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Palin Rising
Palin Rising
by Matt Patterson

I have in the past been a skeptic of Sarah Palin. Not of her political talent, which is considerable, but of her grasp of – and even interest in – substantive policy issues.

When she abruptly resigned the governorship of Alaska on July 3rd, I wondered if she simply hadn’t the stomach for national politics. And the rambling, disjointed speech she gave that day left me wondering if she even knew why she was making such a momentous and potentially career-crippling decision.

But then a funny thing happened: In November, Mrs. Palin debuted her memoir “Going Rogue” with great sales, which was not a surprise, but also with a luminous and successful press tour, which was. The interviews she gave in promotion for her book (at least the ones that I saw) were much improved from those given during the 2008 presidential campaign. Palin seemed to speak about both herself and national issues with greater verve and confidence.

Other stars are aligning for Palin:

Several of her potential rivals for the 2012 Republican nomination find themselves suddenly, perhaps fatally, compromised by recent events.

Mitt Romney, for example, is watching the national health care debate work against his presidential ambitions, as the tortured and torturous Senate bill resembles more and more the regime he helped institute in Massachusetts – not something that will endear him to conservative primary voters enraged at Democrats’ health care offensive.

And there is Mike Huckabee, who charmed his way into a television hosting gig at FOX News after the campaign. Revelations that a man suspected of shooting and killing four police officers in Washington state had been granted clemency years ago by Huckabee, then governor of Arkansas, are widely believed to have seriously damaged his future electoral chances.

As a result, should they decide to run again both Romney and Huckabee will certainly find their respective tenures as governor under renewed and perhaps unwelcome scrutiny.

Meanwhile, Palin appears to be having a ball, trading comedic blows with William Shatner on the Tonight Show, receiving throngs of adoring fans at bookstores across the heartland, and weighing in on global warming in the pages of The Washington Post.

Could she be preparing, in a serious way, to become a serious candidate? It certainly looks that way to this amateur Palin watcher. If she can convince independent voters that she understands the issues, has thought them through and come to reasonable judgments about possible courses of action…if, if, if.

A lot of stars have yet to align for Palin’s path to the presidency to be illuminated. But that no longer seems impossible to me. In fact, I can now quite clearly imagine that someday, someone may say the words “Madam President,” to a moose-hunting mom from Alaska.

Wouldn’t that be something?

President S. Palin sounds pretty good to ME! (A lot better than President B. Hussein...) She is a real person with a real family and has a lot of common sense and more than 100 day of experience! We see what that has gotten us into! We She would and could be good for this country. What do you think?
When looking at the title, I thought this was another Palin porn movie. :biggrin:
^ That would be hubby, he looks like he would be the one with the interns

I expected more from you guys. Here's another opportunity for comment! You may have to think a bit before you answer. :eyeroll:

[ame=""]YouTube- O'Reilly: Palin's Triumphant Return (FoxNews Dec 14 2009)[/ame]
So, writing a book and doing a comedy skit with William S. makes you like her as president?
**** Obama didnt do that much and he is president. hahahaha
Billnz28 Wrote:**** Obama didnt do that much and he is president. hahahaha

He plays basketballll... what more is required?
Wildcatk23 Wrote:He plays basketballll... what more is required?

Palin played basketball in high school and I believe you will find that her accomplishments in that area far exceed those of BO. Of course, it could be argued that Palin has accomplished more in positive public service than has the the nation's community agitator.

I believe that Palin would still beat BO in a one-on- one game of basketball.

Still, neither is presidential material.
Billnz28 Wrote:**** Obama didnt do that much and he is president. hahahaha

Good point.
I like Palin and believe that she has the potential to be an outstanding president. However, I respect the opinions of those who do not believe she is qualified for the position - provided that those same people never for a moment believed that Barack Hussein Obama was qualified to be president.

As for the fools who still "strongly approve" of the job that President Obama is doing after witnessing his first year of mayhem (just 24% of voters according to Rasmussen), do their opinions on this subject really matter?
Palin has the full attention of the democrats as they watch every move she makes, I find it funny that they are so afraid of her.
TheRealVille Wrote:So, writing a book and doing a comedy skit with William S. makes you like her as president?

