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White House Escalates War on Fox News
President Obama's talking points on Fox News were distributed by the mainstream media on Sunday. The good news is that even liberals are beginning to see the danger of having a thin-skinnned president using the bully pulpit to divide and conquer the media.

Quote:White House Escalates War on Fox News

Senior Obama administration officials took to the airwaves Sunday to accuse Fox News of pushing a particular point of view and not being a real news network.

From the same story: I filed this news in the "If you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao, you ain't gonna make it anyhow" folder.

Quote:Bennett expressed outrage that Dunn told an audience of high school students this year that Mao Tse-tung, the founder of communist China, was one of "my favorite political philosophers."

"Having the spokesman do this, attack Fox, who says that Mao Zedong is one of the most influential figures in her life, was not…a small thing; it's a big thing," Bennett said on CNN. "When she stands up, in a speech to high school kids, says she's deeply influenced by Mao Zedong, that -- I mean, that is crazy."
What is it about this administration that motivates them to hire from the lunatic fringe? What does it say about an administration that attacks private companies using government funding while employing Anita Dunn as its Communications Director? How would Mao have handled Fox News? Blindfolds or no blindfolds?
What a joke. So the Liberals feel their is bias in the media???????????????
I get a little tired of talk about 'bias' in the media. Does it exist? Absolutely. Some stations are biased towards liberals, some towards conservatives. I sometimes think liberals get a little easier break than conservatives, but do I care? Not at all. I don't know any educated person who forms their opinion on what the anchor on the news tells them.

You research, you learn, and you form your own conclusion based upon all possible angles. Those who watch fox news and find the answers to everything are typically brainwashed conservatives who drink a weeee bit too much koolaid. Those who find that NPR or MSNBC is their only source, then you can probably guess which way they probably vote and lean. Me? I like to listen to the same story told, by different points of view. I don't hold my beliefs tight, and not allow them change. I've found that there's several issues that I've switched back on forth on several times. I based my conclusions on the best possible research that I can do personally. This includes think tanks, non-partisan research, the actual facts and figures, the news, the pundits, and then... when you put all the information together, and use that little space between your ears.. you most often find what YOU truly believe, and with that.. you get to take a little pride in yourself. Because what you believe is truly your thinking.. not what someone got paid to make you believe.
Who cares? I'm a conservative and love Fox News but it is biased as ****. MSNBC is also biased, towards the liberal side. I would say that CNN is probably the most neutral.
Congressman that is exactly what I do and how I look at politics. Vundy I've said the exact same for many years. If you want a conservative view watch Fox, if you want a Liberial view then MSNBC is for you. If you want a little of both and probably the closest to being FAIR AND BALANACED you watch CNN. I actually watch all at some point during the day.
It's not that easy people. Nobody mentions CBS, ABC, NBC? The truth is, Fox is the ONLY network that has a conservative viewpoint. And the one network that doesn't drool over Obama. It makes Obama look stupid to attack Fox, and it will come back to haunt him. Independents and moderates are fleeing from these far-left quacks in droves.
jetpilot Wrote:It's not that easy people. Nobody mentions CBS, ABC, NBC? The truth is, Fox is the ONLY network that has a conservative viewpoint. And the one network that doesn't drool over Obama. It makes Obama look stupid to attack Fox, and it will come back to haunt him. Independents and moderates are fleeing from these far-left quacks in droves.

A couple things about your post make me chuckle. And its not just you, but those who say it. I've been guilty of both myself. First, some people use the word independent to refer to where someone falls on the political spectrum. Meaning that independents must be somewhat close to moderates, from how you worded it. However, thats not always true, and most the time isn't. I'm an independent, as I no longer work/donate for/to the Republican Party and refuse to do so again until they make a promise they intend to keep --- A true balanced budget.

