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Israeli PM gets home support in dispute with U.S.
As if there isnt enough to worry about. If this goes any more sour, this might get ugly.
What would you do in this situation?
Wildcatk23 Wrote:What would you do in this situation?
The US needs to back down and let Israel do whatever they want to do. Simple as that.
Palestinians may be on the brink of war?
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Palestinians may be on the brink of war?
When have the Palestinians not been at war with Israel? Granted, the intensity of the war fluctuates, but the missiles and suicide bomber attacks have never stopped.
TidesHoss32 Wrote:The US needs to back down and let Israel do whatever they want to do. Simple as that.
One thing you can trust, is that Isreal will defend themselves regardless of whatever this current ship of fools administration thinks. If only we had the kahunas in Washington as those that reside in Tel Aviv.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Palestinians may be on the brink of war?

Apparently you have not kept up with middle eastern history.

Just 9% of Israelis believe Obama is pro-Israel. This was before the horrendous and humiliating treatment of Prime Minister Netanyahu.

American support for Israel is at an all-time high - 68%.

[SIZE="4"]Thanks for going against the American People...again![/SIZE]
I agree, we should let Israel do what they want in their OWN country.

They are still our biggest ally though, and they always will be.
When we turn our back on Israel, which is apparently what the guy currently in the White House is doing, Be sure God will turn his back on this country.
I'm a lifelong Dem, though you guys/gals will be hard pressed to tell from my past/future posts. Like many, I'm not a happy camper right now. I guess as a dem, I've been a little sick of bailing out Israel so much, though that is tainted a bit by dating a Jewish girl. (OT-We were doing great, she went to a week long long Jewish "convention" thing, then came back and told me she couldn't see me anymore since I was not Jewish. So I grew up seeing it as a cult, more or less.) So I may be biased.

Having said that, we have ZERO business telling these folks how to run their country. Especially building in zones that were never in question with the Palestinians, like this last episode was. They didn't want to be there, and that area was 100% Jewish. That was just our Prez flexing his muscles. BTW, his mother, pastor and many others in his life were very ANTI-semitic. The apple didn't fall far from the trees.

Secretly though, I greatly admire how they take care of their business. From El Al airlines, to how they tracked down and killed past terrorist, all done without the world even knowing. That was good stuff.
We should take a page out of their book and destroy everyone that screws with us...
miragesmack Wrote:I'm a lifelong Dem, though you guys/gals will be hard pressed to tell from my past/future posts. Like many, I'm not a happy camper right now. I guess as a dem, I've been a little sick of bailing out Israel so much, though that is tainted a bit by dating a Jewish girl. (OT-We were doing great, she went to a week long long Jewish "convention" thing, then came back and told me she couldn't see me anymore since I was not Jewish. So I grew up seeing it as a cult, more or less.) So I may be biased.

Having said that, we have ZERO business telling these folks how to run their country. Especially building in zones that were never in question with the Palestinians, like this last episode was. They didn't want to be there, and that area was 100% Jewish. That was just our Prez flexing his muscles. BTW, his mother, pastor and many others in his life were very ANTI-semitic. The apple didn't fall far from the trees.

Secretly though, I greatly admire how they take care of their business. From El Al airlines, to how they tracked down and killed past terrorist, all done without the world even knowing. That was good stuff.
Excellent post. Israel is our only true ally in the middle east (No, Saudi Arabia is not)and Obama treats them like dirt. Israel is an example of what this country used to be like. If only we had the convictions that we used to have by standing up for what was right and start telling the world that we dont give a crap what they think. It's way past time to stop all of this political correctness crap.
Our interest is in the peace process, not in "telling other people what to do." If the belief is that repaying injustice with injustice will bring about peace, somebody tell the Captain that the blokes ain't buying his schmoozy philosophy. "What, man, you mean they's deacons and elders and such out there that don't pay the Captain no never mind 'bout nothin'?"
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Excellent post. Israel is our only true ally in the middle east (No, Saudi Arabia is not)and Obama treats them like dirt. Israel is an example of what this country used to be like. If only we had the convictions that we used to have by standing up for what was right and start telling the world that we dont give a crap what they think. It's way past time to stop all of this political correctness crap.

I agree 100%.

I understand that America's interest is in the peace process, but, we seem to neglect our own problems and dive straight in to other countries problems, when we absolutely have no business there.
vundy33 Wrote:I agree 100%.

I understand that America's interest is in the peace process, but, we seem to neglect our own problems and dive straight in to other countries problems, when we absolutely have no business there.

A modest suggestion? Domestic problems and international problems aren't either/or, as if we can solve the one and neglect the other, or vice versa. It isn't that we're interested in the peace process: it is that our interest is the peace process.
thecavemaster Wrote:A modest suggestion? Domestic problems and international problems aren't either/or, as if we can solve the one and neglect the other, or vice versa. It isn't that we're interested in the peace process: it is that our interest is the peace process.

I see what you're sayin'...
thecavemaster Wrote:Our interest is in the peace process, not in "telling other people what to do." If the belief is that repaying injustice with injustice will bring about peace, somebody tell the Captain that the blokes ain't buying his schmoozy philosophy. "What, man, you mean they's deacons and elders and such out there that don't pay the Captain no never mind 'bout nothin'?"

