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Kennedy Senate Regime being toppled?
Latest poll results for the vacant Senate seat held by the late Sen. Edward Kennedy.

®Scott Brown 50%
(D)Martha Coakly 46%

This election was formerly viewed as a cakewalk for the democratic party. Ms. Coakley was Teddy's hand picked successor. Does this not prove America's blatant disgust with the democratic party and their underhanded "transparent" policies and tactics?
Coakly is running one of the worst political campaigns that I have ever seen. It is very hard for a liberal Democrat to lose an election in Massachusetts but she is making a great effort. If somebody does not beat me to the punch, I will post some video and pictures tonight that could have been taken from a Saturday Night Live skit.
[quote=Hoot Gibson]Coakly is running one of the worst political campaigns that I have ever seen. It is very hard for a liberal Democrat to lose an election in Massachusetts but she is making a great effort. If somebody does not beat me to the punch, I will post some video and pictures tonight that could have been taken from a Saturday Night Live skit.[/QUOTE]

And how would that differ from any other video or picture involving anything associated with any other Obama administration related event?:biggrin:
As much damage as Bush did to the republican party, that will look like a hiccup compared to what the Dem party will look like after a few years of Obama. Of course he doesnt get much help considering Pelosi and Reid are national figures in the media.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Latest poll results for the vacant Senate seat held by the late Sen. Edward Kennedy.

®Scott Brown 50%
(D)Martha Coakly 46%

This election was formerly viewed as a cakewalk for the democratic party. Ms. Coakley was Teddy's hand picked successor. Does this not prove America's blatant disgust with the democratic party and their underhanded "transparent" policies and tactics?

It's the economy, stupid. Every cycle proponents of both parties crow and crow about a "mandate" and the like when they win. Both parties mistake winning elections 52% to 48% (or less) for some sort of "big sign." I, for one, get tired of politicians talking always about "what the American people want," as if "the American people" is a monolithic mass, instead of a diverse group.
thecavemaster Wrote:It's the economy, stupid. Every cycle proponents of both parties crow and crow about a "mandate" and the like when they win. Both parties mistake winning elections 52% to 48% (or less) for some sort of "big sign." I, for one, get tired of politicians talking always about "what the American people want," as if "the American people" is a monolithic mass, instead of a diverse group.


Yeah, you certainly are right about one thing. The Obama crowd really could care less about what the American public wants. Hey, guess what's gonna end up puttin em out on the street on their lyin hinnys.

What happened to that big ole double digit lead Ms. "the taliban is now gone" Coakly had 2 weeks ago? Reckon it had anything to do with that moronic uninformed statement, and her refusal to answer questions concerning her idiotic response? Huh, huh, huh????

Ohhh, batman your just like a big ol carp. All someone has to do is throw a little bait out there and your all over it just like it's cut stinkbait. How on earth do you reckon I just knew you would swallow this hook, line, and sinker?

Yeah right, it's the economy stupid!!!!!:blabbermo:yikes:

Ah,Batman......You complete me.:Clap:

I liked this sound bite from the last debate, when Brown told the mod. "it's not Kennedy's seat, it's not the democrats seat, it's the people's seat.

[ame=""]YouTube- "It's The People's Seat."[/ame]
Mr.Kimball Wrote:[quote=Hoot Gibson]Coakly is running one of the worst political campaigns that I have ever seen. It is very hard for a liberal Democrat to lose an election in Massachusetts but she is making a great effort. If somebody does not beat me to the punch, I will post some video and pictures tonight that could have been taken from a Saturday Night Live skit.[/QUOTE]

And how would that differ from any other video or picture involving anything associated with any other Obama administration related event?:biggrin:
Good point. Coakly's campaign would make a good 70s era SNL skit - back when the show was still funny. :biggrin:
thecavemaster Wrote:It's the economy, stupid. Every cycle proponents of both parties crow and crow about a "mandate" and the like when they win. Both parties mistake winning elections 52% to 48% (or less) for some sort of "big sign." I, for one, get tired of politicians talking always about "what the American people want," as if "the American people" is a monolithic mass, instead of a diverse group.
In Coakly's case, Carville might have said, "It's the stupid, stupid." She would have breezed to a 10 point+ win if she was not an imbecile. Anything less than a double digit win for Coakly will make many Democrats very nervous. Republicans picked a very good candidate to run against a very bad Democratic candidate.
This is not the best footage of Coakly's goon, Michael Meehan, harassing a Weekly Standard Reporter but you will get the idea. Note that Coakly, a district attorney, stands gawking at the incident and makes no comment.

[YOUTUBE="Weekly Standard Reporter Takes a Fall"]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]

Coakly's comments:

Quote:"I know there were people following, including people from the Brown campaign who have been very aggressive in their stalking. I'm not sure what happened. I know something occurred. I'm not privy to the facts. I'm sure it will come out, but I'm not aware of that."

"I do know the Scott Brown stalkers who have followed me around, and the people at that press conference who were for very right-leaning publications, were incredible aggressive about trying to get in my face. I didn't see what happened so I can't say." link
Here is Coakly's foreign policy expertise on display. I am proud to say that all of my college-aged children knows far more about Afghanistan that Martha does.