Secondly, when we talk about "far-left" quacks... we truly show the limited viewpoints existing in the nation today. Because the 'far left' isn't actually THAT far left. When you compare our political parties to the broad spectrum that exists in most other representative republics.. you'll find that our two major parties aren't actually that far apart. Especially when you factor in the EU's UNBELIEVABLY liberal parties. They make the 'democratic wing' of the democratic party look like the Constitution Party.

I honestly could care less about the views of the stations and how they want to report it. I love watching Fox Sport NFL Pregame over CBS & ESPN. Why, because they say the things that I want to hear. I could care less about ESPN and their love of the Big city teams, or CBS and the arrogance of their analysts, I flat out love the goofiness of Fox, that simple.
vundy33 Wrote:Who cares? I'm a conservative and love Fox News but it is biased as ****. MSNBC is also biased, towards the liberal side. I would say that CNN is probably the most neutral.
100% percent right. :Thumbs: Fox is far right(I won't watch them), MSNBC is far left(I won't watch them). Fox sports, I will watch.
congressman Wrote:A couple things about your post make me chuckle. And its not just you, but those who say it. I've been guilty of both myself. First, some people use the word independent to refer to where someone falls on the political spectrum. Meaning that independents must be somewhat close to moderates, from how you worded it. However, thats not always true, and most the time isn't. I'm an independent, as I no longer work/donate for/to the Republican Party and refuse to do so again until they make a promise they intend to keep --- A true balanced budget.

Secondly, when we talk about "far-left" quacks... we truly show the limited viewpoints existing in the nation today. Because the 'far left' isn't actually THAT far left. When you compare our political parties to the broad spectrum that exists in most other representative republics.. you'll find that our two major parties aren't actually that far apart. Especially when you factor in the EU's UNBELIEVABLY liberal parties. They make the 'democratic wing' of the democratic party look like the Constitution Party.


I find that Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell are WORLDS apart. I don't give one crap how liberal the EU is. If you don't think the socialist agenda the far left is trying to cram down our throats isn't that far left, then let's just say we have a different world view. Or we could say that you are drinking the Kool-Aid that the far left is selling you, that they aren't really far left, they are centrist. That's bull, and (hardly) nobody is buying it.
TheRealVille Wrote:100% percent right. :Thumbs: Fox is far right(I won't watch them), MSNBC is far left(I won't watch them). Fox sports, I will watch.

So whoever you do watch has an extreme liberal bias. But act like you are open minded just because you don't watch Fox or MSNBC if that makes you feel smart.
jetpilot Wrote:So whoever you do watch has an extreme liberal bias. But act like you are open minded just because you don't watch Fox or MSNBC if that makes you feel smart.
Did you even read what I said, or are you just trouble making? I said I don't watch either program that leans to the extreme, either way. I watch CNN, mostly. If I wanted to watch a news program that had extreme liberal bias, I would watch MSNBC. You, on the other hand, watch Fox, which leans to the extreme right, and everybody knows it.
The president and his team needs to get away from campaign mode and get on with leadership. Picking a fight with a media giant is a no win situation and only helps their ratings.
The issue here is not whether Fox leans right or not. The issue is that the Obama administration is actively attacking FNC because it has been critical of some of his policies. Nixon had a secret enemies list and was justifiably criticized for it by liberals and conservatives alike. Obama's actions have gone well beyond compiling a list. He is spending taxpayer money (or borrowing money on their behalf) to attack private individuals and companies.

Regardless of your political beliefs, every American should be very concerned when its own government targets private companies and individuals for punitive action for exercising their rights guaranteed by the US Constitution. Maybe you do not work in an industry such as coal, oil, or insurance that have already been targeted by Obama but your company may soon draw Obama's wrath. Just be patient and keep your TV tuned to Anderson Cooper for the latest news.

For those of you who are too young to remember Mao Zedong and who did not learn about him in school, he is generally believed to have been responsible for the murder of between 40 and 50 million people. For a comparison, Hitler's regime killed around 10 million in concentration camps. Mao may be responsible for more deaths than any individual in human history besides Genghis Khan.

