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Fighting In Sports?
Is there situations when fighting in sports should happen? The question comes from a very heated conversation from the belfry vs Sc game.

Whats your opinion?
First thing in the discussion on the belfry SC game I didnt read anybody getting hostile or out of line. . Fighting never gains anything in a game. Any great coach on any level will tell you the same thing. Someone mentioned its like protecting your family. That is nuts. Somebody breaks into your house and might harm you and your family is different than a fight in a ball game.. Get them on the next play,,legally. I cant believe anybody would teach anything different. SC and Belfry will learn their lesson the hard way,,,by sitting on the bench.Well Im not sure they can dress. If it was playoff time it could mean costing your team and community the chance to advance.This is a no brainer.
catwoman Wrote:First thing in the discussion on the belfry SC game I didnt read anybody getting hostile or out of line. . Fighting never gains anything in a game. Any great coach on any level will tell you the same thing. Someone mentioned its like protecting your family. That is nuts. Somebody breaks into your house and might harm you and your family is different than a fight in a ball game.. Get them on the next play,,legally. I cant believe anybody would teach anything different. SC and Belfry will learn their lesson the hard way,,,by sitting on the bench.Well Im not sure they can dress. If it was playoff time it could mean costing your team and community the chance to advance.This is a no brainer.

I agree with most of your statement catwoman, but not the part about it npt being a family...these kids are with each other more hours of the day than with their real is a brotherhood that only a player can describe the feeling..they stand shoulder to shoulder and trust and rely on each other to protect them from getting hit, so naturally, when one player sees someone from the other team punching one of their teammates, they are going to try and stop it one way or another.

Is it the right thing to do..NO...but I can't say that I wouldn't do the same to protect one of my own.

I personally have to put A LOT of the blame on the men in the stripe shirts letting this one get out of hand...they had no control and didn't even try to control it.

I also think the coaches have the responsibility to maintain composure of their players, lead by example, being excited is one thing, working 15 to 18 year old kids into such a frenzy before the game starts will lead to out of control emotions every time.
Fighting in sports is unacceptable. If you want to fight people go box or fight in MMA. There is no room for this type of garbage on the field, court, etc. It shows just how immature a person really is.

But lets not turn this thread into a Sheldon Clark/Belfry thread. Those of you who do, will receive an infraction for posting off-topic.
is there a place for it no their is not it should never happen...But as I said it does happen and kids let their emotions get the best of them plain and simple...If one of my own is on the ground getting punched as I said I will either A) try and break it up or B) if there is more than one I am going to defend my teammate I will not sit and watch him or she get whooped my friends are like family to me...
Pirate Pal Wrote:[COLOR="Blue"]I agree with most of your statement catwoman, but[COLOR="Black"][COLOR="Blue"] not the part about it npt being a family...these kids are with each other more hours of the day than with their real is a brotherhood that only a player can describe the feeling..they stand shoulder to shoulder and trust and rely on each other to protect them from getting hit, so naturally, when one player sees someone from the other team punching one of their teammates, they are going to try and stop it one way or another.

Is it the right thing to do..NO...but I can't say that I wouldn't do the same to protect one of my own[/COLOR]

[COLOR="Red"]I personally have to put A LOT of the blame on the men in the stripe shirts letting this one get out of hand...they had no control and didn't even try to control it.

I also think the coaches have the responsibility to maintain composure of their players, lead by example, being excited is one thing, working 15 to 18 year old kids into such a frenzy before the game starts will lead to out of control emotions every time[/COLOR].

[COLOR="Cyan"]Your are correct my friend. [/COLOR]

This isnt concerning the sheldon clark vs belfry game. i dont want a rerun of that discussion in here.

You see catwoman, when you spend every waking day with your teammates they become your family, and when your family is in danger or needs you, you will help them, i know i would. Should there been fighting in the first place? NO! Of course not but when a friend is in need of help im going to help.
Another thing as I coach I do not allow fighting...I.E coaching a soccer game and one of my kids gets punched and he retailiates I benched him...Its not like I will not punish a kid for a fight however, I understand and talked to him about it...He was suspended for a game and did some extra running after practices...He took that message and was a better kid after that not only on the field but in life. We learn from out mistakes...
BlackcatAlum Wrote:Fighting in sports is unacceptable. If you want to fight people go box or fight in MMA. There is no room for this type of garbage on the field, court, etc. It shows just how immature a person really is.