[YOUTUBE="Coakly Displays her Ignorance on Current Events"]<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]

This is the Coakly's comment for which the Weekly Standard Reporter got roughed up for asking her a follow-up question.

Finally, here is Coakly's arrogance on parade:

Quote:Coakley bristles at the suggestion that, with so little time left, in an election with such high stakes, she is being too passive.

“As opposed to standing outside Fenway Park? In the cold? Shaking hands?’’ she fires back, in an apparent reference to a Brown online video of him doing just that. “This is a special election. And I know that I have the support of Kim Driscoll. And I now know the members of the [Salem] School Committee, who know far more people than I could ever meet.’ - Link

As I said above, the main issue in this race is stupidity (arrogance is running a close second). On those issues, Coakly is pulling away from Brown, who has run a very smart campaign.
Here Martha Coakley can be heard labeling former Red Sox pitching great, Curt Shilling as a Yankee fan. :lmao:

[YOUTUBE="Another Day, Another Coakly Gaffe"]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]

Too bad the host did not give Martha a little more rope before he explained who Curt Shilling is.
Thanks for the follow up. Nice work Hoot and Old School.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Thanks for the follow up. Nice work Hoot and Old School.
Thanks for starting the thread. There is plenty more material illustrating what a horrible candidate Coakly is but I will just post one more example. Anybody who believes that the Coakly campaign is in trouble because of the economy just has not been paying attention - or they just don't like watching train wrecks.

In a state having a 39 percent Catholic population:

[INDENT]Martha Coakley: Devout Catholics 'Probably shouldn't work in the emergency room'

How can a Massachusetts Senate candidate possibly offend 39 percent of voters in her state? If it's Democrat Attorney General Martha Coakley, she would tell devout Catholics not to bother working in an emergency room (H/T Jim Hoft - Big Government). In the audio clip below, Ms. Coakley chokes on a question from radio host Ken Pittman referring to the conscience clause. Under the conscience clause, workers in health-care environments ranging from doctors to maintenance men can refuse to offer services, information, or advice to patients on issues like contraception, blood transfusions, etc..if the workers are morally against it. Here is how Ms. Coakley handled the matter. (audio and transcript below):

Ken Pittman: Right, if you are a Catholic, and believe what the Pope teaches that any form of birth control is a sin. ah you don’t want to do that.

Martha Coakley: No we have a separation of church and state Ken, lets be clear.

Ken Pittman: In the emergency room you still have your religious freedom.

Martha Coakley: (……uh, eh…um..) The law says that people are allowed to have that. You can have religious freedom but you probably shouldn’t work in the emergency room. - Full transcript here[/INDENT]
Great posts! My favorite is 'its the people's seat!'

Ouch. Coakley’s Husband’s Old Work Buddies Endorse Scott Brown- Slam Martha Coakley
Friday, January 15, 2010, 8:52 PM
Jim Hoft

Thomas is a retired police officer.

Coakley resides in Medford, Massachusetts, with her husband, Thomas F. O’Connor, Jr.

Today Tom’s old work buddies the Cambridge Police Patrol Officers Association slammed Martha Coakley for assuming they supporter her and endorsed Scott Brown for United States Senator.

Legal Insurrection reported the news.

The 212 member Cambridge Police Patrol Officers Association voted to endorse State Senator Scott Brown for United States Senator in next Tuesday’s election against Attorney General Martha Coakley. CPSOA’s President released the following letter today:

All Members,

Members of our Association have inquired and requested that we endorse Scott Brown in the upcoming election against Martha Coakley. Ms. Coakley along with some of her campaign workers have talked publicly about how her husband is a retired Cambridge Police Officer, giving appearances that she is being endorsed by the Cambridge Police. This may be an innocent insinuation but most do take this as our giving her our support and endorsement. Yesterday, the CPPOA Executive Board voted to endorse State Senator Scott Brown in the upcoming election for US Senate. In an 11 to 2 vote, the Executive Board voted overwhelmingly in favor of the endorsement. We do not endorse anyone who advocates changes in the health care that take away any bargaining rights or increases our cost along with our contributions. Senator Brown does not support the Comprehensive Healthcare Reform Bill and promises to be the 41st vote to ensure its defeat.

That hurts
[ame=""]YouTube- Massachusetts Miracle[/ame]

This is brilliant! Let's pray for a miracle next Tuesday, January 19.
With friends like this...

Quote:If you think there's magic out there and things can be turned around overnight, then you would vote for someone who could promise you that, like Scott Brown," Kennedy said. "If you don't, if you know that it takes eight years for George Bush and his cronies to put our country into this hole ... then you know we have a lot of digging to do, but some work needs to be done and this president's in the process of doing it and we need to get Marcia Coakley to help him to do that."

(Curiously, Kennedy mentioned Coakley repeatedly during his remarks to reporters, each time referring to her as "Marcia," not "Martha.") - Link
Brown continues to lead in all of the recently released polls. It looks like the race is going to come down to how many votes ACORN, SEIU, and Obama's other goon squads can steal for Marcia.
All I got to say on this is that the chair of the Mass. Democratic Party should be punched in the kidneys for letting this happen.