So, why is Anita Dunn still the White House Communications director after claiming that Mao is one of her favorite political philosophers? How long would Bush's Communications Director have kept his or her job had they made a similar statement, or expressed admiration for Hitler's political philosophy?

Those of you who prefer hearing mostly favorable news about Obama, you are doing the right thing by avoiding watching Fox News, which is the nation's most successful news network by far (i.e., the one with the most resources to investigate and report the news).

You should also avoid reading the Wall Street Journal, which recently passed USA Today in circulation to become this nation's largest newspaper, Like Fox, the Wall Street Journal is also owned by Rupert Murdock. Murdock does not let his political opinions get in the way of turning a profit.
jetpilot Wrote:So whoever you do watch has an extreme liberal bias. But act like you are open minded just because you don't watch Fox or MSNBC if that makes you feel smart.
These people who think people like Chris Wallace and Shephard Smith are extreme right wingers are either extreme leftists or they are confusing Fox's conservative commentators with its anchors. I wish CNN or MSNBC would hire Shep. Chris Wallace's father, Mike was extremely liberal and Chris is probably the most moderate of any anchor on any of the major news networks.

I recall that CNN dispatched a team of investigative reporters to Alaska based on a false rumor posted on a nutroots website that Sarah Palin was only pretending to be pregnant to cover for her daughter. That is real objectivity for you! No wonder they are going broke.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The issue here is not whether Fox leans right or not. The issue is that the Obama administration is actively attacking FNC because it has been critical of some of his policies. Nixon had a secret enemies list and was justifiably criticized for it by liberals and conservatives alike. Obama's actions have gone well beyond compiling a list. He is spending taxpayer money (or borrowing money on their behalf) to attack private individuals and companies.

Regardless of your political beliefs, every American should be very concerned when its own government targets private companies and individuals for punitive action for exercising their rights guaranteed by the US Constitution. Maybe you do not work in an industry such as coal, oil, or insurance that have already been targeted by Obama but your company may soon draw Obama's wrath. Just be patient and keep your TV tuned to Anderson Cooper for the latest news.

For those of you who are too young to remember Mao Zedong and who did not learn about him in school, he is generally believed to have been responsible for the murder of between 40 and 50 million people. For a comparison, Hitler's regime killed around 10 million in concentration camps. Mao may be responsible for more deaths than any individual in human history besides Genghis Khan.

So, why is Anita Dunn still the White House Communications director after claiming that Mao is one of her favorite political philosophers? How long would Bush's Communications Director have kept his or her job had they made a similar statement, or expressed admiration for Hitler's political philosophy?

Those of you who prefer hearing mostly favorable news about Obama, you are doing the right thing by avoiding watching Fox News, which is the nation's most successful news network by far (i.e., the one with the most resources to investigate and report the news).

You should also avoid reading the Wall Street Journal, which recently passed USA Today in circulation to become this nation's largest newspaper, Like Fox, the Wall Street Journal is also owned by Rupert Murdock. Murdock does not let his political opinions get in the way of turning a profit.

Excellent post ! All that's left to say is ...... Ditto !! :USAFlag:
jetpilot Wrote:I find that Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell are WORLDS apart. I don't give one crap how liberal the EU is. If you don't think the socialist agenda the far left is trying to cram down our throats isn't that far left, then let's just say we have a different world view. Or we could say that you are drinking the Kool-Aid that the far left is selling you, that they aren't really far left, they are centrist. That's bull, and (hardly) nobody is buying it.

I'm drinking koolaid the far left is selling me? :lmao: Post of the year.

I'm making a point thats factual, not based on opinion any longer. Our two political parties are almost similar when compared to the rest of the nations in the worlds political system. Most democrats are not 'far left' and the party as a whole definately is not. Blue Dog Democrats make up a large voting block, the DLC has infuence, and in eastern KY, most democrats would be republicans if they lived in area other than 'traditional democratic' districts.