Yada, yada, yada!!!!:blabbermo:blabbermo:blabbermo:blabbermo
thecavemaster Wrote:Our interest is in the peace process, not in "telling other people what to do." If the belief is that repaying injustice with injustice will bring about peace, somebody tell the Captain that the blokes ain't buying his schmoozy philosophy. "What, man, you mean they's deacons and elders and such out there that don't pay the Captain no never mind 'bout nothin'?"

Are you so DUMB as to not be able to conceive the notion that it is the desire of groups such as Hamas, Al Queida, etc., etc. to exterminate. Complete eradication of Jews and Westerners. They have absolutely no desire to reach a peace settlement. Their agenda is to kill, kill, kill. It is their religion, that they use to advocate those desires. Are you also so foolish as to not realize that these same groups that you so diligently defend and want to cozy up to would decapitate YOU in a second, if they could get to thecavemaster? Peace process? Yeah, right!!!What a strange cat you are!!!!
t4p3r8 Wrote:When we turn our back on Israel, which is apparently what the guy currently in the White House is doing, Be sure God will turn his back on this country.

This will happen! When it does you better have everything in order because the end of the world is nearing.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Are you so DUMB as to not be able to conceive the notion that it is the desire of groups such as Hamas, Al Queida, etc., etc. to exterminate. Complete eradication of Jews and Westerners. They have absolutely no desire to reach a peace settlement. Their agenda is to kill, kill, kill. It is their religion, that they use to advocate those desires. Are you also so foolish as to not realize that these same groups that you so diligently defend and want to cozy up to would decapitate YOU in a second, if they could get to thecavemaster? Peace process? Yeah, right!!!What a strange cat you are!!!!

I hope they don't decapitate you... imagine that photo in the JCHS gym... ugh... Jihadists do not believe Israel has a right to exist. However, this fact does not, then, mean that a whole group of human beings (Palestinians) can be pushed around and shoved like so much used furniture. Why is it that your either/or mind can't make subtle distinctions? Apparently, you're narrow minded... and, I hear you Ron White, you can't fix that. FACT: I am not "diligently" defending Jihadists, as anyone who thinks killing people for "god's glory" is dangerous, criminal. But, for the purposes of argument, Kemba, when did the facts ever matter to you?
thecavemaster Wrote:I hope they don't decapitate you... imagine that photo in the JCHS gym... ugh... Jihadists do not believe Israel has a right to exist. However, this fact does not, then, mean that a whole group of human beings (Palestinians) can be pushed around and shoved like so much used furniture. Why is it that your either/or mind can't make subtle distinctions? Apparently, you're narrow minded... and, I hear you Ron White, you can't fix that. FACT: I am not "diligently" defending Jihadists, as anyone who thinks killing people for "god's glory" is dangerous, criminal. But, for the purposes of argument, Kemba, when did the facts ever matter to you?
They also dont believe that you have a right to exist either. Narrow minded? And then apparently you just dont think at all!!!

I agree with you Square Peg, lets apologize to them all while we watch them wack the heads off your kids, your wife, your dad, your mother.

Palestinians pushed and shoved around? I beleive it's kind of been the other way around, my friend.
t4p3r8 Wrote:When we turn our back on Israel, which is apparently what the guy currently in the White House is doing, Be sure God will turn his back on this country.
What if there is no god?
t4p3r8 Wrote:When we turn our back on Israel, which is apparently what the guy currently in the White House is doing, Be sure God will turn his back on this country.

Really? So whats he doing for us now?
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Really? So whats he doing for us now?

Well, let's see. In your case, perhaps you have your health, food to eat, a bed to sleep in, a roof over your head, a car to drive..........

Just a few things off the top of my head.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Well, let's see. In your case, perhaps you have your health, food to eat, a bed to sleep in, a roof over your head, a car to drive..........

Just a few things off the top of my head.

Really, How exactly did "HE" Do this. With Proof.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Really, How exactly did "HE" Do this. With Proof.
Einstein never demanded for proof of His existence. Many lesser mortals have.
If anybody on this sight ever wants proof that HE exists, let me show you what I survived. The ONLY reason I am here, is because of Him and His mercy. Six federal and state mine inspectors have told me after the investigation, that there is no way that any man should have survived what I did. I didnt. It was all Him.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Really, How exactly did "HE" Do this. With Proof.
How? I can't answer how. I'm not smart enough to know how.

Actually I should have known better than to waste a second of time on a silly little kid. You go on with whatever you wish, Wcat.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:They also dont believe that you have a right to exist either. Narrow minded? And then apparently you just dont think at all!!!

I agree with you Square Peg, lets apologize to them all while we watch them wack the heads off your kids, your wife, your dad, your mother.

Palestinians pushed and shoved around? I beleive it's kind of been the other way around, my friend.

Jihadist believe I'm an infidel, and with varying degrees of intensity, might let me exist if I didn't threaten their rule. Why would you agree with something I didn't say? Oh, I forgot... that's how you argue. Though you're "whacking" rhetoric is certainly moving, I don't think it proves much about whether or not the Palestinians have experienced injustices at the hands of Israeli policies and practices. When did I suggest that, as a people, the Palestinians had not been guilty of injustices directed at Israel? I didn't... that wasn't the argument... but thanks for playing.

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