She has a natural sense of humor and makes you want to laugh with her not at her. Did you listen to O'Reilly's comments at the end of the clip? Why do you feel she is not qualified to be president?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I like Palin and believe that she has the potential to be an outstanding president. However, I respect the opinions of those who do not believe she is qualified for the position - provided that those same people never for a moment believed that Barack Hussein Obama was qualified to be president.

As for the fools who still "strongly approve" of the job that President Obama is doing after witnessing his first year of mayhem (just 24% of voters according to Rasmussen), do their opinions on this subject really matter?


You are absolutely, 100% ON TARGET!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Independents Admire Sarah Palin

Much has been made of the annual end of the year Gallup poll that shows a statistical tie between Hillary Clinton and Sara Palin as the Most Admired Woman in America.

From Gallup.Com: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton continues her reign as the Most Admired Woman in the eyes of Americans, but barely edges out former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin this year, 16% to 15%. Talk show host Oprah Winfrey and first lady Michelle Obama finish third and fourth, with former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Queen Elizabeth II, former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and poet Maya Angelou -- all regulars on the list -- joined by newcomers German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Elin Woods in the top 10.

There is a 4 percent margin of error.

But the most interesting thing about the poll is how it breaks down between Republicans, Democrats and Independents. If you believe the Palin-haters, she has no appeal outside the Republican party. "She is unelectable," they will tell you because she has little appeal outside of the GOP base.

But the Gallup poll proves that is not true. Again, from Gallup.Com: Sarah Palin is tied for first among Independent voters. Also, notice that Republicans can still show admiration for Hillary Clinton. But the Democratic party that moves in uni-step on every issue and ridicules anyone with a different view - on abortion, climate change, health care - they can't even bring themselves to cough up any admiration for a best selling author, former Vice Presidential candidate and mother of a special needs child and a soldier in Iraq.

It is a year end poll that says a lot, not only about Sarah Palin's appeal beyond the Republican party, but of a Democratic party with its head in the sand

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Considering the beating Sarah Palin has taken at the hands of the MSM, she is making quite a comeback and a good name for herself. She has more than proven she can take the heat with dignity and grace.
2 reasons she should not be president:

1. She's a quitter. Just up and left Alaska for what? A book deal and tour?

2. There isn't one policy issue that I think of when I hear Palin's name.
BillyB Wrote:2 reasons she should not be president:

1. She's a quitter. Just up and left Alaska for what? A book deal and tour?

2. There isn't one policy issue that I think of when I hear Palin's name.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
UPDATED: Frivolous Ethics Complaints? You Betcha!

Governor Comments on Latest Bogus Ethics Complaint

March 24, 2009, Juneau, Alaska – Governor Sarah Palin issued the following statement in response to another ethics complaint filed today. Filed by an Anchorage political blogger, the complaint alleges the governor '...improperly used her position and state resources to serve her personal financial interests by being a walking billboard for Arctic Cat...'

"Are Alaskans outraged, or at least tired of this yet - another frivolous ethics charge by a political blogger? This would be hilarious if it weren’t so expensive for the state to process these accusations and for me to defend against these bogus harassments. Yes, I wore Arctic Cat snow gear at an outdoor event, because it was cold outside, and by the way, today, I am wearing clothes bearing the names of Alaska artists, and a Glennallen Panthers basketball hoodie. I am a walking billboard for the team’s fundraiser! Should I expect to see an ethics charge for wearing these, or the Carhartts I wear to many public events? How much will this blogger's asinine political grandstanding cost all of us in time and money?"

[COLOR="Red"]This is one example of the frivilous law suits that was costing the State of Alaska millions of dollars to defend and was tying up the Governor's office making it impossible to do the state's business. She also incurred over 1/2 million dollars in personal debt in defense against the polictically motivated lawsuits...and yes, the law suits were filed by democrats. An example, Linda Kellen Biegel, aka the 'Celtic Diva' filed the above ethics complaint against Governor Palin. The Governor decided it would be in the best interest of Alaska if she resigned. It was not because of a book deal and tour - she could have done that when she was govenor.

Let's see, ENERGY! "Drill Baby, Drill!" I think Sarah Palin knows more about this issue than a whole lot of 'tree hugging democrats' such as B. Hussein Obama, Al Gore, and the whole Hee Haw gang!

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