The fact is, "Far left" on the political spectrum would instantly nationalize all major industries, raise taxes on everyone, ect. The democrats don't do that, nor do they try. If you'd like to reword what you write, and say that its 'far left' or 'extreme left' for the country, then thats fine by me. But to just say its 'far left', isn't accurate. Not even close.

JP, I'm not trying to pick a fight with you. I typically don't bully those who don't understand things. It was an education for you. Thats all. Nothing personal.

And let me add, the republican party as a whole is a very moderate party these days, and if there's truly a 'far right' in Congress, I've yet to meet him yet. With that said, Newt Gingrich is my living hero (Reagan being my Savior lol)... and he's by no means an right wing extremist. He could be one of the most educated, logical, and effective members of my ol' party. But he's definately not a 'far right' guy, although he's probably a little to the right of most within.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The issue here is not whether Fox leans right or not. The issue is that the Obama administration is actively attacking FNC because it has been critical of some of his policies. Nixon had a secret enemies list and was justifiably criticized for it by liberals and conservatives alike. Obama's actions have gone well beyond compiling a list. He is spending taxpayer money (or borrowing money on their behalf) to attack private individuals and companies.

Regardless of your political beliefs, every American should be very concerned when its own government targets private companies and individuals for punitive action for exercising their rights guaranteed by the US Constitution. Maybe you do not work in an industry such as coal, oil, or insurance that have already been targeted by Obama but your company may soon draw Obama's wrath. Just be patient and keep your TV tuned to Anderson Cooper for the latest news.

For those of you who are too young to remember Mao Zedong and who did not learn about him in school, he is generally believed to have been responsible for the murder of between 40 and 50 million people. For a comparison, Hitler's regime killed around 10 million in concentration camps. Mao may be responsible for more deaths than any individual in human history besides Genghis Khan.

So, why is Anita Dunn still the White House Communications director after claiming that Mao is one of her favorite political philosophers? How long would Bush's Communications Director have kept his or her job had they made a similar statement, or expressed admiration for Hitler's political philosophy?

Those of you who prefer hearing mostly favorable news about Obama, you are doing the right thing by avoiding watching Fox News, which is the nation's most successful news network by far (i.e., the one with the most resources to investigate and report the news).

You should also avoid reading the Wall Street Journal, which recently passed USA Today in circulation to become this nation's largest newspaper, Like Fox, the Wall Street Journal is also owned by Rupert Murdock. Murdock does not let his political opinions get in the way of turning a profit.

Well, I'm not too for sure that his political leanings are that far to the right. We all remember when he hosted a major fundraiser for none other than , Hillary Clinton. So, just how conservative is this man?
congressman Wrote:Well, I'm not too for sure that his political leanings are that far to the right. We all remember when he hosted a major fundraiser for none other than , Hillary Clinton. So, just how conservative is this man?
That is my point. Murdock is in the news business to make a profit. CNN, NBC, the New York Times, and many other liberal media outlets are losing money promoting Obama's agenda. What is their motivation and why do their shareholders tolerate them being managed so poorly? The fact that many liberals are now pushing the notion of federal bailouts for liberal news outlets offers a clue. The "state run media", and I am not talking about PBS, is becoming a serious possibility in this country despite the fact that there is no shortage of competition among the media.
congressman Wrote:I'm drinking koolaid the far left is selling me? :lmao: Post of the year.

I'm making a point thats factual, not based on opinion any longer. Our two political parties are almost similar when compared to the rest of the nations in the worlds political system. Most democrats are not 'far left' and the party as a whole definately is not. Blue Dog Democrats make up a large voting block, the DLC has infuence, and in eastern KY, most democrats would be republicans if they lived in area other than 'traditional democratic' districts.

The fact is, "Far left" on the political spectrum would instantly nationalize all major industries, raise taxes on everyone, ect. The democrats don't do that, nor do they try. If you'd like to reword what you write, and say that its 'far left' or 'extreme left' for the country, then thats fine by me. But to just say its 'far left', isn't accurate. Not even close.

