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ACORN Busted........Again
Remember last year when employees of Acorn (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) were charged with submitting fraudulent voter registrations. Charges against employees were filed in at least 6 states. The New Youk Times reported on July 9, 2008, that Dale Rathke, the brother of ACORN's founder Wade Rathke, was found to have embezzled $948,607.50 from the group and affiliated charitable organizations back in 1999 and 2000.

Well they are at it again. On September 9, 2009, a video was released containing hidden-camera footage of two ACORN employees helping two activists posing as a prostotute and a male pimp. The video showed the individuals saying they planned to employ teenage girls as prostitutes, and requesting advice on taxes and a home purchase. One of the ACORN employees suggested that the woman list her occupation as a "performance artist" on her tax forms, and claim some of the children as dependents on their tax returns. ACORN subsequently fired the two employees, who admitted no wrongdoing. An ACORN board member and a local chapter organizer called the video "false",
"defamatory",. On September 11, 2009, a second hidden-camera video was released that was shot on July 25 by the same activists showed staffers in an ACORN office in Washington, D.C. giving similar advice in response to the same scenario.

The Census Bureau decided to sever it's ties with ACORN for the 2010 Census.

More information on ACORN.
God bless and protect these two courageous young people for taking a stand against corruption.The MSM will surely try to take James and Hannah down. It is time for the Community Organizer in the White House to disavow ACORN.
and now Brooklyn....a employee of ACORN'S Brooklyn's office told these kids to,
"Save for a rainy day," she said. "And live well." knowing they would be running a brothel and using underage kids.
ACORN helped get Obama elected. (Since apparently the votes of the dead and homeless people are now credible) He'll keep them safe.

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