This race is all but lost.
DevilsWin Wrote:All I got to say on this is that the chair of the Mass. Democratic Party should be punched in the kidneys for letting this happen.

This race is all but lost.

And that is a bad thing?
The President's agenda depends upon a 3/5 majority in the Senate. How's that for balance of power? Apparently, the Constitution works. If Brown wins, and I think that's highly debateable, the Democrats will have to regroup and rethink, just as the Republicans had to. It's cyclical. That's politics. If the Right Wing Flirt Party on this forum believes that winning mid-term elections is a sign of some tidal wave of public opinion favoring their overall agenda, good luck, That mistake is often repeated. It's cyclical.
She never should have even been on the short list.
thecavemaster Wrote:The President's agenda depends upon a 3/5 majority in the Senate. How's that for balance of power? Apparently, the Constitution works. If Brown wins, and I think that's highly debateable, the Democrats will have to regroup and rethink, just as the Republicans had to. It's cyclical. That's politics. If the Right Wing Flirt Party on this forum believes that winning mid-term elections is a sign of some tidal wave of public opinion favoring their overall agenda, good luck, That mistake is often repeated. It's cyclical.
Seeing that they are currently in a state of panic, I'd say that's a fair statement.

Yeah, just keep telling yourself that.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Seeing that they are currently in a state of panic, I'd say that's a fair statement.

Yeah, just keep telling yourself that.

Are you suggesting that "agenda overreach" has NOT afflicted both parties historically speaking? That the mood swings of the electorate over the last, say, twenty years have been more volatile? Because the "majority" either party claims often depends on a large block of independent voters? Who tend to sway with the breeze? or be single issue driven? that single issue most often being the economy?
thecavemaster Wrote:Are you suggesting that "agenda overreach" has NOT afflicted both parties historically speaking? That the mood swings of the electorate over the last, say, twenty years have been more volatile? Because the "majority" either party claims often depends on a large block of independent voters? Who tend to sway with the breeze? or be single issue driven? that single issue most often being the economy?

No, I'm talking about Jan. 18, 2010.

Spin, spin, spin.

Worried, arent you?
Remember Cliff Claven of Cheers :beer: he, John Ratzenberger, attended a rally with Scott Brown today. Here are some of his remarks.

This isn’t the Democratic party of our fathers and grandfathers. This is the party of Woodstock hippies. I was at Woodstock — I built the stage. And when everything fell apart, and people were fighting for peanut-butter sandwiches, it was the National Guard who came in and saved the same people who were protesting them. So when Hillary Clinton a few years ago wanted to build a Woodstock memorial, I said it should be a statue of a National Guardsman feeding a crying hippie.
The polls this morning now show:

Scott Brown 52%
Martha Coakley 43%
Wonder what spin the dems will put on this one?
Al Franken stole the senate race in Minnesota. Several years ago, the Democrats stole the governor's race in Washington. Brown and the Republicans better be on the alert in Massachusetts. If the GOP hasn't yet learned how votes seem to "appear" at the time of final decision, they deserve to lose.

Still, the Democrats and BO have everything covered. If Coakley wins, BO saved the day by bailing her out at the last minute by gracing the voters with his omnipotent presence on Sunday. If Brown wins, it was merely a local decision and Coakley was a bad candidate. The media, other than Fox, will spin it accordingly.
Truth Wrote:Al Franken stole the senate race in Minnesota. Several years ago, the Democrats stole the governor's race in Washington. Brown and the Republicans better be on the alert in Massachusetts. If the GOP hasn't yet learned how votes seem to "appear" at the time of final decision, they deserve to lose.

Still, the Democrats and BO have everything covered. If Coakley wins, BO saved the day by bailing her out at the last minute by gracing the voters with his omnipotent presence on Sunday. If Brown wins, it was merely a local decision and Coakley was a bad candidate. The media, other than Fox, will spin it accordingly.

Gist of CNN commentary in early morning was that a victory for Brown was a "loud wake up call" to the House and Senate Democrats, perhaps even more dire for them than for Obama himself." Two guests on Washington Journal (C-Span) said basically the same by 7:30, as did several callers. I would say a Brown victory, in my opinion, is a pretty clear "suggestion" to House and Senate Democrats as to the mood of independents, who tend to, in general, be fiscal conservatives. Obama may have to take a big gulp on healthcare reform and go Red Bull energy on jobs and deficit reduction.
thecavemaster Wrote:Gist of CNN commentary in early morning was that a victory for Brown was a "loud wake up call" to the House and Senate Democrats, perhaps even more dire for them than for Obama himself." Two guests on Washington Journal (C-Span) said basically the same by 7:30, as did several callers. I would say a Brown victory, in my opinion, is a pretty clear "suggestion" to House and Senate Democrats as to the mood of independents, who tend to, in general, be fiscal conservatives. Obama may have to take a big gulp on healthcare reform and go Red Bull energy on jobs and deficit reduction.

lol... So, it's only so, when CNN says it's so?:zzz:

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