Coal Miners in this World!
I was looking through the gen. forum and seen a few videos about the Sago Mine Accident. And I felt it would be good to show some tribute to all the miners out there who put there lives on the line every day to support there families and make life easier. I'm not a coal miner(and my dad would kill me if I every thought about it), my dad is now a disabled coal miner due to Black Lung, and my brother works every night, back miles underneath a mountain.
Thank you miners for all the hard work you give us. Thank you Dad and Bub!

I figured I'd add this page to the thread because the song describes the coal mining life so good.
check it out you wont be upset. Brings a tear to my eye.
I thought for a long time about being a miner, but I just don't think I can do the things they have to do.
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3)Cougar Athletics!

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cougarpride08 Wrote:I thought for a long time about being a miner, but I just don't think I can do the things they have to do.

They do some great things cougarpride08. And we should be grateful for every single miner.
I definitely am.
Don't want to get this thread off-topic and bring political discussion in, but I am very thankful and appreciative of all miners. Having miners in my family has shown me a lot about the coal industry and how dangerous miners jobs can be. It is tough on the body over the years, but these jobs have to be done. We all should be grateful.
outdoorsman43 Wrote:Don't want to get this thread off-topic and bring political discussion in, but I am very thankful and appreciative of all miners. Having miners in my family has shown me a lot about the coal industry and how dangerous miners jobs can be. It is tough on the body over the years, but these jobs have to be done. We all should be grateful.

I agree. Most of my family has worked in the coal mines.
They work extremely hard in bad conditions.
My Priorities are:
3)Cougar Athletics!

Everything else doesn't matter![/COLOR]

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