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Clinton warns Iran and North Korea
By Mark Landler - New York Times News Service PHUKET, Thailand — Stiffening the American line against Iran, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton warned Wednesday that the United States would consider extending a "defense umbrella" over the Middle East if Iran defies international demands that it not seek a nuclear weapons program.

Clinton also said that there would be no more American sweeteners to try to lure North Korea back to talks over its nuclear program.

She later clarified her comments on Iran, saying they did not represent a change in the Obama administration's policy, which is to prevent Tehran from obtaining a bomb. But her words suggested that the administration is at least contemplating how to cope with a nuclear-armed Iran should negotiations fail.

After meeting the foreign ministers of China, Russia, Japan and South Korea, Clinton said they were united in demanding that North Korea undertake a "complete and irreversible denuclearization" before receiving any economic or political incentives from these countries

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