JP, I'm not trying to pick a fight with you. I typically don't bully those who don't understand things. It was an education for you. Thats all. Nothing personal.

And let me add, the republican party as a whole is a very moderate party these days, and if there's truly a 'far right' in Congress, I've yet to meet him yet. With that said, Newt Gingrich is my living hero (Reagan being my Savior lol)... and he's by no means an right wing extremist. He could be one of the most educated, logical, and effective members of my ol' party. But he's definately not a 'far right' guy, although he's probably a little to the right of most within.

:thatsfunn You should consider a career in stand-up comedy.
I thought this was a very interesting comment from Helen Thomas, she advised Obama not get into this fight with Fox News.

Helen Thomas, the longest-serving White House correspondent in the Washington press corps, has a few choice words for President Barack Obama in his battle against Fox News: "Stay out of these fights."

Speaking on MSNBC's Morning Joe, the Hearst Newspapers columnist, who as White House correspondent has covered every president since John F. Kennedy, told Obama: "They can only take you down. You can't kill the messenger."

Thomas was speaking after yet another round of Sunday talk shows in which senior White House staffers blasted Fox News for its coverage of their administration. That follows a month of what amounts to a White House boycott of Fox News, ever since the Fox network failed to run the president's address on health care to a joint session of Congress in September.
TheRealVille Wrote:Did you even read what I said, or are you just trouble making? I said I don't watch either program that leans to the extreme, either way. I watch CNN, mostly. If I wanted to watch a news program that had extreme liberal bias, I would watch MSNBC. You, on the other hand, watch Fox, which leans to the extreme right, and everybody knows it.

Any specific person or just CNN in general?

What is your take on Lou Dobbs?
I like Lou Dobbs but he does lean a tad bit.
Old School Wrote:Any specific person or just CNN in general?

What is your take on Lou Dobbs?
Just in general. Dobbs is pretty solid. Some ways he leans left, some right. He stays closer to the middle than most news people.
CatDawg Wrote:I like Lou Dobbs but he does lean a tad bit.
Dobbs does not lean much. I like him and he is making a good case for withdrawing our troops from Afghanistan. Although I disagree with him on that issue, our federal government shows no signs of willingness to commit the resources to the war necessary to win it.

Dobbs also advocates the creation of a viable third party, which I view as nothing more than a pipe dream. Until a third party can win a substantial number of seats in Congress, it would be crazy to put anybody other than a Democrat or Republican in the White House. The two "major" parties would begin planning a third-party president's impeachment the day that he or she took the oath of office, if not sooner.

I disagree with Dobbs on quite a few big issues but he deserves accolades for having the courage to advocate a common sense approach to immigration on CNN. Dobbs would make a strong addition to FBC if he ever wears out his welcome at CNN.
Now that the Obama White House has officially ruled that Fox News is not a real news organization, Keith Olbermann has declared MSNBC to be the undisputed leader in cable news. No, Keith was not joking - he has obviously begun his informal campaign to become our nation's first Propaganda Czar and I would not bet against him. :biggrin:
IMO Fox may be the best of all the 3 major cable news networks. Fox just gets a bad name because of 3 shows they air, which are opinion shows, but even on those shows the hosts constantly bring on people who voice opposing opinions.

But overall, Fox is solid except during those 3 shows I speak of.

MSNBC on the other hand is all liberal all day. Plus their 3 big shows rarely bring on people of opposing views and usually just people who agree and push their agenda.

Plus even the liberals at FOX will tell you that they are never forced to publish something or leave something out of their publishing's, they have free reign on whatever. That is not so on MSNBC. There plenty of evidence out there that shows NBC restricts what few conservatives they have left. while giving free reign to any liberal to spew whatever lies they want.
^ Fox is my favorite, but I am a conservative....
I think we have bigger issues than Fox News that the administration needs to be focused on!!
C-Span (Washington Journal), plus live Sentate and House coverage, plus special events and rallies from all across the political spectrum, is a good way to hear the people themselves, without a talking head filter.

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