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Anyone Distance Run or Do Triathlons?
How many BGR members do 5K's, 10K's, Tri's, or Duo's?

Anyone have any good stories? What's the toughest race you ever attempted? Do you have any races planned in your future?
I ran 10K last year. I started in February doing a little each day until about November..... Wink
My bosses both used to run track for the University of Georgia. They basically keep all of us on our toes for staying active. One of my bosses actually did the Iron Man in Florida last year. Talk about an Epic Race, people really have no clue how long those things really are until you watch them in person. 2.4 miles of swimming in the ocean, 112 mile bike, and a full marathon of 26 miles.

I am currently training for a couple 5K's coming up and have set a goal to do a Sprint Triathlon (.4 mile swim, 15 mile bike, 5k) next Spring.

I used to hate running but now that I am actually taking it serious I am starting to enjoy it.

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