But lets not turn this thread into a Sheldon Clark/Belfry thread. Those of you who do, will receive an infraction for posting off-topic.

We all know its unacceptable but would u let your best friend get ganged up on by 3 people?
Wildcatk23 Wrote:We all know its unacceptable but would u let your best friend get ganged up on by 3 people?

At a bar or something, its on! But on the field, I would pull the other players off and that's it. I wouldn't go in throwing punches.
BlackcatAlum Wrote:At a bar or something, its on! But on the field, I would pull the other players off and that's it. I wouldn't go in throwing punches.

Ok, Mr Peaceful. What if u took a left hook? Maybe a right? Do you take off running and tell them to stop the madness?
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Ok, Mr Peaceful. What if u took a left hook? Maybe a right? Do you take off running and tell them to stop the madness?

You know I don't really know, because I wouldn't want to get thrown out of a game and be suspended in my next one. But I would think that referees would have things under control before things escalated into chaos. But these things should never happen in the first place. That's what I was talking about in the first post. Whatever happens beyond the the initial fight should be put on the refs. Their out there for a reason, and that's to make sure that the game is under their control.
BlackcatAlum Wrote:You know I don't really know, because I wouldn't want to get thrown out of a game and be suspended in my next one. But I would think that referees would have things under control before things escalated into chaos. But these things should never happen in the first place. That's what I was talking about in the first post. Whatever happens beyond the the initial fight should be put on the refs. Their out there for a reason, and that's to make sure that the game is under their control.

I agree completely about the refs should have had this under control, but i think you would help your best friend if a bunch of people(even in a football game) was trying to dismantle his face. i know i would
Wildcatk23 Wrote:I agree completely about the refs should have had this under control, but i think you would help your best friend if a bunch of people(even in a football game) was trying to dismantle his face. i know i would

Like I said, I would try to stop the fight and not just jump in.
BlackcatAlum Wrote:Like I said, I would try to stop the fight and not just jump in.

Then i guess we can agree to disagree. Im helping my friend and missing a game or 2, rather than him missing a season due to a injury, Smile
BlackcatAlum Wrote:Fighting in sports is unacceptable. If you want to fight people go box or fight in MMA. There is no room for this type of garbage on the field, court, etc. It shows just how immature a person really is.

Agreed. Fighting in sports can cause serious injury to someone
Well when I was in school whenever I seen a player try to late hit/hurt one of my teammates I would always try to put him on the ground. I always thought it was stupid to throw a punch at someone who has a big facemask on, lol. But however, I have thrown a punch once. It was when we played South Floyd (the dirtiest team I've ever played, BTW) and a SF player kicked my buddy in the face up under his helmet, tore his face all to ****. I went crazy on that guy and I didn't just throw one punch. I got thrown out and suspended 2 games but it was well worth it to me.
NEVER. Been in them myself both HS and post HS sports. Even in payback situations, should never be tolerated.
Fighting shouldnt be tolerated by the khsaa. We all know this.. But when your a student and your friends need you your not thinking about that.
I played football for 8 years. I understand all about the closeness of a team. If your friend is getting jumped on in a game get the people off of him. Break up the fight,,dont join the fight. If it really is about a family, then do what is best for the whole family and that would be to not throw a punch. The ref's were terrible. it is there job to break up these fights. Too much celebrating with today's players anyway. Celebrate when the game is over. Coaches doing chest bumps with players is silly to me.Go back and watch films of the older great players or coaches :lmao: of our time. You hardley ever saw Bird or magic johnson or Walter Peyton or franco harris or any great players celebrating after every single little play. Make a good play get you butt back to the huddle. I watched some of Marshall's players at the end of practice spen 15 minutes practicing what they were going to do after a score. That was sickening.
Fighting in Sports adds heat and intensity to the game, and makes players more competitive. Which sometimes forms a rivalry
If...Then Wrote:Fighting in Sports adds heat and intensity to the game, and makes players more competitive. Which sometimes forms a rivalry

Fights do hunh? That is just an absolute mis-statement! Fights don't form rivalries, Great competition forms rivalries. Teams of equal ability who put on great competition equals rivalrie, not a fight.....
The only person is not thinking is the person who fights in a game,,a mental breakdown,,but it can happen
I propose playing hockey.
Belfry0304 Wrote:I propose playing hockey.

Why is it acceptable in hockey? i know it happens every game just wondering why its tolerated =)

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